Soul echo

Chapter 833 Chaos

Chapter 833 Chaos
In the East China Sea, the Huangguo fleet surrounded the Dongpu fleet. This was only their first fleet, and the other two fleets had already gone to Dongpu.

The eight-foot Qiong Gouyu is still floating above the Dongpu fleet. It seems that although Dongpu has never owned a national weapon for thousands of years, the people still believe in the story of the "three artifacts".

The Japanese fleet has been besieged here for more than three days. Although their supplies can still keep up, their mood has slowly changed.

As for the strategy of the Dongpu Fleet, it is currently "surround but not attack". As long as the other two fleets can solve the Dongpu behind the fleet, so that the people of Dongpu can no longer provide power to Bachi Qiong Gouyu, they can easily solve that There is no Japanese fleet that doesn't even have a single armored ship.

Soldiers are tricky—the responsibility of soldiers is to win, so the Huang Kingdom Fleet doesn't care whether the victory is fair or not.

By the third day, people from the Dongpu Fleet had already insulted the Huang Kingdom Fleet through the barrier made by the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, but the Huang Kingdom Fleet was unmoved and didn't even bother to attack.

Anyway, no matter how much you attack, you can't break the barrier. Isn't it a waste of shells to continue attacking?
Although the use of national weapons may be able to break the barrier, but in comparison, they have a more secure plan, why take risks?

The Huangguo fleet can sit still, but the Dongying fleet can't sit still. Many people are asking their king to use the other two artifacts.

The Bachi Qiong Gouyu is already so powerful, so the other two artifacts that are as famous as the Bachi Qionggouyu must also be very powerful.

Maybe, with a sword strike from the clouds in the sky, that Huang Kingdom fleet could be wiped out!
However, their king was unmoved.

"It's probably because the King of Conspiracy's actions in the Elven King's Court failed." A high-level military officer analyzed it this way.

According to their analysis, the reason why Dongpu declared war at this time is obviously to cooperate with the actions of the King of Conspiracy in the Elf King's Court.

It's just that no one could have imagined that the large-scale invasion of the King of Conspiracy would be beaten back abruptly.

After the failure of the Elven Royal Court's actions, Dongpu's actions can be suspended. After all, it is impossible for Dongpu to win Huangguo alone.

The strength of the Huang Kingdom is even stronger than all the other countries in the East combined and multiplied by ten. A mere Dongpu can't even defeat their fleet, let alone land a battle.

After hearing that the Elven King's Court was devoured and turned into an unprecedented giant abyss gate, all of them were taken aback. Fortunately, the demons that invaded the Dan world have all been driven back, although the gate of the abyss The door was not smashed, but with Zhong Ye sitting there, if there were no accidents, for example, if the King of Conspiracy took action himself, there shouldn't be any problems with the abyss door.

But if this is the case, why does the Japanese fleet continue to stay here?

The residents of the surrounding cities of the Elf King's Court were mobilized, not to go to the front line, but to the former location of the Elf King's Court.

When they crossed the familiar mountains and plains with building materials and came to the once-familiar location of the Elven King's Court, they did not see the magnificent, exquisite and beautiful royal city in the legend, but only saw a huge gate standing on the ground.

There was a white field around the door, and there was nothing on it, nothing.

... No, there's still 'something'!

It wasn't until those elf civilians approached that they realized that there was a human being sitting in front of the giant door. His body was huge, and even if he sat on the ground, he was as tall as some adult women.

A head of long black hair was hanging down, fluttering in the wind.

Sensing the arrival of the elf commoners, Zhong Ye slowly opened his eyes.

"Your Excellency Saint, we are here to build the fortress." The Transcendent who led the team saluted Zhong Ye carefully, with a very respectful attitude.

If it wasn't for Zhong Ye, the kingdom of elves would have fallen long ago.

"Ten miles back." Zhong Ye opened his dry throat and said in a deep voice, "The pollution here is still very serious."

The team leader was taken aback for a moment, then saluted Zhong Ye respectfully, and waved his hands to make the elf civilians back away.

They started building the fort ten miles away from the Abyss Gate, but when they were building, they couldn't help but turn their eyes to the Abyss Gate and the tiny figure sitting in front of the Abyss Gate.

Compared with the 800-meter-high Gate of the Abyss, even Zhong Ye, who is tall, is quite small.

However, even ten miles away, they seemed to be able to see that figure. The scene they saw at the gate of the abyss was deeply imprinted in their hearts, and perhaps they would never forget it in their entire lives.

Zhong Ye, who closed his eyes again, sank his mind, always sensing the reaction of the giant door behind him.

At the same time, he was also suppressing the irritability that surged from the bottom of his heart.

Want to kill...want to destroy...want to destroy...

I don't know if it's because too many lives were killed in the previous ten days. Even if those lives are abyss believers and demons, killing is still killing, and the nature will not change due to the identity of the killed.

The curse of the war lord is not so easy to be exempted, and no one else can help him, he can only solve it by himself.

Enduring the 'manic depression', Zhong Ye disappeared.


After leaving Montreux, Lily and the others discovered that the situation was just as the hotel owner said, not only Montreux, but prices in other places also started to rise.

Obviously, nothing like this happened before arriving in Montreux. Was it because of the war between the elves and the bloody tribe?
But the war will not affect this place... What is the reason?
Although they were very curious about this matter, Lily and the others didn't have time to investigate deeply, so they could only leave in a hurry.

Then, on their way to the Kingdom of Gaul, they met a group of grain merchants. They were discussing something with sad faces.

After seeing Lily and the others come to this campsite, they kept silent and stopped discussing, but the sadness on their faces still did not fade away.

Although some grain merchants can make a lot of money by reselling grain, in many cases, grain merchants are no different from ordinary merchants, because not everyone has a keen sense of business and is so heartless.

Knowing that they are grain merchants is because one of Lili and the others has very sensitive hearing, and can hear the conversations of those grain merchants from a long distance away.

The goods carried by the grain merchants were covered with coarse cloth, but Lili and the others could tell that the quantity of those goods under the coarse cloth was not large.

Lily frowned and watched for a while, discussed with a few mercenaries around her, handed her luggage to her companions, and walked towards the grain merchants.

"I want to ask a few questions, but don't worry, I will pay for it."

Lily stretched out her right hand and spread her palm, several grain merchants saw several gold and silver coins lying in her palm.

In addition, Lily is still a beautiful woman, several grain merchants looked at each other and nodded.

Lily withdrew her palm, sat down beside the grain merchants, collected her thoughts, and asked, "The recent harvest is not good?"

Speaking of this matter, several grain merchants just mentioned their emotions down again, and couldn't help sighing: "Where is the harvest bad? It's very bad!"

"The lords of several territories have refused me to go to their territories to buy food."

"Even if they don't refuse, we can't get much grain from farmers. The only ones who are willing to sell grain to us are those whose loans are about to expire."

"But that's it, there are still many cities that want us to buy a lot of food... Where can we get so much food!"

"I have gone as far as the Gaul Kingdom and the Rhine Kingdom, but I haven't bought much. Now there is no food anywhere..."

Through the narrations of several grain merchants, Lily slowly pieced together a terrible fact.

——The food shortage in the entire Western Continent!

This reminded her of the plague believers she met when traveling with Zhong Ye. They spread the plague and reduced food production... But aren't those plagues limited to one area?Why are there food shortages in so many places?
Although she didn't know exactly what was going on, Lilian understood—the famine was coming!

(End of this chapter)

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