Soul echo

Chapter 812 Bloody Battle (2)

Chapter 812 Bloody Battle ([-])
The Tiger Fortress is located in an endless plain. Logically speaking, a fortress should not be built in this kind of place, but in order to resist the bloody tribes in the south, the Elven Kingdom had to build a fortress here.

Brown bears, tigers, and wild boars, these three fortresses constitute an important line of defense against the bloody tribes south of Lake Baikal in the elf country. Due to the flat terrain, there are almost no passes at all in this area, so the main function of these three fortresses is to cut off the attack. The relationship between the bloody tribal army entering the elf kingdom and their headquarters is not to defend the enemy from outside the border.

The kingdom of elves has hoarded a large number of troops in these three fortresses. The elves use space expansion technology to make the interior space of these three fortresses much larger than it looks. soldiers are self-sufficient when surrounded by blood tribal armies.

There are not only arsenals in the fortress, but also farmland and breeding grounds.

The elves who are good at cultivating plants have cultivated a fruit tree that does not taste very good, but can be harvested three times in a year. The fruit produced by this fruit tree can provide a lot of starch to the eater. If it is not extremely dry, I am afraid It has long been regarded as a staple food by elves.

This kind of food can be used as the staple food in battle, and it can also be used as feed for livestock, which can ensure that the elves in the fortress will not lose their combat effectiveness due to hunger or lack of nutrition.

Tiger Fortress was surrounded by a plain, so Zhong Ye and his team naturally had no way to hide.

The bloody tribe's army had noticed Zhong Ye's arrival early, but Zhong Ye released his aura, making the bloody tribe's army aware of his existence.

Maybe they don't know who he is, but they must know that a strong man has come to this battlefield.

The army of the bloody tribe was in a commotion, and Zhong Ye heard a lot of movement, some of them felt that they could not win this battle and wanted to retreat temporarily.

However, the word "retreat" is the greatest insult to the belief of the war lord. After confirming that those people have decided to retreat, other abyss believers raised their butcher knives against their compatriots, killing these traitors with unsteady beliefs. Hack and kill.

Before the battle even started, the army of bloody tribes began to fight among themselves.

"Your Excellency, they fought themselves!"

The leader of the Cedar City army was as excited as if he had been slapped with chicken blood. The elf officer turned to look at Zhong Ye, "Your Excellency, do you want to do something?"

Zhong Ye took a deep look at the camp of the bloody tribe army, shook his head and said, "No, continue to rest."

The elf officer seemed a little disappointed, but he could also understand Zhong Ye's actions.

Their team has just experienced a battle. Although it was a big victory, it consumed a lot of energy. Fighting in this state will only make their casualties much worse than fighting in a full state.

As expected of His Excellency the Saint, you have thought of so much!

The elf officer clenched his fists, and looked coldly at the bloody tribal army.

Just let those damned guys who invaded their country live a little longer, they are all going to die anyway, there is no difference between dying sooner or later!
The loyal believers cleared out the traitors very quickly. If Zhong Ye and the others had attacked at that time, they would not have traveled half the distance now.

Although the bloody tribe didn't have many artillery pieces, let alone new field artillery pieces, they had been attacked by artillery pieces more times, and they knew what kind of equipment the elves possessed.

It is precisely because Zhong Ye's team is keeping a safe distance from them that they did not make any major moves, and the two are in peace. If Zhong Ye and the others get closer, the bloody tribe's army is likely to turn around and attack them directly. , regardless of Tiger Fortress.

Time passed quickly, more than an hour passed in a flash.

"Get them ready!"

Zhong Ye closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and turned his head to look in the direction of the bloody tribe's army.

"—The war is about to begin!"

The bloody tribal army who had been observing Zhong Ye's team and Tiger Fortress also noticed their movement, especially the team led by Zhong Ye was approaching the camp.

The wind blew on the ground, and the bloody tribe legend who had a sharper perception frowned and turned to look at the Tiger Fortress.

