Kill monsters for money

Chapter 137 You 1 must be careful with that woman

Chapter 137 You must be careful with that woman
"It's nothing."

Chen Meiling's tone was very gentle, and she continued: "It's just that there are always some little girls who come to Mengmeng to play with, and often give her some small toys and snacks."

"Mom, you have to be careful about this person, and tell Su Meng not to get in touch with her in the future, she is not a good person."

Su Sa became more and more nervous: "This woman has a vicious heart, and I'm afraid it will be bad for you."

"You child, how can the Lord speak?"

Chen Meiling said in a lecturing tone: "I saw that the child is very beautiful, juicy, and she is very nice. Didn't you have dinner together before?
What, she offended you, you say that about her? "

Su Sa frowned, her parents were too kind and easy to trust others.

He strengthened his tone and emphasized: "Mom, you must listen to me about this matter, and don't trust that woman, she has dropped out of school a long time ago, and hangs out with a gang of gangsters all day long.

In addition to those, there are also some fallen warriors that she has contact with.

To put it bluntly, even if I offended her before, maybe she will take revenge on you. "

"Ah? So serious?"

Chen Meiling panicked and asked in a low voice, "Then son, what should we do?"

"I can't wait anymore, I'll pick you up tomorrow, Mom, you pack your things overnight."

"Well, okay, son, I will listen to you."

"Okay, Mom, pack up early and go to bed early, and tell Mengmeng not to trust others easily."

"Okay... okay."

"Well, okay, Mom, it's okay, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, hang up, goodbye..."


Putting down the phone, I still have lingering fears, this restless Xiao Xi, if you fucking dare to touch my family, I will even pick up your family's grave!
He immediately searched for Xiao Xi's information.

A message popped up inside: Drug Dealer.

Damn it!

"Has anyone ever told you..."

"Hello, sister?"

"Sa Sa, where are you, my sister is done seeing netizens, I'll take you out for supper!"

Eat supper?Could it be that she is not full?

Don't talk about her, I'm a little hungry too.

"Sister, we have a big stall called 'Hot La La' here, are you interested?"

"No problem! Call Fatty, the three of us go eat together?"

"Three people? Don't you bring your netizen?"

"Get out! Dare to entertain your sister and me, do you want to be beaten?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."


Fatty was soon picked up to the "hot" stall.

A city like Xiaoxiang is also a city that never sleeps.

Neon lights, heavy traffic.

The most dazzling thing is the suspended car in mid-air.It's fine to fly high, those hover cars that fly short pass by, that dazzling light.

Fortunately, the Urban Public Security and Environmental Management Bureau has long issued regulations, and the suspension vehicle must strictly follow the flight track when flying.

The suspension vehicles developed in recent years have begun to use sound wave navigation and the night vision function of the suspension vehicle window glass.

If it weren't for the influx of foreign vehicles, such a dazzling situation might not have occurred.

Su Shuang ordered several bottles of beer and a large bottle of apple cider vinegar.

Fatty ordered everything from BBQ.

Without waiting for Su Sa to ask, Su Shuang took the initiative to confess: "Brother, I announce to your sister that you will have a brother-in-law soon!"

Su Sa pretended to be shocked, and spewed out a mouthful of salt soda.

Pulling the fat man's sleeve to wipe his mouth, he asked, "Sister? What's the situation? Online dating? Isn't online dating all about dying? Sister, don't be so impulsive!"

Su Shuang lowered her eyes, laughed a few times, and said with confidence: "As a sister, you really can't see the morals of the world clearly?

This netizen has actually joined for seven years.From the first time I owned QQ, I don’t know where to add him.

Since then, I often post some public diaries on QQ space, and he often follows me.

That's how I found out that he regarded me as his younger sister at first, and felt that some of my diaries were a little depressed.
I am afraid that I will have depression, so I often enlighten me.

I used to just think of him as a weirdo. "

Speaking of this, Su Shuang chuckled, slapped the table and said cheerfully: "He said that he has not been in a relationship since he was 25 years old.

Then there were various forced marriages at home, various blind dates for him, and the confession of some female colleagues in his work unit.

He compromised and talked about one, probably for a year. "

At this time, Su Shuang's eyes were a little melancholy, she sighed and drank the whole bottle of beer.

Su Sa hurriedly dissuaded: "Sister, don't drink like this, it will hurt your body!"

Su Shuang glanced at him contemptuously, and said, "What is this little wine! It's a commemoration of the time that disappeared for a year."

"Your BBQ."

The waiter brought a large bowl of barbecue and put it on. The fat man hurriedly reached out, but was slapped hard by Su Sa.

Pointing to the shrimp and crab porridge, he said, "Just drink the porridge, don't drink too much!"

The fat man was not convinced, but when he thought of Tan Mianmian, he swallowed his saliva, then retracted his hand, and started to drink the porridge.

Su Shuang didn't pay attention to those things, she finished drinking, bit a big piece of meat, and continued: "He hasn't stepped into my space for a whole year.

Didn't talk to me either.Of course, my sister and I were still young at that time, so I didn't pay attention to those things. With so many friends on QQ, I almost forgot about him.

But more than a year later, I suddenly found that there was an extra comment in his QQ space, which made him very depressed.

I can't remember the content, but I sent him a comment at that time, which is not a word of comfort for him. "

She took out her mobile phone, flipped through it for a while, and said happily: "Yes, yes, this is it!"

Su Sa took the phone and looked at it: "I lost the stars, I lost you! My galaxy has been dim since then."

There are many comments below, and some people gloated.

He turned to his sister's reply: "There are new stars waiting for you, which are extremely bright!"

At this time, Su Shuang suddenly laughed and said, "Do you know why he made such a statement, and made it public?"

"I know, he must berate that woman and make the whole world sympathize with him!"

The fat man said solemnly: "Some women don't know how to cherish the person in front of them, and they don't say a word when they hurt the other person."

This sentence amused Su Shuang, she covered her stomach and laughed for a long time.

Su Sa and Fatty looked confused, they didn't know what she was laughing at.

The two got bored and ate, watching her laugh.

After a while, Su Shuang stopped and continued: "You all guessed wrong!"

She flicked her mobile phone, looked at it and said, "At that time, he sent me a message back, which said, 'Little sister, you don't need to comfort me. In fact, I was forced to be helpless this year'

At that time I asked, why?

Who would have thought that he would actually say that during this year, he was forced to fall in love, and that woman was so nervous that she wanted to watch his phone calls every day.

He has to check his computer all the time, and gets angry every time. If he doesn't coax her, she will complain to her parents.

In the end, he was forced to apply to teach in remote areas, where there was no internet and the journey was rough.

It's finally cleared up!Later, the woman couldn't take it anymore and offered to break up. "

(End of this chapter)

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