Soul echo

Chapter 799 Go to

Chapter 799 Go to
Zhong Ye didn't have much to pack, only a few sets of clothes.

Now he doesn't need to eat, all the body's metabolic consumption can be supplemented by breathing and drinking water, and the energy required for activities can be obtained by replacing the extraordinary factor.

Even in an empty vacuum, he can still burn his soul to keep his body active, living without eating, drinking or breathing.

He also told Qi Jingshu, Qing Lai and others about his departure, but he didn't know how long he would be away, so he didn't say when he would come back.

After packing his luggage, Zhong Ye set off directly.

His figure soared into the sky from Bianliang, and flew straight to the north—compared to the carriage, he was still flying faster.

Although the speed is not as fast as that of a passenger plane, it is already comparable to that of a plane during World War I. If you don't rest on the way, you will be able to reach the border tonight.

Just as Zhong Ye left, there was another fight near Shangqing Yupingtian.

"What's the point these days..." The wounded soldier who was the reserve team sat on the side of the road, watching the other troops dispatching troops, and couldn't help sighing.

"...Maybe it will be over soon!"

A voice suddenly came from the side, and the wounded soldier turned his head to look, and found that it was an 'earthling'.

They didn't know before that there was such a large group of people from other worlds around them.

When they first discovered this, they were very worried, because those 'earth people' fell into a coma at the same time, causing their defense line to lose a lot of defensive power in a short time, but fortunately these people from other worlds woke up later. come over.

Although only part of them came back, being able to fill in the gaps in the defense line was already a great help to them.

The soldiers of Shangqing Yupingtian did not doubt these earthlings, even if these people came from another world.

——These earthlings have been fighting side by side with them for so long, if they really have any ideas, they should have done it long ago, why wait until now?

Those earth people who woke up also joined the battle immediately, helping them fill the gap in defense, so that many people had a chance to survive, including the wounded soldiers themselves were rescued by an earth person.

Therefore, people in Shangqing Yupingtianli don't have a bad impression of the group of 'players', and even have a good impression of them.

The wounded soldier looked at the earthman pointing in front of him, and then heard him say: "You should know the name 'Zhong Ye', right?"

'Zhong Ye'?They are very familiar with this name!
"You mean number one in the world? Does it have anything to do with him?" the wounded soldier asked doubtfully.

Although Shangqing Yupingtian is isolated from the world, it does not mean that they are uninformed here.

In order to appease the emotions of the soldiers, Shangqing Yupingtian often sent some news in the country to the soldiers to watch, so most of the soldiers had some understanding of the situation in the country.

The fact that Zhong Ye forcibly beat an evil god to death and became number one in the world was widely spread in Yupingtian of the Shang Qing Dynasty. Many people regarded Zhong Ye as an idol, and wounded soldiers were not among them, but they also respected Zhong Ye a lot. .

Being on the frontier, after fighting the bloody tribe for a long time, the wounded soldier also realized how terrifying the abyss is. They are such young people that they can't even deal with it, let alone evil gods.

Once the evil god wreaks havoc within the territory, the hometown of some of them may be affected.

Because of this, the soldiers whose family was near Chang'an felt a kind of gratitude towards Zhong Ye.

But why does this earthling mention Zhong Ye now?

The wounded soldiers know that these earthlings have their own communication method, and it is very convenient. Even if they are thousands of miles away, they can get news, so many soldiers want to curry favor with these earthlings. Learn about your hometown and even your own home from them.

"A player from Bianliang on the forum posted a post saying that Zhong Ye left Bianliang and went to the north. Isn't our place the north?" The player shrugged, "Although what he wants to go may be that The place where two ships headed for the kingdom of elves sank, but if he came to the north, wouldn't he stop by to see his disciple?"

The wounded soldier blinked, then stared round, "That Zhong Ye...he has a disciple here!?"

"Don't you know?" The player looked at the wounded soldier strangely, "It's the man from Xilu who recently gained fame in Shangqing Yupingtian!"

This time the wounded soldier was really surprised, Zhong Ye's disciple was actually Lilian?
Seeing the stunned look of the wounded soldier, the player laughed and explained: "Zhong Ye is also from our earth, and he landed in Westland after crossing over. At that time, he probably wanted to contact our players, but there was no way. To reveal his identity, he chose a spokesperson, and Lilian happened to be chosen by him."

A person who is casually selected by Zhong Ye can become an innate person, so what if it is a person with talent and hard work?

The wounded soldier couldn't help but fell into deep thought, but after a while, he sighed again and gave up thinking about it.

The difference in status between him and Zhong Ye was too great. Even if he wanted to learn from Zhong Ye, he could only think about it. There was no way to become Zhong Ye's disciple.

The player didn't know what the wounded soldier was thinking, so he sighed suddenly, and continued the topic just now: "Look, if Zhong Ye stopped by to see his disciples, would he help and take those students across from us? Get rid of the bloody tribe? For him, this is nothing more than a matter of effort."

"That makes sense." The wounded soldier nodded in agreement.

Then, just as people expected, Zhong Ye landed outside the Yuping Heaven of Shangqing.

The emperor entrusted him to break through the bloody tribe's defense line, not only to ease the pressure on the border, but also to test whether the bloody tribe had deployed high-end force on the elf kingdom.

It doesn't matter where you start, but Shangqing Yupingtian is where Lilian stays. If that's the case, let's start from here!
Zhong Ye didn't pay attention to the bloody tribal soldiers who were fighting against the soldiers of the Huang Kingdom. They were not his target, but his target was the legendary strong man sitting in this place.

The bloody tribe doesn't care about the life and death of those soldiers. No matter how many soldiers are killed or injured, as long as the high-end force is not harmed, they will not pay more attention.

Therefore, if you want to test how much high-end force the bloody tribe has deployed here, you need to deal with the legend of the bloody tribe!

Violent noises and shock waves shot up to the sky from the bloody tribe's rear, resounding and suppressing the clouds.

The soldiers of the Huang Kingdom didn't understand what was going on, but this didn't stop them from shouting loudly with high morale.

"You're the only one here?"

Zhong Ye walked out of a deep pit slowly, bringing a great sense of oppression to Legend who was standing in the distance.

Even though the figure of this legend has been greatly enhanced by the influence of the War Maharaja's belief, he still doesn't look as tall as Zhong Ye.

The legend of the bloody tribe suddenly had bloodshot eyes, clenched his teeth, clenched his fists and beat his chest, roaring: "Come on!"

Looks like I'm not ready to answer...

Zhong Ye's eyes froze, his figure flickered, and the next moment he appeared in front of Legend, and punched him out.

The fist pierced through Legend's chest in an instant, and Legend of the bloody tribe didn't even have time to react.

But getting a chest pierced doesn't kill a Legend completely!

The legend of the bloody tribe shouted angrily, raised his hands and grabbed Zhong Ye's arm, his body suddenly swelled.

He activated the power of the abyss to change his body.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye's arm shook.


In just an instant, the legend of the bloody tribe was smashed into a cloud of blood mist by this shock force, flying with the wind.

After seeing the blood mist, Zhong Ye turned his head to look north.

The north of the northern border of the Huang Kingdom is the territory of the bloody tribe, and the territory of the bloody tribe is further north, which is the kingdom of elves.

The kingdom of elves is the final destination of his trip, but before going to the kingdom of elves, he must first go to the sea area where the two ships were sunk, and avenge the sailors.

(End of this chapter)

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