Kill monsters for money

Chapter 183 Successful breakthrough, the enemy becomes...

Chapter 183 Successful breakthrough, the enemy becomes...


The bones were exploding, and the regenerated bones grew rapidly like mushrooms.

The wings are condensing!
"Boom!" The door was kicked open!

"Su Sa, you traitor! You actually hid!"

Xiao Qing said angrily: "Now, let me see where you are going to escape!"

She shot countless ice feathers and stabbed Su Sa fiercely.

But when those ice feathers were one centimeter away from him, they all bounced back!
"He actually advanced at this time!"

Xiao Qing said in amazement: "His strength is so strong, and the aptitude lies with the three of us. We can't let him succeed! Kill!"

The other two Azure Winged Martial Venerables also launched an attack.

But Su Sa didn't move at all.

system panel
Energy value: 632258+;

Control attributes: 620901+;

Resistance: 623045+;

Anti-reconnaissance: 29200+;

Summoning: Elementary;

Mind power: 652000+;

Wing Energy: 120000+
Wing speed: 3800 yards;
Contract battle pet ability: 692258+;

System funds: 121 million contribution points...]

It actually doubled so many times!The new realm is really extraordinary!
[The system funds continue to be consumed...upgrade!The current system capital is 119 billion]

Ah!Upgrading a level consumes more than 2 million!

[The system funds continue to be the wings!The current system capital is 100 billion 3122 million]

Fuck!Repairing the wings also counts money!

[The system funds continue to be consumed... Wings gather and strengthen!The current system capital is 70 billion 3001 million]

I don't want to complain!Can!
A powerful light wave enveloped itself, and at this moment, a long-lost figure appeared in the spiritual world.

"The Qi should be turbulent, the spirit should be restrained, and there should be no flaws.
There are no bumps, no interruptions.

Its roots are in the feet, originate in the legs, dominate in the waist, run in the fingers,

From the feet to the legs to the waist, there must always be a complete breath, and only when you move forward and backward can you gain momentum.

Where there is no opportunity to gain power, the body will be scattered, and the disease must be found in the waist and legs, both up and down, front, back, left, and right.

All of these are intentions, not outside, where there is up, there is down, where there is front, there is back, and where there is left, there is right.

If you want to go up, it means that you want to go up, that is to say, if you lift something up, you will apply the force of frustration.

The root of Si Qi cuts itself off, and the speed of destruction is undoubtedly..."

Wherever Zhang Sanfeng went, there were raging fires, and the raging fires turned into butterflies, breaking out of their cocoons and reborn!

He continued to demonstrate every move, and Su Sa closely followed his steps and continued to practice.

The same is true of Tai Chi, and the same is true of yin and yang in life. Breaking and rebirth is a higher state.

While Su Sa was practicing, he couldn't help asking: "Grandpa Patriarch, after cultivating to Venerable Green Wings, will this breakthrough method continue in the next stage?"

"It's too cold at the heights!"

Zhang Sanfeng replied: "The road ahead will only become more and more difficult. Some people spend their entire lives in poverty and cannot break through. Apart from their talents, they also cannot see through!
Just keep reading to me!"

"Yeah! Disciple understands!"

Su Sa thought that he had to test both his strength and his state of mind. When he reached a higher level, there would be more and more people who could match his state of mind.

In addition to the low-level degenerate warriors, some warriors who cultivate evil sects, like Ma Feixiang, can also cultivate to a higher level.

It's just that if you go further up, it may be difficult.

Like Huo Mingming, he is so unpopular, but his parents are in a very high mood.

He should be able to see through everything, so why would he allow his son to do anything wrong?

Some things are really hard to comprehend!
Su Sa continued to ask: "Grandfather, do some people lose their minds?"

"Of course it will, and things will be reversed at the extreme!"

Zhang Sanfeng began to practice a set of yin and yang boxing techniques for him, and said in his mouth: "The flow of Qi is like a pearl of nine curves, it is always disadvantageous;

Movement of energy is like refining steel, how can it be indestructible?The shape is like a swan fighting a rabbit, and the spirit is like a cat catching a mouse.

Quiet like a mountain, moving like a river.Storing energy is like drawing a bow, and releasing energy is like releasing an arrow.

Seek straightness in the song, store it before sending it out.The force is sent from the spine, and the steps change with the body.

To receive is to release, to break and to reconnect.Reciprocating must have folding, forward and backward must have conversion.

Extremely soft, then extremely firm.Can breathe, then can be flexible.

Qi is nourished straight without harm, energy is stored flexibly and has a surplus. "

"So, the state of mind cannot be distinguished by good and evil, but after reaching a certain state, a person's persistence and belief can also support him to reach a higher state!"

Su Sa suddenly realized something. He closed his eyes, but he could still feel Zhang Sanfeng's movement in his mind.

"The heart is the order, the breath is the banner, and the waist is the girdle (dao). First seek expansion, and then seek compactness. Only then can it be refined!"

While practicing, Zhang Sanfeng looked at Su Sa, nodded in satisfaction, and left abruptly.

Su Sa suddenly opened her eyes, and with a flash of inspiration, she understood the key point.

The heart is the order, that is to use the heart to move the qi, and it can make the qi like a flag. Wherever the intention comes, the qi will follow.

It's now!

He walked out of the spiritual world, and at this time, his wings had condensed into substance!

"Su Sa, you shrunken turtle! What kind of thing is hiding in the barrier!"

Xiao Qing was furious, her ladylike demeanor was gone.

She flapped her wings and kept attacking Su Sa.


Su Sa condensed the two kinds of cyclones to form the power of Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams.

Borrowing his strength, he absorbed all the ice feathers she shot at once, and launched them instantly.


All the feathers bombarded and killed the other two Qingyuyi Wuzun with lightning speed.

The two couldn't escape and died on the spot!
Just this strength?

Su Sa snorted, and took out the dragon-slaying knife to launch the thunder and star smash, the power of the thunder and lightning multiplied, the fire was accompanied by lightning, and the lightning struck Xiao Qing with the power of the stars.

How could he have such a strong force!

In a critical situation, Xiao Qing can only use her unique move - Breaking the sky and freezing the wind!

A cold icy wind swept in, and circles of small tornadoes combined with countless tiny blades slashed towards the lightning.

Between thunder and flint, dozens of lightning bolts were scattered, but at this moment, needles from the rainstorm and snowflakes had already pierced Xiao Qing. She couldn't dodge in time, and was stabbed by more than a dozen needles.

The toxin and paralysis effect of the snowflake needle worked at the same time, and she fell to the ground seriously injured.

"Su Sa, your strength is above mine, I have nothing to say, but you killed my sister, even if you die, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

The anger in Xiao Qing's eyes gradually turned into despair, and she was completely unable to move.

"Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted! Xiao Qing, I have a video here, let me show you!"

Su Sa turned on the big screen and imported Xiao Xi's information one by one. He patiently explained the relevant situation to Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing is also a rare talent, if she is killed like this, there will be more enemies in Zhanyi World in the future.

His goal is the sea of ​​stars, regaining his homeland, and regaining the stolen aura.

These small fights and endless wars will only drag down my own footsteps.

Xiao Qing's state of mind was very pure in the past. If her sister had woken up earlier, it would not have caused such a miserable situation later.

(End of this chapter)

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