Kill monsters for money

Chapter 45 Qiankun Bag

Chapter 45 Qiankun Bag


Finally peeled off a little bit.

dazzling!It's metallic inside.

He tapped the bamboo shoots inside, and there was a metallic sound.

Where is this bamboo shoot?It is simply a weapon of growth!It actually mutated?

He quickly took out his phone and took a few photos of the bamboo shoots.

Do you want to tell grandpa about this?Or tell Kinji?

"The system warns that you have not slept for more than 47 hours and 50 minutes. If it exceeds 48 hours, the system will automatically use a large amount of funds to replenish body functions."

Holy crap, didn't the whole team get promoted just now?

Do you want to replenish your body now?I will really find a reason!

Forget it, rest!
These bamboos, I guess they won't be able to find anything!
Lie on the bed, think about it or take a look at the attributes to sleep peacefully!

Summon the system panel and take a look.

The system shows: 3960011 contribution points, 149 calories of blood energy, and 410 hertz of spiritual energy.Arm strength: 2100 catties.Bone toughness: 180, resistance: 200, physical attack: 180, spell attack: 100, summoning: entry-level, wing energy: elementary plus, wing speed: 210 yards.

My dear boy, so many attributes have been added all at once, but this contribution point is a bit wrong, why is there so many less all at once?
Looking at the three dots behind it, I couldn't help but click on it to have a look.

Checked the records:
Consume 20000 contribution points; improve qualifications for all;

Consumes 100 contribution points; spiritual energy replenishment;


I go, it consumes a lot.

But, it's worth it, if you improve so much at once, you're definitely not far from breaking through.


Duke of Zhou is playing chess~
When one dream after another entered Su Sa's world, it left again.

The light of dawn came quietly.


I can no longer tell whether it is a dream or reality, and I always feel something is wrong in my sleep.

Sleeping is always comfortable, maybe too tired.

Gradually fell into a deep sleep.

"You smell of her perfume, it's my nose's fault, I shouldn't smell her beauty..."

who!Calling people early in the morning disturbs people's dreams!

Reluctantly, he touched the phone, rubbed his eyes and looked at it.

"So it's He Qianqian, why is she calling me? Could it be..."

Thinking about it suddenly, he put down the phone subconsciously, but then thought about it again, it seems that Ruo Ruo promised to buy a house yesterday.

Quickly picked up the phone and asked, "Hello? It's Ms. He, right? I'm sorry, I overslept because I had a drinking party yesterday."

"Mr. Su, ah, it's all right, I just saw that it's past ten o'clock, and you haven't come to go through the formalities, so I'll call and ask."

There was joy and anxiety on the other end of the phone.

"What? It's past ten o'clock? I'll drive there right away!"

Su Sa sat up from the bed in a panic, feeling something was wrong, her body was chilly.It seems to be ventilated from all sides.

Looking around, I panicked.

I'll go, what's the situation!
"What's the matter, Mr. Su?"

"Uh, it's nothing, I might have something to do, later, in the afternoon, I should be able to come to your store at 01:30, if there is any special situation, I will call you, that's it!"

Su Sa hurriedly hung up the phone.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he swallowed unconsciously.

I live on the second floor. From the perspective of my eyes, I feel as if I am in a forest.

It is covered with bamboo, and each one is as hard as a steel rod.

Lush and lush, the huge bamboo leaves look like zong leaves.

Are these bamboos fine?

Su Sa carefully observed these bamboos, but not all of them had metal trunks.

Logically speaking, these bamboo poles should belong to the herbaceous family. Why do they sound solid instead of hollow?
Su Sa walked to the stairs and looked down, the first floor has been occupied by plants.

And the vines spreading on the wall all have sharp barbs.And there are some spores growing on the ground, which are very bright.

Smell it carefully, and there is a faint fragrance coming.

Speaking, such a scene, anyone will be a little flustered.Maybe there is some deadly threat hidden under the vines or spores.

Su Sa first called Yan Chengxin.

After ringing for a while, no one answered.

When it was over, I received a message: Sorry, I am busy, I will call you back later.

It seems that she may be fighting monsters and not necessarily anything.

Su Sa had no choice but to pluck up her courage, opened the dagger from her bag, and walked down the stairs step by step avoiding some brightly colored small bacteria.

When stepping on the ground of the first floor, a vine suddenly entangled his right foot.

Pain like being cut by a knife.

Su Sa is like a dagger, and it's a knife when he goes down.


Some green liquid came out from the severed vines.

"What the hell, it's disgusting!"

Su Sa glanced at the liquid on the ground with disgust, what kind of bear stuff, sticky.

He simply didn't care about anything, stepped on the spores on the ground and walked towards the living room.

Only then did I realize that except for the alloy knife, the rest of my living room was covered with moss.

I really want to ask the system what's going on, but the system doesn't answer at all.

"The smell of her perfume on you is the sin of my nose~"

Why are you calling again?

Su Sa turned on the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar local number, marked with the words "Express delivery, takeaway".


"Is it Mr. Su Sasu?"

"it's me!"

"Your courier, please open the door, I'm at the gate of your yard."

"please wait for a while."


The express delivery is really fast, and the order was placed in the early morning.

Su Sa looked around, this scene should not scare anyone.

He walked out quickly and looked outside, everything was as usual.

Heaved a sigh of relief, went out to take the courier, signed it, and politely said thank you.

"Remember to give me five-star praise!"

"it is good!"

After taking the courier, Su Sa looked back, and from the outside, the inside of the house didn't seem to have changed at all.

No wonder there wasn't a single onlooker.

After sneering, he went back to the house and found that these plants did not attack him anymore.

He opened the courier, and there was a delicate box inside.

After opening the box, there is a zippered pouch that looks like a small purse, but a bit like the pouches in ancient times.

Flannel fabric, and an instruction manual.

Open the manual and don't bother to read the details.

Interesting is the combined method:

After you receive the courier, please enter your facial recognition and fingerprint recognition into the compressed package intelligent system.

The operation method is to open the zipper.Touch the "Record" button on the aerial display.

After the entry is complete, please check the size of the space inside and pay attention to the classification of items.

The operation method is to classify the information you want to classify by voice on the touch screen in the air, and it can be divided into twelve categories at most.

For example, food, weapons, monster parts, valuables, etc.

When you want to take out the corresponding object, you can take it out as long as you meditate on what you put in.

Please try to communicate with this product more, and you will use this product more smoothly according to your usage habits.

After you complete the above steps, you can turn on the automatic positioning system to prevent loss.

You can also turn on the forced demolition self-destruction system. If you are forced to demolish by illegal elements, all stored objects will be destroyed by yourself.

This product can be charged with light energy, and the battery life is worry-free.

(End of this chapter)

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