Chapter 267
The sky is full of stars, and the dawn comes.

The Crazy Wolf team is ready to go!

Su Sa rushed to the sky alone, and everyone quickly followed.

After a while, it dawned, and it felt very different to watch the sunrise at an altitude of 2 meters.

The expressions of several people also gradually became excited, as if Feiyue was also more motivated.

Fatty flew beside Tan Mianmian, and said, "Mianmian, you look good today, it seems that you have rested for a few hours, and the effect is very good!"

"What do you know, sister Xiner gave me some spiritual recovery treatment, thanks to her!"

Tan Mianmian was flying hard, feeling that today's flight was much easier than yesterday.

"Mianmian, look at the sunset, it's so beautiful, how nice it would be if I could watch the sunrise with you every day?"

"Fly like this every day, don't you have to do the mission?"


The fat man pouted, with an unhappy expression on his face: "Don't spoil this atmosphere, it's also training now, isn't it easier for us to chat and fly at the same time?"

"Okay, I'm not joking with you. In fact, Qingsong, you are a good person... Now my strength is the weakest in the whole team. I don't want to drag everyone down. I have to work harder!"

"Everything can be strengthened, Mianmian, I will accompany you!"

"Will you stay with me no matter what you do?"

"Of course, I want to accompany you until you grow old!"

"Watch out for the birds!"

Su Sa has already condensed the barrier, and there are a lot of birds in front of him. They are just ordinary primitive birds and cannot be hurt.

"We must fly higher!"

Su Sa rotated to avoid the flock of birds and rose rapidly. Soon, others also flew up.

The black flock of birds was finally dodged, and there was no danger!

"Hoo hoo... scared to death..."

The fat man patted his chest and continued to fly: "These birds are so cute. It's not easy to survive in this world. I almost killed one just now!"

"Me too!"

Yi Yang flew over and said, "Fortunately, Team Su reacted quickly, otherwise, a good part of those birds would have died!"

"Innocently harming ordinary birds that are not beasts will break the law. Although they have already left the territory of China, it is everyone's responsibility to protect them!"

Yi Xue also had lingering fears, she almost bumped into her.

"These birds are all black and gray. They are not monsters, but they can fly so high. There should be only wild geese, right?"

Yan Chengxin couldn't understand: "The geese shouldn't be migrating at this time, and they are different from the ones in the book!"

Su Sa was also very puzzled, what do these geese say, they are twice as big as those seen on the earth, and they fly extremely fast.

This is already approaching Africa, how can there be such a migration method?
Fly from south to north?

The creatures on Sirius [-] are too much to be studied!
Will they also cross the desert border?
Could it be that there are variables in the desert?

"Captain Su, what are you thinking about?"

Yi Yang flew over and said, "We've been flying for a while. If we get to the desert, it will be difficult to eat well. Why don't you fly down now, hunt and get some spore meat?"

"Brother, we are here for training, not for tourism!"

Yi Xuefei came over and said angrily, "When did you become so greedy?"

"Just kidding, to relieve everyone's boredom!"

"I'm not bored, I just miss my husband..."

Su Shuang flew over, pouted, and complained: "Obviously we are newlyweds, we haven't had a good honeymoon yet, we will be separated for a few days, miss him, miss him, miss him...

"Sister Shuang, you deliberately came to bury them!"

The fat man came over and laughed and said, "Our group of people all have partners, but Yiyang Yixue, they are all single... Hahahaha..."

"Since when did you have a date?"

Yi Yang was not convinced and said: "Did Tan Mianmian agree to marry you? He just said he would give you a chance, so you will go to heaven?"

"Get married, it's a matter of time!"

"Then we'll wait until we get married! I don't need a girlfriend right now. Even if I do, I have to marry my younger sister first. My younger sister can't protect her well, so why should I protect my girlfriend?"

"I bother!"

The fat man replied: "I can't find it, and I use my sister as a shield. She is so beautiful, it is not difficult to find one, but you, who are so rough and have straight male cancer, who would like you!"

"What do you know, a man should put his career first, and becoming stronger now is more important than anything else!"

Yi Yang didn't want to continue this topic anymore, he pointed to the high mountain not far away and said, "Look at that mountain, it's at least 5000 meters high, and it's the highest peak in the world!"

"No, that's the third highest mountain in the world!"

Su Sa interrupted: "Crossing this mountain, we will officially enter the tropics, and the desert is not far away, everyone is ready."

Yan Chengxin flew over and said: "The air flow on this mountain is a bit weird! Everyone try to fly higher, there seems to be a vortex inside, and it will be troublesome if you get caught in it!"

"That's not a whirlpool, it's a tornado!"

Su Sa shouted: "Quick! Everyone fly around!"

He has enjoyed the experience of being blown away by a hurricane, and now a tornado like this is not insignificant!

Flying too high, if everyone is blown away, I don't know what kind of danger they will encounter.

He led everyone to fly in another direction.

But unfortunately, the tornado has already hit them!
Damn, it's getting closer!

Everyone had to use spiritual power to bless them, and quickly flew to an altitude of [-] meters!

Su Sa warned: "Although the tornado did not reach the sky, it has already caused great trouble to our flight, everyone be careful!"

"No, I feel that my spiritual power is obviously consumed too much. Flying above here is not an option!"

Tan Mianmian's expression was extremely ugly.She was short of breath.

"You come in!"

Su Sa opened her universe bag, whirled in the air, and quickly became as big as the door, and said to her: "Your physical strength is not good, take shelter in my universe bag for a while!"

He looked like other people, and Yi Yang couldn't hold on anymore.

"You also hide in my universe bag!"

Su Sa said: "With my current spiritual power, it's still possible to take the power of this tornado by myself!"

"Don't hesitate, everyone, listen to him!"

Yan Chengxin worried: "Mianmian, you go in first, Qingsong, you go in and take care of her!"

Hao Qingsong nodded. He couldn't see Tan Mianmian suffering, so he picked her up and jumped into the Qiankun bag.

"You all go in too, I can just accompany my husband!"

She took Su Shuang's hand and said, "Sister, I know that you are worried about him, but believe me, with me here, I will assist him, and he will be fine!"

Su Shuang nodded, pulled Yi Xue and jumped in.

Yi Yang was having a hard time supporting himself. He nodded in Su Sa's firm eyes and said, "Captain Su, be careful!"

After he jumped in, Su Sa put away the Qiankun bag.

(End of this chapter)

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