Kill monsters for money

Chapter 331 Finale, the last time

Chapter 331 Finale, the last time
The victory of the battle made all the students cheer.

The conspiracy between Demon King Star and Chiyang Star has been completely destroyed!
On October 2037, 10, Battleship Crazy Wolf No. 30, Battleship Yutu No. [-], and Battleship Qinglong No. [-] were successfully returned to the Sirius Xiaoxiang International Wings Corps.

But the battle didn't end there.

The global emergency order broadcasts that in 2040, Sirius will be destroyed.

What Su Sa knew was that the universe collapsed and another big bang occurred. Apart from Sirius, there were hundreds of planets and all the stars would be destroyed.

The instructions received by the superiors are to do everything possible to enhance the strength of the global Wing Warriors.

On September 2039st, 9, 1-year-old Tangtang is already in the third grade of elementary school. She is very smart, and her younger brother is now one and a half years old.

Tangtang's younger brother is named Su Bai, and he is fat and cute.

Su Sa knew that his time was running out, and he had to do his best to break through to the level of the White Wing Valkyrie.

When he came out of the space plant cultivation base, the two immortal grasses in his hand - the soul-severing grass and the immortal grass.

No one has ever taken these two celestial herbs at the same time, but now, he must take a risk.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang Ba Gua Zhang!"

Integrating the two powers of the grass jelly, whether it succeeds or not, this is a chance!
He has no way out!
Finally, the two celestial grasses merged into one under the fusion of palm strength, and Su Sa swallowed it in one gulp.

As soon as it entered the throat, it was like a raging fire and frozen at the same time, and its own body was once invisible destroyed.

The intense destructive power was already so painful that it was indescribable. I only felt that the bones were broken and the flesh and blood were burned.

The spiritual world suddenly appeared, and Su Zizhan entered it very seriously this time.

He said slowly: "Child, this should be the last time I entered your spiritual world, your great grandfather, you are very good, and you have reached the most powerful existence in the universe.

The process will be very painful. Your body will be burned for seven to seven days, and then you will experience another seven to seven days of scraping your bones with ice skates. When you open the channels of yin and yang, you will become a god! "

Su Sa was trembling all over, and said with a sneer, "I can bear any kind of pain, but in the future, my wife and child..."

"Everything is God's will in the dark!"

Su Zizhan sighed and said: "People have joys and sorrows, the moon waxes and wanes, the burden on your shoulders is too heavy, you have to bear it all!

Now, I will activate your star power, the rest, you need to understand it yourself! "

He pressed his right hand on Su Sa's celestial spirit cap, and a wave of force penetrated into his body...

2039, June 12.

Countless meteors fell, and the scorching flames scorched the land of Sirius.

The ground temperature has reached 90 degrees.Ordinary people can only hide in shelters and defense terminal stations.

Before this, the large-scale rampant incidents of wild beasts had caused people to suffer unspeakably.

Large tracts of marine life and desert creatures died, and the whole world fell into panic.

Students are no longer able to go to class. Regarding the fact of global destruction, people only have a final farewell and are ready to accept this tragedy.

However, the world's highest equipment center has provided a planetary wing warrior transfer plan, and tickets for the twelve super spaceships on Sirius have already started selling.

It is only sold to Wing Warriors, and students and children who have the aptitude to spread wings.

If it is a non-wing warrior, unless the family has a general of the level of Red Wing Martial Emperor or above, he can bring a family member with him. Others can only wait for death in the shelter and defense station.

The Crazy Wolf team, 71 students who were rescued, decided to fight for the planet until the last moment.

On December 2039, 12, 3 Wing Warrior personnel were transferred worldwide.

Three trainees died in the battle of alien beasts.

On December 2039, 12, eleven super spaceships have left the world, and there are still 5 places left for the last spaceship.

Yan Chengxin hasn't left, Su Sa hasn't woken up yet, and her two children haven't tested Zhan Yi's aptitude yet.

On December 2039th, 12, the flame of global destruction has been burning continuously for a month. The students, except Hao Meili and Li Yi, have been transferred, and the last super spaceship has left Sirius.

The people who stayed on Sirius, apart from endless despair, were already in chaos.

None of the members of the Crazy Wolf team left.

Yan Chengxin took two children and sat next to Su Sa, with a mentality of seeing death as home.

He Sheng is now an adult at the age of 18, and his aptitude to spread wings is very rare, and he has been successfully admitted to the Xiaoxiang Martial Arts School, but now he has become a piece of waste paper.

He sighed: "It seems that the wish to fight in space with my parents will come to nothing! In less than three hours, Sirius will be destroyed.

Now the ground temperature has reached 300 degrees, and it is burning a lot. Even if we are in this villa with strong defense, it is still useless!

