Kill monsters for money

Chapter 298 The second round, start!

Chapter 298 The second round, start!
Continue down, the blue team's record:
Lei Zihua: Killed 12 times, assisted 18 times, pushed 0 towers, was killed 22 times, the total damage accounted for 8.83% of the team, and the damage received was 10.99%.

Lei Zifu: Killed 9 times, assisted 23 times, pushed 0 towers, was killed 19 times, the total damage accounted for 6.53% of the team, and 9.75% of the damage received.

Yu Xue: 2 kills, 18 assists, 0 tower pushes, 31 kills, 1.53% of the team's total damage, and 18.35% of the damage received.

Chu Xinqi: Killed 5 times, assisted 21 times, pushed 0 towers, was killed 12 times, the total damage accounted for 3.53% of the team, and the damage received was 7.35%.

Tong Jianbin: Killed 6 times, assisted 17 times, pushed 0 towers, was killed 21 times, the total damage accounted for 4.51% of the team, and the damage received was 10.32%.

Qin Lin: Killed 2 times, assisted 9 times, pushed 0 towers, was killed 11 times, the total damage accounted for 0.93% of the team, and the damage received was 5.32%.


Before everyone finished reading the data, those who watched the live broadcast, the people in the forum had already started making noise.

[The Spring of the Groundhog: Damn it!The Demon King's team is still a real dog. They rarely participate in battles and are afraid of death. They are just some bastards who want to keep their points by not being killed! 】

[Sweet bomb: Pooh!As for the dogs of the Demon King's team, they don't do anything in it at all, so what do you want them to do?Be a jerk?Looking at their data, there is simply no need to exist! 】

[Dragon fruit is not tasty: Hehe, it's even worse than me playing games, this is really the originator of the dog world!Ha ha ha ha!But they lost. I don't know if they will be ridiculed by Thunder Dragon and Polaris.

Although they lost, I think their team is not bad!Although you can't hear the dialogue of their scuffle inside, you can only hear the sound of beating and broadcasting, but I think they are quite intelligent.

It’s just that I met a pig teammate, there’s no way around it!]

[Baby Lolita: Wow Kaka, the Crazy Wolf team is really cool!Especially that Su Sa, he led troops to steal the opponent's base alone, although the camera didn't show it, but I think that is the real wisdom!

If you are a fan, you must support the Crazy Wolf team! 】

[Ah Ku Lama Tata: Crazy Wolf Team, Dingli Dark Horse, Yan Chengxin in it is really a combination of wisdom and beauty, her blue smoke is so beautiful...]


The forum was full of excitement, and the hosts on the ring were equally enthusiastic.

He said loudly: "There is no doubt that the MVP of our red team is Su Sa! He stole the base with a single belt, he is so handsome! And our beautiful Miss Yan Chengxin, her auxiliary ability is also extraordinary.

She broke the record and became the first miraculous support to break through the 40 mark since the start of our free-for-all mode!
In the past, it was amazing to be able to assist more than 30 people. Her support and remote treatment really opened everyone's eyes!

Let's cheer for them and applaud them! "

The audience applauded continuously and the enthusiasm was high. They were all happy that the tickets for this team battle were not in vain!

After the host finished speaking, it was time for a break, and some singing and dancing performances began on the ring.

Everyone rest for half an hour, the next game will continue to fight.

Current points status:
Crazy Wolf Team: Su Sa 99 points, Yan Chengxin 87 points, Yi Yang 92 points.

Pluto team Lou Lilan scored 76 points, Lou Lixing scored 73 points and Liang Yun scored 59 points.

For the Black Ducks, He Xing scored 35 points, Li Da scored 32 points, and Wang Yang scored 37 points.

For the Fire Dragon team, Xie Mingyang scored 32 points, Li Yuxin scored 32 points, and Hu Ziqing scored 31 points.

The members of the blue team are Polaris. Sun Shaofei scored 78 points, Sun Shaoyang scored 75 points, and Chu Shipeng scored 61 points.

For the Demon King team, Qin Lin scored 45 points, Qin Yu scored 47 points, and Cui Guangli scored 43 points.

For Team Tanggula, Yu Xue scored 29 points, Chu Xinqi scored 48 points, and Tong Jianbin scored 42 points.

Thunder Dragon team, Lei Zirong 79 points, Lei Zihua 79 points, Lei Zifu 80 points.

According to their score allocation, there will be certain changes in the new round of player selection immediately.

Since Su Sa's Crazy Wolf team had the highest score, when they were divided into teams for the first time, they were randomly selected as Tanggula team, Polaris team and Fire Dragon team.

Now it belongs to the blue side and has been allocated!
And the red side, Thunder Dragon team, Devil King team, Pluto team, Black Duck team.

As soon as they were divided into teams, Lou Lilan and Lei Zirong all started complaining.

The inaction of the Devil King's team naturally made them very unhappy.

But the Devil King team is very fortunate that their score is not the lowest, and there are three teams at the bottom.

In this way, the key to staying alive is to continue to fight. Wouldn't it be fun to come out to score at the last moment?
But the forum didn't think so. For this random allocation, people with discerning eyes outside the venue once thought it was tampered with!
Moreover, it is even more incomprehensible for scoring.

[Stars Counting Sheep: I don't understand, what's going on with the score?In the past, it was not said that a kill earned three points, an assist was one point or two points, but once a death, was it deducted one point, two points, or three points?

I feel this score is very confusing!With so many kills, shouldn't Su Sa score more than [-] points?Those teams in the back died so many times, the score should be negative, right! 】

[Tuoba Huangfu: What points are not points? I think it's all controlled by people. Why did the Crazy Wolf team match the worst team, and now it's still the worst team?

The Pluto team was originally a thorn, and now the Thunder Dragon team is added. Isn't this a strong alliance?

Engage in a balanced mode or increase the difficulty for the Crazy Wolf team? 】

[20000888: Hehe, I just want to say these three words. 】

[The name is hard to come by: the feeling is coming, the feeling is coming!The next battle must be, so cool! 】

[Hu Momo: In my opinion, the next game will definitely be won by the blue team, but not the red team! 】

[Dragon Nanny: Hehe, the red side will win, long live Thunder Dragon! 】


Half an hour passed quickly.

Everyone in their places.

The game is about to start, everyone wears VR glasses.

According to the rules of the new round of competition, 5 minutes will be given first, so that everyone can discuss the battle together after they enter the battlefield.

But this time, Su Sa had already made up her mind.

With the prestige of the first battle, after entering, except for the Polaris team, Sun Shaofei, Sun Shaoyang, and Chu Shipeng, the other two teams expressed that they could completely listen to Su Sa.

First of all, Su Sa still asked everyone to draw lots to decide which team would be the jungler, but the Polaris team, Sun Shaofei, Sun Shaoyang, and Chu Shipeng refused to listen and insisted on letting them play the jungler.

For the whole battle situation, Su Sa politely solicited the opinions of the other two teams.

However, the Tanggula team and the Huolong team don't have too many opinions, and they don't hold the hope of winning the championship. They just hope to get more points and establish some prestige.

In the forum, you won't be sprayed too much, and you won't be looked down upon after returning to your own team.

(End of this chapter)

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