Kill monsters for money

Chapter 18 What is WK

Chapter 18 What is WK
"Don't worry, you are willing to give me these things, I am already very grateful, if you dare to have any bad intentions, I will be struck by lightning!"

"Okay, hold me tight!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Chengxin swooped down and flew down.

Caught off guard, Su Sa almost didn't have time to hug her tightly. Fortunately, she is much more agile now.

It was that congested feeling again, it was uncomfortable, and it felt like my head was about to burst.

But soon, they fell to the ground.

Su Sa saw that it had landed on the roof of her own house.

It is already evening, and the wind on the roof is very cool.

In the sunset, her profile is really as beautiful as a red peach blossom.

"I have already sent you back, but there are still some things, it is better to explain to you."

Yan Chengxin showed a smile: "However, after you hear it, don't be afraid."

"Man, man, what can I be afraid of! Just say what you say, and I will remember it in my heart."

Su Sa's legs were resting on the tiles, her buttocks were well-fitting to the beam, she supported her with one hand, and patted her chest with the other to assure her.

"The WK we go to today, they've been around for over 10000 years."

"What? It's been more than 10000 years, and it hasn't been wiped out yet?"

"Don't be surprised, WK, not only has not been wiped out, but it is still spawning new offshoots."

"Then, am I in big trouble?"

Su Sa was horrified, the world was indeed more dangerous than imagined, and if he wanted to save himself, he had to think long-term.

"Don't panic, I don't have that much time, next, just listen to me, don't interrupt again, I'll just say it again, if you remember, find a way to deal with it, as long as you can do what I said, the crisis It will be lifted.

If you don't remember it, wish you luck! "

Yan Chengxin said solemnly: "Do you understand?"

"Well, tell me, I'll shut up!"

Su Sa made a gesture of shutting her mouth, and obediently shut up and listened.

Yan Chengxin glanced at him, and began to talk seriously: "WK was created 10000 years ago by a female poison transporter and the Fallen Immortal Moon God.

At that time, Luna Phrases was already a long-lived old man, but he was still a child, and he was in charge of the marriage of a land.

But her own marriage is still in the future.

Until one day, when shooting the moon god's arrow to tie a couple's marriage for thousands of miles, they met Zhiyan, a poison transporter.Fall in love with her at first sight.

But Zhiyan already looks like an adult woman, how could she like a child.

She has no feeling for phrases.

But there are countless lines of words, how can I let my sweetheart go.

Regardless of Sanshengshi's arrangement, he forcibly pulled Zhiyan's red thread to himself.

And he himself became a fallen fairy.Turn into a normal person.

Zhiyan, who was drawn to the red thread, immediately fell in love with the phrase of becoming an adult.

The two are very affectionate and happy.

Cannot marry for life.

In order to be with Phrases, please resign as an assassin.

It's a pity that she knew too many tribal secrets, and apparently approved her resignation, but secretly sent someone to assassinate her.

Fortunately, Phrases have great powers and saved Zhiyan.

But the tribe did not stop because of this, and sent tribe werewolves to chase and kill the two.

Zhiyan realized that if the two of them want to truly stay together, they must be truly strong.

They lurked to the core base of the tribe, stole the secret recipe for refining werewolves, and eventually controlled the entire tribe.

Killed the tribal leader, fed poison to the tribe's tens of thousands of soldiers, and tamed them into dead soldiers.

From then on, in order to strengthen his power, he began to extend his claws to all parts of the country.

They wrote "The 46 Rules of Becoming a God" and "Malun Gong".

It is widely circulated in the world.It has been effectively suppressed for nearly a hundred years.

However, it is still impossible to count the specific number according to their internal circulation.

It has been discovered that there are as many as [-] dens.

Since they have a clear division of labor and half of them are civilians, they are no different from citizens on weekdays.

It's just that they have one side of belief, and they will do their best to cover any member of WK at any time.

The next level is mentally handicapped thugs.

That is, if you meet those people besieging you today, those people can also be regarded as ordinary citizens, but their intelligence is generally lower than ordinary people.

It's just that he is fat and strong, in addition to obeying orders, and serving the local Wotou mainly for his whole life.

Under normal circumstances, no crime will be committed, and even if it is committed, it is only a small crime.

There are also people within the police department to assist in crime mitigation. "

Su Sa laughed at herself and said, "I was besieged by a group of mentally handicapped people today, I'll go..."

Yan Chengxin glared at him, but the guy didn't notice it, and continued: "That's fine, what kind of wk is this, there are people above, don't tell me that those Qingtian supervisors have taken bribes, and they haven't been seized?"

"To shut up!"

Yan Chengxin said angrily: "Listen to me first!"

Su Sa glanced at her, a little petty and playful, so cute.

He made another mouth zip motion and continued listening.

"The people in the police station will not do anything deliberately, but most of them are believers, and they agree with independence, Taoism, and some fallacies related to "Malun Gong."

Listening to her explanation, Su Sa really wanted to see what kind of charm those two books had.

But he doesn't speak now, just keeps listening.

"In WK, some orphans will be domesticated from all over the country, and even, when the manpower is insufficient, some children will be snatched from human traffickers and domesticated as hunters.

Those are not ordinary hunters, what they are best at is attacking mutated beasts on land.

For wolves, there are separate methods of capture.

And their strength, whoever is assigned a task, is above the strength of a warrior.

Of course, it is impossible for the organization to spend money and material resources to train them into Wing Warriors.

Therefore, they can only act in the dark for life and become a hunter who will serve WK for life.

The last one is the poison transporter, who grew up soaked in poison jars since he was a child, and his body is covered in poison.

And the poison they refine can sometimes kill people invisible, and at certain critical moments, they can also save people by fighting poison with poison.

According to our team's knowledge, there should be two poison transporters in Yancheng.

In the past, poison transporters were also responsible for refining werewolves, but later due to the high death rate of poison transporters and the high cost of refining drugs.

It is also because the achievements of scientific research in the past few hundred years have become more and more prominent, and some researchers and advanced equipment have gradually replaced their duties of refining werewolves.

If a poison transporter can be caught, there may be a great breakthrough in research.

The last one is the magician, who can calculate the catastrophe that the entire group will face, make preparations in advance, and minimize losses.

For the control and research of all werewolves, in recent years, they have adopted the human experiment refining method, the success rate has been greatly reduced, but the cost has been saved a lot.

Moreover, as long as a batch is refined, the success rate for the next research and development will be greatly improved.

It is now possible to increase the success rate to 50%.

As a result, the WK organization owes more and more murders.

All I killed this time were developers with bloody hands and human traffickers who came to trade. "

(End of this chapter)

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