However, it doesn't matter, you can be reduced to ashes with everyone, it's okay! "


Su Shuang sighed: "There is still this unborn baby accompanying everyone!"


The high floors outside collapsed and were already in ruins.

No matter how strong the defense of the community is, as long as the final explosion arrives, it will only become a ruin!
"No matter what, I will stick to it until the last moment!"

Hao Meili said: "We can't sit still! The monsters outside are coming soon, I'll kill them!"

"I am coming too!"

Li Mei flew out together with Hao Meili!
"The Crazy Wolf team obeys the order, the woman stays to protect the elderly and children, and everyone else, follow me!"

He Huo and Su Shuang kissed each other for the last time and then flew out.


The huge monster crushed a building with one foot, and surrounded it from all directions.

"Husband! Let's wipe out the nearest monster together!"

As Hao Meili said, she had already flew towards the spike that the monster attacked.

Li Spy flew over quickly and fought with her.

But soon, the monsters found them, spit out flames, and burned them heavily. The poisonous gas in the flames made it impossible for them to continue flying.

I saw a huge dark cloud covering the top of the head, Hao Meili and Li Yi had no time to escape, they had been crushed by the huge monster and turned into ashes.

"You killed my sister and brother-in-law, I will kill you!"

Hao Qingsong rushed over with his gray six wings, the power of the monster was very powerful, and the wing warriors of the Crazy Wolf team did not back down even a single step.

A huge barrier rose in the international military complex, and He Huo and Hu Ke fought bloody battles.

The power of the Black Wing Martial Emperor was extremely powerful, and he quickly killed dozens of monsters.

However, a bigger disaster is coming soon.

The sky suddenly went dark, and the sun's light was swallowed up.And Sirius was about to be hit by the meteorite, the two collided and disappeared.

Just at the last moment to hit Sirius.

Suddenly a white light flashed in the sky, and the power of the vast universe rose to resist the impact of the planet.

"Farewell, my loved ones..."

Su Sa flapped her white wings and flew into the sky like a god.

He lifted the planet, gathered all the power in his body, and sent it out into space.

The universe is about to explode, and only by sacrificing the power of one's own star can this be stopped!
His body was gradually disintegrated, turning into extremely fine particles scattered in the universe.

The Starlight Capricorn Beast flew over and knelt farewell: "Dear Star Envoy, thank you for your sacrifice. Our Starlight Universe will always remember it."

Su Sa smiled weakly, destroying herself, the day finally came.

No time to say goodbye to my wife and children, endless regrets...

Finally, the power of the black hole gradually disappeared, and the monster was reduced to ashes.

And those rioting cosmic planets have resumed their normal operation.

Everything is gradually returning to normal.

On the distant planet Poloresa, an old man with a scar on his face received a message from Su Sa: The conspiracy of the people from Poloresa has been destroyed, you should go home.

The old man smiled, and the Polo Lesa star that was about to explode suddenly stopped exploding. He was very relieved to leave everything here, and flapped his wings to leave.

Yan Chengxin was flying around the world with her two children in her arms, but she could no longer feel Su Sa's breath.

Hao Meili disappeared, and Hao Qingsong cried while hugging Tan Mianmian.

He Sheng returned to his parents. Although more than half of the Sirius star was destroyed, at the same time, all the beasts had disappeared.

And the aura is gradually recovering.

The whole world is still there, only Su Sa, he disappeared, completely disappeared...

【End of this book】

 Well, my dear friends, the book is finished, but let me give you a side story: when Su Sa woke up again, he returned to the earth, and when he quarreled with his wife for the first time, when the wife returned to her natal home.

  He remembered that he was quite an asshole, he yelled at his wife when he had money, and now he was born again, since God can give him another chance, he will definitely cherish it!
  He went back to the villa he just bought, quit the housekeeper, bought 999 roses, and went to his mother-in-law's house.

  Yan Chengxin forgave herself by pleading guilty, only then did she find out that Yan Chengxin was pregnant.

  Nine months later, Yan Chengxin gave birth to a girl, and Su Sa named her Su Zi.

  The female secretary in the company has a very beautiful daughter, who is the grown-up Sister Camellia.

  On the same day, Su Sa gave double salary and dismissed the female secretary.

  In the same year, her sister planned to divorce, but she was hesitant. Originally, Su Sa didn't care about her, but this time, Su Sa hired a lawyer, collected evidence of her brother-in-law's domestic violence, and asked them to divorce.

  As for He Huo, the distraught elementary school teacher, Su Sa took a fancy to his technology and gave him funding, allowing him to successfully open a software company. Three years later, he married his sister.

  The younger sister also opened a restaurant and became the chef.

  Hao Meili did not come back to life, she died in infancy.

  And Fatty became his new housekeeper.

  The extra episode is over!
(End of this chapter)

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