Kill monsters for money

Chapter 95 The Secret of the Spore Forest

Chapter 95 The Secret of the Spore Forest
Connecting the opposite side of the cliff are three large mottled iron chains. Ma Feixiang shouted from the opposite side: "Don't be cowardly! Come here!"

You are the fucking coward!
Su Sa looked around, except for some lateral winds, there was not much danger.

Unfold the vines, extend along the iron chain, hold the vines tightly, and step on the big iron chain.

It's too slippery, this horse is flying, trying to kill me.

However, Su Sa quickly solved the problem in front of him.

Using his mental power, he used the vines on the edge of the cliff, weaved them into long strips and tied them tightly to the big iron chain along the way.

Form a beautiful air corridor.

Looking at the overpass paved with vines, Ma Feixiang stretched his smile: "This kid is really capable, and his mental strength seems to be greater than that of ordinary people!"

Walking through the air corridor, Su Sa jumped onto the opposite spore forest and asked, "Ma Feixiang, what did you bring me here to show me?"

"follow me!"

Ma Feixiang folded his wings and walked forward.

Those spores seemed to have life forms, and some small lives drilled out of them from time to time, which looked much purer than those on land.

They grow underground for many years without sunlight, how do they survive?

"Now you are 3000 meters underground, a brand new underground world."

Ma Feixiang said as he walked, "The spores here are used to purify all biological waste. Each of them is highly poisonous."

With that said, he took out two transparent helmets, put one on himself, and gave one to Su Sa.

He continued: "In the next spore forest, if there is a wind, the dust on the spores will also be highly toxic. You can wear a helmet to isolate it."

Su Sa didn't hesitate. Once the helmet was put on, it covered the whole head, and there was a vent under the helmet.

It feels a bit like an astronaut's helmet.

Other things are fine, but when I speak, I always feel a little awkward, and when I breathe, I feel that the front is always foggy.

"Boy, when you go to buy this helmet in the future, remember to buy a better quality one."

Ma Feixiang said hehe: "After a few days, I will teach you the second turn of "Nine Turns of Sulfur Heart Palm"."

Su Sa wanted to scold people very much.

You don't give me a damn penny, and you still want to buy good quality.

Robbery does not bring such a fight!
Who the hell wants you to teach, great grandfather is much better than you.

At this moment, a "chichi" sound was suddenly heard.

Focusing his eyes, more than a dozen large lanterns quickly moved towards him.

"Don't be afraid, it's just low-level monsters, wait for me to deal with them, and then continue on my way."

Ma Feixiang said, "Stay away."


Su Sa said: "I can promise to buy you more and better things, but the monsters here, leave the last blow to me. I think the beast cores of low-level monsters are useless to you Right, but for me, it can still be used to refine medicine."

"make a deal!"

Ben thought he would bargain, but he didn't expect it to be so straightforward.

Su Sa quickly turned the phone to silent.

Immediately hid behind the spores to watch, this flying horse is really good at it, and it solved those giant pythons in three or two strokes.

He quickly ran over to make up the knife.

The phone was vibrating in her pocket, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Su Sa's mouth.

He quickly took out the beast cores, collected their blood essence and put them into the universe bag.

"Young man, you have a lot of practical experience, and your movements are quite nimble. It's a pity that these low-level giant pythons don't have chips, otherwise they can be sold at a good price."

Ma Feixiang wiped his hands and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a large group of rats attacked.


Ma Feixiang shouted: "Climb to the highest spore!"

Su Sa's feet were slightly bent, and she jumped onto the three-meter-high mushroom.

A few more consecutive jumps, and finally stopped on the giant red umbrella mushroom more than 30 meters high.

It was only when he approached the sky from a distance that he discovered that the sky above the spore forest on the other side of the cliff was not the stars he imagined.

They are wriggling!
But he doesn't have time to care about this now, there are so many Shushu below, Ma Feixiang is in danger.

But when he took a closer look, he realized that his worries were unnecessary.

No matter how many rats there were, his two steel knives pierced deeply into the ground, drawing out the power of countless underground magma, and burning the ground red.

Those big rats were screaming loudly.

But the strange thing is that the spores that covered the mountains and forests showed no sign of withering at all.

Sitting on the tall spores, it feels like baking charcoal fire in winter.

Nothing but comfort.

In this boundless space, the orange wings roasted those rats to taste like meat.

The Shuoshu tide retreated and detoured to other places.

It is possible that they are not very interested in this old winged warrior.

When the lava on the ground dissipated, Su Sa jumped down step by step.

"Boy, these rats are all first-class beasts, do you want to kill them?"

Ma Feixiang said: "They may not even have animal cores."

"I'm more interested in why they don't seem to be so interested in you?"

Su Sa came over and teased, "Do you dislike your rancid smell?"

"You kid is quite daring to say it."

Ma Feixiang put away the steel knife and continued on his way, saying, "They are all just passing by, and gradually rushing towards the periphery of the city's protection circle."

"Those few."

Ma Feixiang pointed to the blood-dried giant python and said, "These second-level ruin beasts are just passing by. There will be a group of snakes passing by later, let's go quickly."

Su Sa followed him and continued to run fast, after running for about half an hour.Finally seeing the brighter lot.

And each spore forest grows taller here.

After walking forward for a while, there was a burst of stench, even with a helmet on, I could smell a very strong smell.

Looking from a distance, it was a mess.

On the ground, half-mutated wolf demons were struggling painfully on the ground.

"Spray them with disinfectant quickly."

Ma Feixiang said angrily: "Damn it, the nuclear radiation outside has become stronger again, and more and more primitive monsters have mutated."

Su Sa opened the Qiankun bag and poured out the disinfectant and bleach one by one.

Ma Feixiang mobilized the energy in his body, mixed all the disinfectant water and bleach together, and rotated in the air to expand the dispersion.

When all the wolf demons are covered, it is evenly thrown down.

"What's the point of saving them?"

Su Sa asked, "They will attack humans."

"When all primitive animals and monsters turn into mutant beasts, and humans cannot survive, Sirius will be destroyed sooner or later.

Sirius is my homeland, and I don't want to lose it. "

There is no falsehood in Ma Feixiang's words. He continued: "Maybe I am not a good person, but the children and grandchildren still have to survive. They cannot lose this great planet and their beautiful home because of our greed and demands."

Su Sa couldn't believe that these words came from him.

A Wing Warrior who was removed from the Warrior.A person who once hurt his fellow disciples for the sake of cultivation.

Ma Feixiang walked to the end of the pack of wolves. In front of him was a wide underground river.

Some mutated fish poked their heads out inside, looking at him and smiling.

So, the emergence of the spore forest is to purify this piece of land?
With doubts, Su Sa followed to the dark river.

(End of this chapter)

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