Soul echo

Chapter 91 Beginner's Guide

Chapter 91 Beginner's Guide

……That's it?
Zhong Ye looked at the blacked-out screen with puzzled eyes.

He can guarantee that if this thing is released, someone will definitely ask the production team how much money they have been greedy for.

If you really don't understand, you can ask the game creators on Earth for advice!
——[Are you a wrestler who wants to fight a giant beast? 】

Just when Zhong Ye was confused, Yinhua appeared again.

The white wind and snow filled the screen, and the distant roar filled the ears.

On this snowy land, two figures, one big and one small, are wrestling.

The soldier squeezed out a stream of mist from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly roared, the veins in his arms and neck bulged, and he knocked down the giant beast that was more than ten times his size, twisting his hands, and forcibly twisted off the giant beast's head.

——【Do you want to be the controller of knowledge? 】

As soon as the screen turned, the scene changed into an empty library.

The mage sitting behind the counter concentrated on studying the books in his hands without raising his head, and waved his other hand. The books on the long table in the hall instantly came to life and flew up from the table in an orderly manner. automatically fills in where it should be.

With a snap of his fingers, a breeze blew up between the bookshelves, sweeping away the dust and pouring it into the trash basket.

Then, the mage closed the books, put them on the table, waved off all the lights in the library, turned around and disappeared into this space.

——[Are you a close person who wants to become an element? 】

The picture changed again, a water wave swayed on the scene of the library, and the ripples continued, turning the dark library into a rough sea.

An alchemist in a robe stood quietly on the water, although his body was undulating.

He lightly raised his eyes, looked at the monster coming by the wind from afar, and popped out a talisman from between his fingers.

The talisman was burned to ashes in front of him, and at this moment, a strong wind blew up and the clouds flew up.

Clouds and mist swirled in the sky, forming thick dark clouds, which continued to gather. Soon after, thunder resounded, and a flash of lightning bloomed in the alchemist's eyes, overlapping with the figure of the monster.

The huge monster let out a mournful cry, then fell from the sky and fell into the sea.

——【Or do you want to become the strongest in the world? 】

The camera went straight up to the clouds with the wind, and then probed down the clouds and fell into a blue mountain.

The warrior who lived in seclusion in the mountains put down the letter paper, picked up the dust-covered long knife, and walked thousands of miles to the torrential river that carried countless currents, enough to harm several states and displaced countless people.

The warrior jumped into the river, facing the rushing flood.

Draw the knife, cut off the flow!
【——If you had power beyond the ordinary, what would you use it for? 】

When this line of subtitles flashed, the screen went black.

The player automatically put away, and the game forum page popped up for Zhong Ye.

However, he was deeply immersed in the shock that that video gave him.

——There is no doubt that it is a 'legend'!
This promotional video is quite satisfactory as a whole, there is nothing particularly good about it, the first half of the video may even make people feel confused and do not understand anything, but the second half of the video is accompanied by the sentence at the end, which can make people Let your imagination run wild and spark a discussion.

However, Zhong Ye's focus is different from that of players. He pays more attention to those strong players who show their strength in the video.

As far as his experience is concerned, by upgrading, players can get five or six attribute points when they reach level ten, which is not enough for them to become superhumans.

According to the information given on the official website, players at level [-] are targeted for 'extraordinary', and players at level [-] are targeted for 'legendary'. Unless the upgrade system changes at level nine or above, the attributes will definitely not meet the standard.

Looking at the 'divinity point' on the personal attribute panel, Zhong Ye was a little moved, but soon, he suppressed his restless heart.

If he used 'divinity', he could rise to level ten, but in the hunting list, there were no monsters suitable for raising attributes. The attributes that the witch could provide should be wisdom or charm, but he didn't need these attributes now.

Moreover, he is already a transcendent now, so there is no need to upgrade his attributes, and he has no special requirements for skills and traits, so he doesn't need to upgrade at all.

It's better to put these soul fragments first, and use them after finding a suitable monster.

Having made up his mind, Zhong Ye turned his attention back to the game forum.

Just then, someone sent him a private message.

Zhong Ye knew without opening the private message that it should be sent by a certain god. His account has not made any comments in the game forum.

[Is the connection still smooth? 】

The account that sent him the private message turned out to be an administrator of the forum, Zhong Ye couldn't help wondering, is there really such a idle god?Still have time to manage game forums?
'The connection is very stable and the internet speed is fast enough. At least I didn't experience any lag when watching the promotional video. I just don't know if there will be any problems after the number of users increases. '

Not long after Zhong Ye replied, the other party sent another message: 【Don't worry about this, the server is very strong.By the way, I almost forgot to remind you - be more careful in winter, and now we are preparing to enter late autumn, by the time of winter, almost all players have combat roles, and their level should be above level three, the gods of the sky It is planned to release some low-level demons on a small scale for players to upgrade and get a preliminary understanding of the abyss.However, these low-level demons may attract the attention of the abyss believers and demons lurking in our world. It’s fine if they only notice the players. You have to be careful not to be targeted by them. Your soul is in this world. Once you die at the hands of demons, we can't bring you back to life]

Looking at this message, Zhong Ye frowned slightly.

'Is the situation serious? '

【It’s not serious... You know it’s useless, just be careful anyway】

Fearing that Zhong Ye would continue to ask questions, the profile picture on that account instantly turned gray.

Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, closed the chat box, and returned to the game forum.

He still remembered that in Constantinople, in the Tower of Master Victor, he had heard the statement that 'sooner or later this world will meet the earth'.

If the influence of the abyss on Dan's world is not eliminated before the two worlds meet, then the earth will also be invaded by the abyss.

Once the world of Dan is destroyed by the abyss, the demon gods of the abyss will use this destroyed world as a vehicle to sail to the earth.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that the earth side will cooperate with the world of Dan.

With the strength of the Dan world alone, it may not be able to resist the invasion of the abyss, but if the two worlds work together, maybe they can do it!
So, amidst all this, what can he do?

Looking at the game forum, an idea flashed in Zhong Ye's mind.

——As a senior, he can completely become a "novice mentor" on the forum, helping other players solve problems as much as he can.

If nothing else, players spend most of their time outdoors, but not all players are experts in outdoor survival, and even experts in outdoor survival may not be able to adapt to this era and this world. > Encyclopedia of Wilderness Survival.

In addition, "Monster Illustrated Book" and "Upgrade Instructions" are also necessary, so as to prevent novice players from adding points randomly when upgrading, resulting in promotion to the corresponding level but not being able to reach the corresponding level.

Although I don't know if he can help novice players acquire professional skills through the game forum, but he can properly reveal some 'hidden content' to help novice players grow and increase their curiosity about this game.

In this case, the workload may be a bit heavy, but with his current physical fitness, it is not a problem to stay overnight once in a while.

Get up from the bed, walk to the desk, sit on the chair and close your eyes to recall, Zhong Ye opens the draft, enters the title——

["Soul Echo" Wilderness Survival Encyclopedia (Eastern Earth Chapter)]

A phantom screen invisible to others was reflected in his eyes, and lines of text were written by him.

What is contained in this is not only his experience, but also the past that he cannot return to.

...One day, he will return to the Eastern Earth, back to Earth!
(End of this chapter)

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