Kill monsters for money

Chapter 319 Training at Kodor Star Base

Chapter 319 Training at Kodor Star Base
Su Shuang said dejectedly: "Hey! It's so boring to have a baby!"

"Wait until the confinement period is over!"

He Huo comforted him, and he said, "The confinement lady I hired will come soon, and the nurse will be on the way, my wife, you can rest easy and recuperate!"

"Sister, you are in charge now, but it is an extremely important task to breed an excellent next generation! When the children grow up, the future will be theirs!"

Su Sa said, glanced at Yan Chengxin, and continued: "When we finish the next battle, we will also have a child so that they can play together!"

"Who is going to have a baby with you!"

Yan Chengxin blushed and cleaned the baby's feeding bottle.

"makes sense!"

Su Shuang continued, "Look at this skillful appearance, if you give birth to a child yourself, you might be so happy!"

At this time, the phone vibrated, and Su Sa turned on the phone to see that it was a message from Ma Feixiang: Young man, when you see this message, I have already flown to Polo Lesa.

Everywhere in the laboratory has been handed over. In the future, Wang Peng and his wife will be my successors. Although they are not wing warriors, they also have a firm determination to change the mutant ecosystem.

If one day, Sirius is no longer the world of beasts, and people can live and work in peace, maybe, then I will come back.


The second message: Continuing from the previous one, the Poloresa people are my old enemies. I haven't done much good in my life. This thing must be the greatest contribution I have made to Sirius in my life.

You are a young and promising young man, remember, no matter how difficult the difficulties you encounter, don't be discouraged, don't compromise, and don't fall into demons and heresies.

I'm waiting for you on Pororesa!

Su Sa was deeply touched by the two short messages. He finally reached the level of Emperor Wudi of Red Wings and finally fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

In the future, you have to speed up your own path!

The city above broadcasts: "Dear citizens and friends, this raid on the Boro Ressa star has had a great impact on our Huaxia Kingdom.

According to incomplete statistics, there are a total of 25 cities and [-] towns and villages in our country that were seriously affected by the Raid by the Poloressa Stars, and it has spread to the surrounding areas.

The death toll reached 6978, including 2785 Wing Warriors, 35 Yellow Wing Wing Kings, and one Orange Wing Wing Emperor.The value of damaged building property is about 1 billion contribution points.

Now the country is urgently dealing with the wounded and helping the victims of the disaster.Citizens in safe areas are requested to maintain a high level of vigilance.

If you find the remnants of the intruders on Polo Ressa, call the police immediately, or inform the wing warriors around you..."


He Huo clenched his fists: "These Boloresa people dare to invade on the day my son is born! Brother, younger brother and sister, I will leave Xiaoshuang to you, and I will come as soon as I go!"


Su Shuang wanted to say something else, but she stopped and said, "Be careful..."

He Huo nodded and left without looking back.

Three days later, members of the Flame Club successfully captured the remnants of Planet Poloresa, and made them into specimens, depriving them of nerves.

On July 2020, 7, Su Shuang, who had just rested for a month, rejoined the team and started training.

And from now on, everyone has already started training to fight against space monsters and giant bosses.

In the absence of battleships, the battle boss training lasts for one year.

During a year of fighting, Su Sa successfully broke through to the Orange Wing Martial Saint, the first of all the team members to break through.

December 2021, 7.

The first time to go deep into the alien simulation base for practical training.

This time the target: Kodor star

Hu Ke confessed: In the training on Kodor Star, the entire planet, except for the simulated Kodor Star people and large-scale ruins beasts, the ecological environment there is a one-to-one restoration of the real scene.

The battleship had already arrived at the territory, and it stopped 10 meters away from the Kodor star land.

"The battleship can no longer move forward, everyone must rely on their own abilities to fly down!"

After Hu Ke finished speaking, he flew out first.

"'s so cold!"

The fat man complained: "It's so cold outside space here, what kind of weirdo is this planet?"

"The surface temperature of Kodor Star is still very friendly, everyone don't complain, fly with me!"

He flapped his orange wings and quickly flew down.

Everyone used their spiritual power to resist the cold.Some of the communication devices carried on the body have automatically shut down due to the cold.

Looking down, Kodor Star is also a blue planet, but it is bright blue. The further you go down, the brighter and whiter it feels.

Through the thick clouds, the wind seems to be stronger than that of Sirius, and the penetrating power of that wind is much harsher than that of Sirius.

Su Sa couldn't help asking: "Can humans really live on this planet?"

The fat man continued: "I think if there is a living body, it should be a stuffed creature. It's getting colder and colder, and the spiritual power in my body is constantly being consumed!"

Hu Ke said with a smile: "There are creatures in the 3000-degree high temperature of the magma. Is it rare for life that can resist the cold of minus 200 degrees?"

"What? Minus 200 degrees? If ordinary people without spiritual power come here, wouldn't they become popsicles in an instant?"

The fat man couldn't help shivering, and sighed: "It's better to have some skills, otherwise, you won't be able to appreciate the unfriendliness of this planet!"

"If we want to fight in the universe, we must adapt to different planetary environments in addition to space battles! This is just pure cold, a very simple planet, and we can reach the ground in one minute after flying, everyone remember to take good precautions!"

Hu Ke speeded up and flew down, followed by Su Sa.

The gravity here is not as strong as that of Sirius, but it is much better than that of the moon. After breaking through 20000 meters, it can basically switch to a balanced flight without spiritual power.

There is a forest in front of you, full of green and colorful flowers.

On the ground, the temperature is much better, and the body temperature is around 18 to 20 degrees.

Everyone took off the protective cover and breathed the air here.

But the strange thing is that the flowers here were all in full bloom just now, but when we reached the ground, they were all closed.

Hu Ke explained: "The flowers here will have some resistance to outside creatures, as if they are conscious, but they will not move their positions except for swaying and closing in place and selective growth.

Looking at this sea of ​​flowers with the naked eye, they are non-toxic and entangled!Everyone can rest in peace for a while, as long as they don't feel hostile, they will naturally bloom! "

"However, everyone must be prepared at any time, the weather here is unpredictable!"

He Huo held up an umbrella to support himself and Su Shuang, and continued: "Maybe, it will rain soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a crackling downpour began to fall.

Fortunately, everyone reacted quickly and immediately gathered a barrier to protect themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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