Kill monsters for money

Chapter 307 We were enemies yesterday, but now we are friends

Chapter 307 We were enemies yesterday, but now we are friends

At this time, the members of the Thunder Dragon team had already stood up, and Yan Chengxin gave them the healing spirit summoning technique.

Lei Zirong, Lei Zihua, Lei Zifu, and Lei Zigui walked up to Su Sa and hugged the boys.

Lei Zirong said: "Captain of the Crazy Wolf team, you are very good. Although we have only played three games along the way, we admire your ability and strength very much.

It is our choice to go to an alien for an internship, and we may not see it again in the future. You must work hard and become the Red Wing Martial Emperor as soon as possible!
When we return, we will continue to compete! "

"Well, in the future, we will no longer be enemies, but friends!"

"It may also be a comrade-in-arms!"

The members of the two teams hugged their shoulders together. They were fighting to the death just now, and now they suddenly have to say goodbye. It's really a bit indescribably sad...

The Pluto team and Polaris team also came on stage.

They didn't chat for long, and the host had already talked about the award ceremony.

The host Ronaldinho said passionately: "Our Xiaoxiang Battle Hall is very generous. This time, we have decided to give rewards to the top four in the competition!
First up for our Pluto and Polaris teams! "

The ones who brought the rewards to the ring were two green wing warriors, they flew onto the stage and presented them with two big gift boxes.

The host Xiao Luo continued: "You must never have imagined how powerful our rewards are! Come, let us see what is inside the gift box!"

As captains, Lou Lilan and Sun Shaofei opened the big gift box.

There was a flash of golden light inside, but the light soon disappeared.

"Form-changing methods! These form-changing methods, although they are not the strongest form-changing methods, but they have a very big advantage. When practicing, you will not encounter any danger!"

The host Xiao Luo spread the knowledge to everyone: "You may have heard some form-changing methods. There are three types of form-changing methods. One is the primary form-changing method. It is not difficult or dangerous to practice.

But, again, it works poorly.Up to ten seconds!Such form-changing methods can be purchased on the market.The price is not low, and it is naturally suitable for partners who do not have too many requirements.

As for the medium-level form-changing method, it is relatively more difficult to cultivate, but it will not cause bad effects after the failure of cultivation.It is relative to the elementary form transformation Dafa.

The duration is long, and after the form change is over, it has little effect on the body, so you can continue to fight.It is expensive in the market, if you are not careful, you may buy a pirated copy!

To put it bluntly, there is nothing on the market to sell, even if you buy it, it is fake!
The advanced form-transformation method is a bit stronger, but it is very dangerous to practice. If you accidentally fail to practice, you may even lose your life.

Even so, there are still many suitors. After all, if it is cultivated well, not only will its combat effectiveness be greatly improved after its form changes, but it can also be said to be a nightmare for wing warriors of the same level in all aspects of combat!

The duration can be very long, up to half an hour!There are basically no ones on the market, even if it is in the space mission base, it is difficult for you to fight.

Therefore, in order for our winners to obtain the most suitable form-changing method, we have given the intermediate-level form-changing method, and hope you can make good use of it..."

As he spoke, the host also choked up a bit, after all, he also had yellow wings...

Moreover, his family does not have a higher representative to attend. After he presided over this session, he may never have the opportunity to preside over the next one.

Soon, he continued to cheer up and regain his passionate state.

After everyone quieted down, he continued: "Our form-changing law has been promulgated, what kind of rewards will our Qinglong team have next?
Please invite our staff to the stage, and the answer will be revealed immediately! "

At this time, a girl in blue tights with blue wings flew onto the ring, holding a large porcelain vase in her hand. The porcelain vase was a white porcelain vase with a height of about 80 centimeters.

There was a faint chill coming from the mouth of the bottle.But it was blocked by a cork.

When she handed the porcelain bottle to Lei Zirong, the porcelain bottle opened automatically, and light blue light gushed out, covering their entire team one by one.

Soon, the elements of their bodies changed, and the color of the wings deepened.

The host Xiao Luo said passionately: "I think everyone has already guessed it! This is our state-enhancing liquid, which can spread huge energy to wing warriors with corresponding attributes.

Within an hour, all the blue liquid turned into gas and entered their bodies, and their level and realm would be greatly improved.

These state-enhancing liquids are extremely precious, let alone sold in the market, and even in the entire Huaxia Kingdom, only the Zhanyi Legion can provide them.

After it is absorbed, warriors below Huang Yuyi can be directly promoted to Huang Yuyi, but it will still take three years to consolidate their strength.

It took five years to truly reach Huang Yuyi's true strength.

As for the Huang Yuyi level and above, after absorbing it, you can increase two small realms, and gain another ten years of cultivation.Within three years, he could reach the real Huang Yuyi's late stage strength.

That is to say, it is equivalent to let you have Huang Yuyi's blood volume and spiritual power in the later stage, and then slowly reach the real strength in the later stage.

It saves the pain of breaking through layer by layer, which is of great benefit to practitioners! "

After all, even if he suddenly reached such a strength, it would still take three to five years to digest it before he could change from a fake yellow feather to a real yellow feather!

Before everyone could think too much, the host Ronaldinho went on to the next topic: "The gift for the runner-up has been received, so what will our champion get!

Please invite our staff to come on stage, the answer will be revealed soon! "

At this time, two boys with blue wings were wearing overalls. They had strong bones and looked very powerful. They brought up a large model that looked like a large table in a sci-fi base.

The host Ronaldinho smiled mysteriously and said, "Perhaps, you are thinking, why make such a model? As a souvenir for them?
We can see that this model has a lot of things on it, it looks like a house under the sky or something.

But in fact, there is a small universe inside!
This small universe uses our latest nanotechnology, and many things are compressed inside, and the workmanship is very delicate.It took two such strong lads to lift it up.

In fact, this small model weighs 1000 million tons, even if it is compressed to the point where it cannot be compressed any more, it will still weigh three tons when carried by two people..."

(End of this chapter)

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