Kill monsters for money

Chapter 80 The Continuing Fiery Battle

Chapter 80 The Continuing Fiery Battle

Rescue is not difficult, the difficulty is escape.

Although the overlapping worms can't fly, they can be stacked together.

Heightened layer by layer, blocking the road.

There are other insects in the sky joining forces with the big insects, and they will be attacked if they fly too high.

The rescue team took fire attack.

The fire wing warrior lit the torch and used his own energy to expand the fire.

Those flying in the sky will naturally have to go far away. With a certain amount of space, the therapist can control the injury of the Winged Warrior for a while.

It is impossible to repel the entire swarm of king worms, we can only guide them back to their lairs.

Unfortunately, the sky was rumbling loudly and it was raining.

The onlookers had already left the main road and turned to watch the battle indoors.

Su Sa could only take a taxi home.

Watch real-time news on your mobile phone.

At this time, it was raining heavily in the sky.

For the Wing Warriors, it is a great test.

The captain gave an order, and the battle was resolved quickly.

The director switches back to the screen.

"At present, our rescue team has adopted a fierce offensive approach.
The whole scene is too bloody to watch.

In order not to affect the general public, the screen is switched back.

The battle is still going on, let's look at another piece of news first..."

What the hell!

Su Sa really wanted to smash the phone, and it is estimated that many people are also cursing.

But there is no way, too bloody pictures played over the city will scare children.

Taking into account some minors, but also had to do so.

I wanted to call Xiner to check her safety, but I was more afraid of disturbing her.

Better yet, call your parents.

"Hey, son, dinner is ready, are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

The phone was filled with anticipation.

"Mom, I'll be home in about 20 minutes, you guys eat first."

"Well, okay, son, I'll add another dish, you can just come in when you arrive, the door is unlocked."

"Got it, Mom."

After hanging up the phone, Su Sa felt very uncomfortable. She had been to school for so long, and it was already late at night or early in the morning when she got home every night, or she went directly to the top floor to practice as soon as she got home.

Only my sister will always be with my parents.

As soon as she entered the door, Su Meng came out to greet her, and jumped on Su Sa's body to hug her.

"Brother, you came back early, and I haven't had dinner with you for a long time.

Mom made braised fish and shredded chicken today, they are delicious, come quickly. "

Su Sa hugged her sister and said with a smile: "Oh, our Mengmeng seems to have gained weight recently, at least 70 catties."

"elder brother."

Su Meng was a little annoyed, she got off him, curled her lips and said, "I'm not fat, it's just that I've grown taller."

"That's right, my Mengmeng should be 1.4 meters nine now."

"No, it's 1.5 meters away!"

Su Meng said coquettishly: "Brother, did you bring anything fun for him?"

"It's not fun, but brother is on vacation tomorrow, so how about taking you to the playground?"

"Really, that's great, I want to ride the roller coaster!"

"Satisfy you!"

"Brother is great!"

Su Meng happily sat in front of the table, picked up a piece of meat and put it in a small bowl and handed it to Su Sa.

Said: "Brother, you eat meat, this is made by Mengmeng."

"is it?"

Su Sa took a bite and praised: "Our Mengmeng can be a master of cooking, much better than my brother, and I will cook more often in the future."

"That's necessary. I will also be a warrior in the future, but I will do logistics. I will leave it to you to fight and kill, and leave it to me for food, clothing, housing and transportation."

There was light in Su Meng's eyes, like a crystal daffodil.

"This brother agrees with both hands. To be a martial artist, the logistics must be super powerful. You have the potential."

Su Sa let go of her chopsticks, walked into the kitchen, and helped serve the dishes.

At this time, Su Wenqiang also came back.

I was very happy to see Su Sa.

"Sasha, are you back?"

Su Wenqiang said: "Dad just bought some drinks outside, come, let's drink together."

Looking at the two bottles of Moutai in his hand, it seems that his father is willing to live now.

Four dishes and one soup, the atmosphere is very good.

"Mom, don't be so busy, come and eat."

"Here, come, let's get a cucumber and serve your father a drink."

The sound of "cracking" in the kitchen was very loud.

Soon, a bowl of patted cucumbers was served on the table, and my mother's complexion improved a lot. She hadn't worked hard recently, and her body was much stronger.

Su Wenqiang poured himself a small glass of wine, and poured a small glass for Su Sa.

"Son, I heard that you have now broken through to become a martial artist. Dad is really happy for you."

Su Wenqiang took a sip of his wine and crunched two pieces of cucumber.

He continued: "The school called me and said it sent you a bonus. I don't know if you have received it."

"is it?"

Su Sa turned on her phone and checked, and sure enough there was a transfer.

Said: "That's right, there are 500 contribution points."


Su Sa suddenly remembered something and said, "Mom and Dad, do you still have any money with you now? My son is not short of money now."

He took out a bank card and handed it to Chen Meiling: "Mom, from now on, you take this card. If the scholarship is not cash, it will be credited to this card. There are many places where the family needs money.

If you want to use it, just swipe the card directly, don't save it, if you don't have enough money, just ask me for it. "


Chen Meiling couldn't bear it anymore and started crying.

"what happened?"

Su Sa looked at his father and asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Su Wenqiang took a sip of his wine and sighed.

"What else, that vampire."

Su Meng said: "He didn't know what happened, his legs were amputated, he said he couldn't work now, he couldn't make money, and the money for the children to go to school was not enough, so he asked his father to borrow money.

He also said that you broke his legs, and if we don't keep him, he will sue you in court.

Dad brought the wine to see him, and he probably didn't want it, so Dad took it back and drank it himself.

You don't know, that vampire is so annoying, he never shows up at night, and during the day, he blocks the door and refuses to leave. "

"damn thing!"

Su Sa hit the table with a fist, opening a big crack.

Angrily said: "This bastard, let's see if I don't kill him!"


Su Wenqiang said: "After all, his leg was amputated because of you. It should be right to give him some money. It's just that his parents have no business to do now, and they couldn't find a job, so..."

"Dad, don't worry about this matter from now on."

Su Sa picked up her phone and dialed the police.

"I'll go out and make a phone call first, you guys eat first."

After speaking, he went out.

Su Meng didn't care so much, she ate her own food.

"My child, don't cry."

Su Wenqiang blamed himself: "It's all my fault. I have no skills and can't make a lot of money. Sasha is only 18 years old, so he has to take on such a big responsibility."

"Mom, don't cry anymore, brother must have a way."

Su Meng picked up a piece of fish, put it in her bowl, and said, "Mom, that vampire, my brother will take care of it soon, you can eat."

After a while, Su Sa came back, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry, no one will ask you for money again."

(End of this chapter)

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