Kill monsters for money

Chapter 78 This fool is still unwilling to be a fool

Chapter 78 This fool is still unwilling to be a fool

"You are all here, get in the car first."

Xiao Xi came out of the video game city with an elegant posture. Seeing that the co-pilot already had a fat man, she obediently sat behind Su Sa.

It is not common for a tour bus like this to appear in the city.

The girls started chattering around Xiao Xi.

Su Sa drove the car slowly on the road.

The tour bus is divided into six rows, and four people can sit in one shot, but they are relatively thin, and five people are crowded together in a row, which happens to be full of three rows.

The car drove all the way, getting more and more remote.

Finally out of the city, to the suburbs.

Only then did Xiao Xi realize that he was going to take everyone to a farmhouse.

Fortunately, this tour bus can be used in combination with light energy and nitrogen, otherwise, it would not be able to reach the place at all.

Beautiful girls got out of the car one by one. At this time, there were rice fields in the suburbs.The rice is not yet ripe this month.

Mosquitoes, on the other hand, have bred generation after generation.

The girls are all dressed very coolly.

When they got out of the car, the mosquitoes surrounded them to help them lose weight.

The fat man sniggered from the side: This fool is still unwilling to be taken for a ride.

A dozen chickens, ducks, and geese rushed out of the cage, and when they saw a group of girls, they hopped over to welcome them.

For a while, all kinds of feathers and feces entertained them warmly.

Even Xiao Xi became pale.

"Fool, your mind power is good, and you can control it well."

After the fat man finished speaking, he put away his smile and went to help them.

After a lot of tossing, Su Sa suppressed her smile and participated in driving the animals away for them.

"Xiao Xi, what did you do, how did you get someone to bring us to such a ghostly place."

"That's right, I said please eat, why didn't you say in advance that you are coming to the farmhouse, you see, you messed with us."

"I won't trust you anymore, you woman is selfish!"


After complaining for a while, Su Sa said: "I'm sorry, sisters, this kind of thing never happened in the past. Today, maybe these chickens, ducks and geese have never seen the world. They are fascinated by so many beautiful young ladies.

I'm really sorry, you guys should change into your clothes, there are some girls' clothes in the car just now. "

"Okay, classmate Su is more careful, sisters, let's change clothes together, now this whole body is full of fluff, it's disgusting."

One of the girls shouted, "Come on, let's go to the women's bathroom over there to change."

After they walked away, the boss hurried over: "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, you said that there will be a private room today, so I need to prepare more chickens, ducks and geese, so I went to the backyard to grab some, but I didn't expect the cage to be opened as soon as I got on board." up.

Are your friends all right? How about I prepare some hot water for them? "

"So, now there is only cold water in the bathroom?"

Xiao Xi asked: "Boss, is there any other place where I can change clothes and take a shower?"

"This, there is, but it's a bit smelly."

The boss was a little embarrassed and said: "How about you go to the room to change, and I will close the curtain for you?"

"Student Xiao, this suit is for you. I think you have a good figure, so you must look good in it."

Su Sa gave her a colorful dress.

Xiao Xi took a closer look, isn't that Snow White's dress in the playground?

It seems that I was too impulsive to have someone teach him a lesson yesterday.

Fortunately he was not injured.

But his behavior today, could it be just an accident?

Without thinking too much, Xiao Xi took the clothes and went to the room to finish changing.

The boss asked someone to clean up the tables on the ground and made two big round tables.

After a while, the girls came out after changing their clothes.

The way they walked was weird and a little awkward.

"Student Su Sa, are there only these clothes in this car? I think they are all clothes used for performances in the playground."

A girl said: "Look, how do I look like a witch in this dress?"

"Well, I'm sorry, there are only these clothes in the car, and I can't find them temporarily."

"It's ok."

The girl became very understanding and said: "Actually, I think this dress is also very cute. Look, they still wear dwarf clothes."

Girls came out of the bathroom one by one, dressed in all kinds of clothes.

What dwarfs, hunters, queens, kings, elves.There is everything.

It has become a beautiful scenery in this farm.

At this time, Xiao Xi also came out.

She looked stunning in a Snow White dress and a tiny crown.

Suddenly became the focus.

But when the other girls saw it, their faces turned dark, and all of them were sullen and silent.

Su Sa pretended nothing happened, invited everyone to sit down, and poured tea.

After a while, the dishes came.

First of all, there are a few soup dishes. At this time, everyone is also hungry, so they pick up chopsticks and spoons and start eating.

Next, a few famous dishes were served.

"Fried Cicada", "Wild Bee Meat", "Fried Grasshopper", "Scorpion Climbing Snow Mountain", "Shabu Scorpion".

Xiao Xi looked at it, smiled and said: "Brother Su, how do you know I like these? It's really great, but not everywhere has such delicious food."

She picked up a scorpion and put it in her mouth, crunching and chewing.

"It's so delicious."

Xiao Xi put one in Su Sa's bowl and said, "Brother Su, try it too."

Su Sa wanted to refuse, but she ordered the dishes herself.I don't eat it myself, it's a bit embarrassing.

Gathering up the courage, I put it in my mouth and chewed it crunchily.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

The girls on the side couldn't put their chopsticks down at all.

The fat man smiled and said, "It seems that everyone doesn't like special dishes very much. I'll let the boss serve some home-cooked dishes first."

After finishing speaking, he greeted the boss and told him.

When a few fried dishes came up, Xiao Xi had almost finished eating.

The two girls next to her felt their stomachs churning, ran aside and vomited.

Seeing that they were still eating there, the two couldn't help complaining in a low voice:
"Look at Xiao Xi's face, it's disgusting, let us come here to make green leaves for her!"

"That is, she is Snow White, and we are witches and dwarves? All the dishes she likes are ordered, making us sick on the side."

"In my opinion, she's probably here to show off. Su Sa is a celebrity in the school. She deliberately invited us out to give her a show."

"Whoever takes her as a friend in the future will be a dog!"


After muttering for a long time, the two returned to their seats, and finally served some normal dishes, and a dozen of them ate together.

I always sweat profusely while eating, even with the air conditioner on.

By the time we got back in the car, it was already 3:[-] pm.

Along the way, the girls always felt extremely itchy, but they were too embarrassed to scratch.

Especially Xiao Xi, who seemed to be crawling by countless ants.

Su Sa whistled, feeling happy in her heart.

The meals for these 20 contribution points are worth the money!Although it is from the fat man.

However, it can be regarded as revenge for him.

If you want to come out and eat plain rice, it is necessary to suffer a little.

Don't be cheap, girls.

This meal wiped out the fragile friendship between Xiao Xi and these girls.

(End of this chapter)

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