Kill monsters for money

Chapter 15 The Werewolf

Chapter 15 The Werewolf
"Brothers, take the car!"

The leading escort, a big man, was wearing a green hat and was playing with two walnuts in his hand.With a mouthful of saliva, he led his brothers and surrounded Su Sa's car.

The big man in the green hat slapped the window of the car and stammered: "Stinky... brat, you are very good, skills, it seems that you have practiced kung fu on the boat...boat...bed...bed! "

There was laughter outside the car.

Su Sa tried her best to calm down her mood, calm down, calm down again!
He opened the car door, pretending to be self-deprecating and tongue-in-cheek: "Brother, have discovered all of this, it seems that, you have practiced a lot!"

The big man in the green hat grabbed him by the collar, showing his yellow teeth: "You, you fucking, dare... dare to laugh at me!"

"Brother, this is to praise you for your ability, how could it be to laugh at you!"

Su Sa grasped the big green hat's arm with both hands, exerted force with her ten fingers, and her nails sank deep into the big green hat's flesh. The pain made him groan, and he let go of his hand immediately.

" fucking, a has such...such long nails!"

The big man in the green hat cursed and shouted at the people around him: "Return, hurry up and give it to me!"


"Clap clap clap!"

These people are just about to start.

But they were startled by some loud noises, and they all looked up to the height of the apartment.

At this time, something fell from the top floor of the apartment. From a distance, it looked like some equipment and a suspension car.

"Oops... Oops, the boss... something happened!"

The big man in the green hat hurriedly turned towards the stairwell of the apartment.

"Are you still taking the car?"

The one closest to the big man in the green hat stopped him: "This car is worth a lot!"

"Take it, take it... take your head off, if the boss is... gone, I, we... and... find someone to cover him in the future! Hurry... quickly withdraw!"

The big man in the green hat slapped the man on the forehead, making the man tremble in fright.Rubbing his head, he ran away with him.

The others were not idle either, and hurried away to go upstairs.

Su Sa naturally understands what's going on, there is a winged warrior, to deal with these little guys, it's not a matter of three times, five divisions and two divisions!
He touched the front of the car distressedly, and walked towards the location where the incident happened.

When I got closer, I found that there were a lot of blood pools on the ground, some broken bones and blood, which was very scary.

Fortunately, there are some weeds growing here, and the concrete on the ground is also broken here and there, covering some of the whole tragedy, otherwise, everyone would have to go back to have nightmares at night.

Su Sa was only interested in the falling suspension car.

The whole world is a new energy source, and diesel gasoline is completely banned.

Nitrogen mixed with the unique aura of Sirius has become the main fuel. If this technology is realized on Earth, wouldn't there be endless resources?
There is not even a gas station in the world. All cars only need to have some electricity, and the system can automatically convert energy to continue driving.

Some cars don't even distribute electricity by themselves, and can use light energy and solar energy to supplement electricity.

This kind of technology, in the future, must be studied carefully, maybe one day when I return to the earth, I will accidentally become the richest man again.

But at this time, shouldn't it be time to pay attention to Xiner's fight with gangsters?

Seeing that such a good car cannot be studied, I feel really aggrieved.

Go upstairs!

After walking around the apartment, I realized that there is no fucking elevator installed!

Calm down!

Take a deep breath!
After the qi and blood are improved, the bones and physical strength of this body are really leveraged.

Go up to the fifth floor in one breath, no waist pain, no sore legs, no panting!
When I went up to the 28th floor, I realized that those burly men were sitting in the stairwell panting heavily. It turned out that they were only capable of this!
At that time, I was not much better, my blood was swollen, and my eyes were bloodshot.dizzy.

But you can't stop!

" kid has really good physical strength!"

The big man in the green hat patted his chest and said breathlessly: "However, you... don't be complacent, kid. When I... go up, I will definitely deal with you properly!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Su Sa admitted that she was provoked.Taking advantage of the unprepared man in the green hat, he just kicked up.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this kick, even the strength of breastfeeding was used.

The big man in the green hat rolled over and over again, and fell down the stairwell.

However, there are many corners in this apartment, and he grabbed the railing and stopped after rolling a few floors.

Su Sa didn't bother to think about the consequences, Xiner dared to kill someone, so what was she afraid of!

Keep going upstairs!

When I ran to the 33rd floor, I was already sweating profusely.

If this was in the previous life, let alone the 33rd floor, even if it was the 3rd floor, it would take half a life.

Thinking of this, Su Sa unconsciously smiled.

Walking up the corridor of the apartment, I found that it was already a mess.

Some chemicals, documents, and some unknown equipment were discarded here and there.

Looking from top to bottom, I found that the fighting was not limited to this level.

What happened here?
Carefully bypassing some obstacles, looking forward, there is a long space corridor extending like a space pedal at the end of this long corridor.

At the end of the corridor is also parked a foldable suspension vehicle.

It seems that the top executives of this organization come up by this kind of suspension vehicle, and there is no need to climb the stairs so hard.

It's just that I heard such a big movement just now, why is Zi Kung Fu so quiet now.

Walking all the way, the front doors are all closed.

Until the end of the corridor, the door here has been completely damaged and crumbled.

Looking at the large iron gate fragments on the ground, I go, what kind of power is this, it can tear steel!

At this moment, a monster-like human being emerged from the door, at least twice the size of a human.

The hair on his whole body was thick and gray and black, but his skin was as hard as a rock.

Under the petrified skin, the swollen blood vessels can be vaguely seen.

With a dash, Su Sa almost fell to the ground.

The man roared at him with teeth and claws, and rushed towards the hover car.

Judging from his actions, at least his sanity still exists.

With his blue face and fangs when he turned his head just now, he had the illusion of seeing a wolf for a moment.

That's right, it's like seeing a werewolf in a film and television drama.

His ears were pricked up sharply and covered with thick hair.

And his eyes were yellowish brown, already slightly reddish.

He is a mutant!

Before they had time to analyze these, several people who were similar to the werewolf just rushed out.

Seeing Su Sa this time was not so friendly, and surrounded him as soon as he went out.

This feeling of being besieged by monsters makes people shudder.

Su Sa's whole body is tense - he is still somewhat sure about dealing with ordinary people, but if he deals with these 7-8 werewolves.

Non-warrior level, how is it possible...

The werewolves just looked at Su Sa, then opened their sharp claws, trying to tear him apart!

"Heroes, I'm just passing by, soy sauce, do you believe it?"

Su Sa smiled awkwardly, pretending to be harmless to humans and animals, and swallowed her saliva: "Besides, my meat is sour, it doesn't taste good..."

He carefully observed the surroundings, the weakest werewolf was close to the end of the suspension vehicle, if he broke through from him, the chances of winning were slightly better.

But there is still a werewolf over there, if it is their leader, wouldn't it be sent to death?

(End of this chapter)

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