Kill monsters for money

Chapter 24 Fight Together

Chapter 24 Fight Together
"Student Su, you can still answer the phone, it seems that you are lucky!"

On the other end of the voice call, her voice was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, you can't die!"

Su Sa relaxed and laughed: "I'm playing with wolf monsters now!"

"Don't be poor! I've seen your location, there are nine wolf demons around you!"

"Student Su, you can still answer the phone, it seems that you are lucky!"

On the other end of the voice call, her voice was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, you can't die!"

Su Sa relaxed and laughed: "I'm playing with wolf monsters now!"

"Don't be poor! I've seen your location, there are nine wolf demons around you!"

"What, nine? I only see eight!"

Su Sa looked around vigilantly, and indeed, no matter how you look at it, there were only eight of them!

"There's another one, a cub, on the roof of your car!"

"It's just a cub, what's so scary!"

Saying that, but Su Sa was already terrified!
A wolf demon might descend from the top of the head at any time, and the Tianling reform will definitely not be guaranteed!
"Don't be silly, now we need to kill these wolf monsters, can you cooperate with us?

If you can do it, answer quickly, and everything must follow my command, and you can't act rashly!

If you can't do it, you wait where you are, and we can go to the scene in eight minutes. Attention, you must be fully armed by then.

If you have nothing to protect yourself, push your body to the max! "

"I can do it, please instruct!"

Sweating profusely, I warned myself not to panic, I have never seen any storms!

"Very good, now the target of the wolf demon is bloodthirsty, as long as they drink blood, they will not be afraid of the light for a short time. Now a wolf demon has killed a citizen.

Coming your way, get your car into 'WK'!
Fear not, we have placed manpower in the past to control their people.

You just need to drive the car over, keep flashing the double flash, and someone will come to meet you. "

There was some concern on the other end of the phone: "Your driving speed is too slow now, you need to drive normally.

But it is very likely to anger the wolf demons. If they attack collectively, you may lose your bones! "

"Don't worry, now I'm only two alleys away from the 'WK' apartment, I'll speed up!"

"Well, just now your GPS has not moved, I thought you had..."

Yan Chengxin didn't say anything, I'm afraid he would be even more scared.

Su Sa simply laughed: "Student Yan, you underestimate me, Su Sa, and it's not the first time I've faced a monster. How about this, I put the phone aside, I have to drive seriously."

"Well, don't hang up the voice call, there are still 6 minutes, and we can rush to the scene."


The trunk of the car was hit again, and now I can't check what it looks like, so I can only step on the gas pedal by myself.

The speed can't be too fast, a little more stable car is better!

Usually, these two alleys are at most two minutes to the end, and the apartment can be seen soon.

"Plop, plop!"

The heart beats fast!
The wolf demon's eyes are blood red, and his life is in danger at any time!

Are you calling your companions?

If that bloodthirsty wolf demon joins up first before he arrives at the "WK" apartment, he will surely die!
Can't handle that much anymore!
60 yards!
80 yards!
arrive!Right in front of you!


Su Sa felt a cool breeze behind her!
The blood-red eyes in the rearview mirror, that wolf monster is coming!

The last tens of meters, sprint!
It's too late, the wolf demon has already galloped over!

Su Sa quickly unfastened her seat belt, opened the car door, picked up the alloy knife and rolled out of the car!
the next moment.


My car was hit by that wolf demon and flew over ten meters high, and landed on the ground suddenly!
It was my Mercedes-Benz Big G that was smashed to pieces!

Enjoy one day and two hours!

The car was destroyed, and Su Sa quickly flashed behind the pile of cement bags at the door of the apartment at a speed that she couldn't even imagine.

The wolves are completely angry!

And the violent sound just now attracted the people inside.

Yan Chengxin didn't lie, the whole apartment has been controlled by his own people.

Two birdmen flew down from the 33rd floor.

Wolf demon, someone finally took care of it.


In a few seconds, the mobile phone is probably gone now, and what I heard is that more wolves are gathering here.

Just these two birdmen, I am afraid that two fists are no match for four feet!

I have never felt so uncomfortable for a few minutes.

Xiner, come quickly!

The bird man is quite powerful, and he managed to kill several wolf monsters in just a short while.



Su Sa looked back and saw that wolf demon cub!
The blood-red eyes fixed on him.

It seems a little afraid of this alloy knife.

This was given to me by Xiner!

Let's fight!

He picked up the alloy knife, and now he has no moves, so he can only knock it down with brute force!

Swinging the knife, he slashed at the wolf monster a few times, and it just stabbed his spine with one paw.

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!


The wolf demon bowed and rushed towards Su Sa.

But at this time, he was agile, dodged a blow, and quickly ran to the other end of the cement bag, trying hard to let the two birdmen find him.

The wolf demon's body was even more swift and fierce, and it made another pounce.

Another flash!
The alloy knife was cut out, and it hit!
Shave each other's hair!

A cub is a cub, no match for the big wolf demon!
But the blow just now obviously put him in an absolute crisis.

The wolf demon cub suddenly changed drastically in size, just now the whole body has gray-black hair, like a normal wolf.

Now the hairs are standing up like steel wires.

The bones of the body exploded, as if they were about to grow bigger!
No, if it continues to change, I will die!

Su Sa held her breath, held the alloy steel knife in her hand, exerted strength with both arms, and hit the wolf demon's abdomen hard!

A shrill scream broke through the air.

Wolf blood splattered all over him.

Finally dead!

It was just one blow and Su Sa became excited.

However, its head appears to have been impaled into something.

When I looked up, it was Xiner!
"Student Yan, you're here!"

Su Sa's eyes lit up, and all her fear turned into fighting strength.

He held an alloy knife: "Let's fight together!"

"There are still hundreds of wolf demons who are about to gather. They have broken through the protective circle. Most of our people have dispersed to fight at the border. Some fish that escaped the net need us to kill them in time."

Yan Chengxin smiled and glanced at him: "You are very brave, braver than ordinary people I have ever seen. Take your weapon, if there is a wolf monster attacking you, don't be afraid, just kill it bravely!"


Su Sa nodded solemnly.

Be fearless, I can be a hero too!

More light spots are coming here, it seems that the cub just killed is the key bait to lure the wolf demon.

The wolf demon who is not afraid of light is dying, and the persimmon needs to be picked softly!
Picking up the tool, Su Sa strode towards the wolf monster.

One hit kill!
"Alipay accounts for 3000 contribution points!"


The voice seemed to be coming from under the wolf demon.

It was a pleasant surprise that the phone didn't break!

You can't rush to pick it up with your hands.

Su Sa chose to pry a corner of the wolf demon with a knife.Leaning over, he pulled out the phone with his foot.

Put away your phone and start picking up leaks.

Not to mention, these birdmen are really powerful, and the wolf monster's fighting power is not low, and they were all defeated by them.

It's just that the wolf demons are not concentrated, and they are cunning by nature, so it is very likely that some wolf demons will cheat to death.

Making more ups and downs is also for the sake of their lives.

Another one!
"Alipay accounts for 3000 contribution points!"

(End of this chapter)

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