Kill monsters for money

Chapter 22 The first practice

Chapter 22 The first practice

KIMI pressed lightly on the fish tank, and soon, the upper layer of glass disappeared, and the two fish had turned white.

She put one of them in a green bottle, filled half of it with water, and covered it.

Immediately put another one in the blue bottle, similarly, half of the water, and cover it.

"Dear warriors, the time to witness the miracle is coming."

"Countdown, 3.2.1!"


She shook the two bottles and said, "The fish in the green bottle finally died. And the fish in our blue bottle not only came back to life, but also its growth rate in the future. Let's take a look together!"

She poured out the fish in the blue bottle and put it back into the fish tank, and a magical scene appeared.

The fish was not only alive and well, but also its scales changed from silvery white to golden yellow.

It leaped with all its strength, and jumped more than three meters high.

"Well, see, now, I'll reveal the secret!"

"Actually, what is contained in our blue bottle is not ordinary gas, but spiritual energy!"

"The so-called aura, it is our Sirius conceived by absorbing the essence of all things in the universe from heaven and earth."

"Ordinary places naturally don't have this kind of aura, like some spiritual veins, and some high-level military academies, or in the army, can gather the aura of heaven and earth, and compress and extract some sparse aura contained in the air!"

"Of course, there are many auras in the natural world, some of which are occupied by us humans, and a large part of which are occupied by market beasts."

"Even some hateful alien visitors have stolen a lot of our aura."

"Now the major powers of the United Nations, such as our Huaxia Kingdom, have regained a lot of lost land, and the territories occupied by the beasts have been gradually regained by us."

"Spiritual energy is indispensable in our cultivation, and the early scholars may not be able to feel it, but at the intermediate level and above, if we don't borrow spiritual energy, it will greatly slow down our cultivation speed.

In severe cases, it may prevent us from continuing to practice.

All in all, aura is as important to us warriors as we need air to survive! "

"Then, the students will definitely ask, if there is no spiritual energy, how should we cultivate? Before we get the support from the school and the army, we don't know where there is a spiritual vein. Even if there is, it must be occupied.

That's right, the first step we need to learn is 'juling'!
How to gather spirits?
Everyone follow me! "

In the video, the style of painting changes, and KIMI is already sitting on a mat that looks like a yoga mat, but it is longer and wider than a yoga mat, and there is a slight bit of cold air on it and begins to meditate.

Without hesitation, Su Sa sat on her bed and began to meditate.

Continue to listen to the video teaching.

"Come on, let's exhale. Exhaling refers to exhaling the turbid air in our body. It is different from normal breathing, and the excess air in the chest cavity is sent out of the body.

Here we must pay attention not to sink the gas, if you accidentally suppress the gas in the abdomen, dantian, or stomach, it may be another kind of gas that is excreted from the body. "

What the hell!

If you don't say it earlier, it's too late!


A loud fart discharge~
Su Sa couldn't imagine that if at this time, the students were in class together, and most of them would get the wrong idea just like herself, wouldn't it be a joyful symphony?
Male students are fine, but if it's a girl...

That would be embarrassing!
I don't know if she will~
Haha ...

"If you accidentally discharge the wrong gas, it doesn't matter, it is also the dirty air in the body, let's try again, put your palms flat on your chest with the palms facing up, and expel the dirty air in the chest cavity.

Put your hands back in place, palms facing up, place the orchid fingers on your thighs, and hold your breath.

It should be noted here that our human body has a special function. When the body lacks a certain gas, once it can breathe, it will naturally absorb the air with high oxygen content on the mainland.

At this time, we must not move, continue to hold our breath, use the functions of the human body to condense the unique gas, and absorb the power of the universe into our body.

Practice three hundred times repeatedly to continuously purify the gas we inhale.

When you feel a particularly fresh, comfortable, and powerful feeling in your body, you have already stored a part of the gas and condensed part of the aura for primary disintegration.

For those of you who are gifted as warriors, after many trials, the refined and purified high-quality gas is stored in the dantian, and when you exercise every day, you can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and convert it into aura.

Of course, the aura purified by everyone's current strength is negligible, but it is enough for junior warriors. "

Su Sa tried it once, no matter how refined it was, she didn't feel that way.

And KIMI in the video has already started teaching the next project.

"Dear students, when we have mastered the method of gathering Qi, the bones we just mentioned will begin to be tempered.

Before tempering the bones, as warriors, we have already mastered the basic methods of bone training, bone strengthening, muscle training, lifting, etc..."

Su Sa quickly pressed pause.

As for bone training and bone strengthening, I haven't done any of them yet. If I continue reading now, I may not learn much. Even if I can remember, I may not be able to do anything now.

He searched for the basic methods of martial artist training and strengthening.

It was introduced above: Physical training is a compulsory course for warriors, and it is also the only way to success.

Warriors must not only have good flexibility and quick response, but also have strong strength to complete lifting, throwing and other actions, as well as coordination ability.

Scientific physical training must be used to improve the above four sports qualities, namely flexibility, quick response, strength and coordination.

Among them, the principle of muscle movement is that muscle contraction pulls bones to generate joint movement, and its function is like a lever device.

It seems that this Internet age is really good, and everything can be searched online.

That means exercising regularly.

Strength sports are sports whose main purpose is to build muscles.

In general, strength exercises help burn more calories and convert fat into protein.

Exercise can be said to be strength exercise, and strength exercise is also called weight-bearing exercise and resistance exercise.

Moreover, exercise has a very positive effect on overall health by increasing strength, increasing flexibility and balance, improving mood, better coping with stress, protecting heart health, focusing more, and looking younger. .

Strength exercises include, but are not limited to, sit-ups, weightlifting, pull-ups, push-ups, and more.

No wonder, people who exercise for a long time live longer than those who do not exercise.

He continued to look down and turned to the bottom. When the human body reached a certain limit, it could break through.

After breaking through the physical fitness of the body and reaching a state where it cannot continue to break through, you can use medicine or other high-level warriors to help you get through the veins and advance.

Therefore, if you want to become a martial artist, the foundation in the early stage is essential.

Taking advantage of the present, it should be feasible to improve your mental strength and go out to exercise secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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