The legendary strongman sitting in the Tiger Fortress is the commander of this fortress. He is a legendary mage, but even a strong man like him has fallen into a deep sleep before.

In order to cooperate with Zhong Ye's actions, the commander decided to use his own legendary spell.

The surging air hovered around the fortress with an ominous atmosphere, and as the flow speed became faster and faster, the shape of the strong wind appeared to the naked eye.

The traces of wind swirled and circulated, repelling the air pressure and sucking away the oxygen.

Many people in the bloody tribe's army felt a little difficult to breathe at this time, which made them have to turn their target to Tiger Fortress.

If this legendary spell takes shape, it will be enough to wipe out all the soldiers below the extraordinary, and even the extraordinary are in danger of losing their lives.

The believers of the Lord of War will never be greedy for life and fear death, but if they lose their lives in vain without completing the task, that is not what the evil god they believe in wants to see.

As for how to interrupt this spell, the bloody tribe already had a solution.

The giant war beasts in the three camps surrounding the Tiger Fortress slowly got up and walked towards the Tiger Fortress.

The raging wind hit them as if they had hit a high wall. The wind that was strong enough to blow a child away was nothing to them, and could only blow the hair on their bodies.

Under the threat of war behemoths, the legendary mages in Tiger Fortress either choose to continue to maintain their legendary spells and let the war behemoths knock down the fortress walls, or they choose to give up their legendary spells and prop up the shield.

——The power of the legendary spell is too powerful, and there is no way to control it through the shield, so now the legendary mage in the fortress can only make a choice.

As for how to choose, the commander of the Tiger Fortress has long made a judgment.

The three war behemoths accelerated their steps, and then slammed into the restarted fort shield.

Without the support of the legendary mage, the whirling wind has not dissipated, and continues to move according to inertia, but it will not take long for it to return to normal, and the air pressure is already rising.

The large army of the bloody tribe faced the army brought by Zhong Ye, leaving a small part to stare at the Tiger Fortress.

The bloody tribe is just fanatical in their belief in the Lord of War. They are not stupid, and it is impossible for them to rush forward without leaving a reserve team.

When commanding the team to stride forward, Zhong Ye felt something, and turned his head to look at the north.

At the extreme end of his line of sight, he saw a procession.

That team was all cavalry, and they didn't seem to be carrying too much weapons and equipment, so they just came over.

Zhong Ye slightly calculated their positions and the distance from the battlefield, and found that they should arrive at the battlefield about ten minutes after the start of the battle.

Although they didn't carry powerful weapons, and the number of them was not large, only a hundred or so, they could be regarded as a strange soldier.

Thinking like this, Zhong Ye projected his thoughts into the mind of the team leader.

——The team led by him will attract the attention of the frontal battlefield, and then the cavalry team will go around to the left flank of the bloody tribal army and raid the enemy's waist. enough.

If it was not a direct confrontation with the enemy, but only to attract part of the enemy's attention, the cavalry team would not suffer such serious losses. Zhong Ye believed that the cavalry team leader would understand this.

Zhong Ye only had the ability to project his consciousness into someone's mind, and he couldn't listen to that person's answer, so he didn't know whether the cavalry would carry out his orders.

I just hope that the leader of the cavalry team is not stupid, and must lead the team to a head-on conflict with the bloody tribal army.

After finishing this matter, Zhong Ye turned his attention back to the frontal battlefield again.

The artillery team had already stopped, and the artillery was deployed intensively, the infantry team continued to move forward, and the cavalry team pulled away to the sides.

The shield guards were still in the front row of the team, followed by logistics soldiers instead of infantry. They drove the pack animals forward and arranged defense equipment in front of the team.

Just in front of them, a large army of at least [-] was silently marching, and silently opened their formation to the two sides, trying to outflank Zhong Ye and his team from the left and right wings.

Zhong Ye released his soul breath, and the power called 'Halo' descended on all the soldiers in an instant.

Feeling the power surging in their bodies, even if there were only a few thousand people, the elf soldiers let out a roar that shook the sky.

The battle broke out!
(End of this chapter)

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