Kill monsters for money

Chapter 29 I hate monkeys the most, especially the ones that steal peaches!

Chapter 29 I hate monkeys the most, especially the ones that steal peaches!
"Alipay accounts for 3000 contribution points."


Strange, isn't it muted?Just accidentally opened it? ? ?
Too lazy to think so much.

There is nothing greater than the temptation of money.

Su Sa held her breath and continued to move forward, breaking through the barrier!

Step on the gas pedal to the end!


I can't help but praise my wit and bravery!





The hover car was just about one meter away from the barrier when it was suddenly knocked off the rock hundreds of meters away by a strong shock wave.

The entire rear half of the body was deformed by the impact, and it bounced back and forth several times before stopping.

The airbag popped up. If he hadn't fastened his seat belt, he probably would have flown out of the cab long ago.

Su Sa's first reaction was to protect her head and raise her feet.

Feel the charm of becoming stronger again.

Except for a violent blow to the back of the head, the rest of the body is healthy and safe.

After being dizzy and dizzy for a while, I finally felt better.

"Reminder: The system has automatically consumed 1000 contribution points to restore mental power, please don't kill the host casually."

Fuck, the system is so hacky, although what I did just now was not thorough, but there is no need to deduct so much for the old all at once!
1000 points of contribution, the annual income of ordinary people!


But having said that, the power of this enchantment is really powerful, no wonder it can resist the Ruin Beast.

I didn't know what the wind was just now, I thought I could break out because I was decent.

Don't be reckless, be careful of your own life.

Think about it, or continue to observe and observe.

If this battle is going to be fought for a long time, there is no need to ink it here.

Su Sa drove the hover car over again, approaching the edge of the barrier.

Just now, the Red Feather Wolf Demon King, who was arrogantly holding out the wolf smoke, seems to have fallen into a disadvantage this time.

In fact, the situation of these two battles with a clear division of labor is not complicated.

It's just that the water source near Canglan Mountain happens to be within the barrier.

Although wolves are afraid of water, it doesn't mean they don't drink water.

Although the land of Sirius is vast, its aura gathers.

Naturally, the same rule applies to the occupation of territory—the strong eat the jungle, and the fittest survive.

Although I don't know the general picture of the whole world yet, I can make a good guess.

Water resources are scarce, and nectar does not fall for many years. Naturally, it is not comparable to the earth surrounded by oceans.

Now it seems that water is expensive for a reason.

Su Sa turned on her phone and searched for information.

Canglan Mountain is 987 meters high.

The valleys between the mountains are suddenly wide, and the wolves have occupied it for tens of thousands of years.

And 300 miles south of Canglan Mountain, there is a group of mutated monkeys, which have reproduced at an alarming rate over the years.

With the wisdom of the super-ordinary market beasts and monsters, they quickly occupied the surrounding land.

Good at sneak attacks, extremely agile.

It is very difficult to fight.

Has fought against wolves many times in the millennium, and will use low-end nuclear weapons.Serious damage to the ecological environment of Canglan Mountain.

I rely on!

Su Sa was suddenly a little bit aggrieved by these wolves!

I hate monkeys the most.

Especially the monkey who likes to steal peaches is very annoying.

He continued to inquire about the similarities between the wolf demon and the mutated wolf pack:

belong to the same family.

The mutated wolves are products of the new era and are not afraid of nuclear bombs.

The body has its own magnetic field and slight nuclear radiation.

The wolf demon belongs to the ancient wolf group, has a super long survival time, and can use wolf magic to attack the enemy.

The Red Feather Wolf Demon King possesses both traits and is extremely aggressive.

Can spread wings, can attack with spells, and can be reborn on a new wolf demon cub after death.

Inherit the next generation of wolf demon king.

The wolves pay attention to protecting their cubs. Over the years, cubs have been captured by humans and have attacked humans many times.

Su Sa's brows were tightly furrowed, and her fists were clenched.I feel very uncomfortable.

Hateful WK!

This war was brought about by them!

Even if not all of them, there is an inseparable relationship with them.

There is a line of words on the information, Su Sa carefully read it twice.

"The fate of wolves lies in the forehead."

"The beast nucleus grows here, and the fighting ability of the wolf demon or mutant wolf pack determines the quality of the beast nucleus."

Seeing this, Su Sa smiled knowingly: When I become a warrior, those weak chickens and wolves won't bother to kill them.

No, another mutant wolf fell on the edge of the barrier.

Su Sa doesn't want to stay in the car anymore.

He simply picked up the alloy knife and got out of the car.

"I'm still angry, and I'm going to take advantage of it again."

The mutated wolf just happened to be lying in the gap in the barrier, isn't this a natural disadvantage for me?
Raising the knife in his hand, he thrust it into the gap, sending the mutant wolf one last pass.

"Alipay accounts for 3000 contribution points."

It is actually a price, which is a bit interesting!
I don't know what the barrier feels like.

He reached out and touched it.

QQ is bouncy, smooth and soft.

Try harder!

The hand actually sank in.

Su Sa took a step forward subconsciously, and her whole body was also trapped in the strong barrier.

He took another step forward.

I went, actually passed through.

No, it will be troublesome if you can't go back.

He hurried back.

Wear it back again.Apart from the feeling of rubbing on a balloon when you first go out, there is no obstacle at all when you go in.

This enchantment is quite humane.

Since there is no hindrance to come and go, what are you waiting for?
The king of leaks is me!

Find a good bunker first, the corpses that are now piled up in mountains, mixed in, should be fine, I am so small, no wolves or people will notice me.

Thinking about it, Su Sa found a tank-like armored combat vehicle and hid behind it.

When I walked to the door, I realized that it was not closed.

Is everyone out there?
Forget it, I haven't driven this kind of car yet, go in and try it.

The space inside is very small.It almost looks like two people can come in.

One steering wheel, two seats.

It looks quite big from the outside, no matter what, it is as big as four small cars juxtaposed front and back.

It doesn't matter if it's small inside, and it's not very tall. If a person wants to stand up inside, unless he's less than 1.7 meters tall.

There is a small step behind the seat, behind which is blocked by a curtain.

When I opened the curtain, I saw that there were two doors, but they were not very high.It's quite wide and I don't know how to open it.

There is a small ladder next to the co-pilot, which should be able to climb up to fight.

However, this ladder is quite wide, much larger than the cab.

It's just one person, why are you so lenient?
Su Sa tried to see if she could open the door on the steps behind the seat.

It's a pity that it can't be opened, and the emotion is just a decoration.

If you don't look carefully, the hidden door is hard to find.

Still sharp-eyed.

What is this!Go up and see!
"How many teams support?"

A man's voice came from above.

"Number 8... Number 8!"

In desperation, Su Sa had no choice but to report a number casually.

"Understood, quick, fire up the artillery!"

The man's voice was very hurried, and he didn't have time to judge the authenticity of the person coming.

"What? How to add it?"

Su Sa was at a loss. There are only two seats. Where did the artillery come from?

"You are from the Temporary Worker Support Team, right? The red button on the back of the cab, see if you see it, press it to open the gun compartment, and take out all the cannons. I'm afraid they will all be used up tonight."

The man was a little impatient, but there was nothing he could do, he could only finish speaking patiently.

"Okay, got it!"

Su Sa looked behind the seat, and there was indeed a small red button.

It turned out that there was another world in this small space.

(End of this chapter)

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