Soul echo

Chapter 793 Player Chapter Return

Chapter 793 The Player Returns
——How can humans become demons?
The mercenary group and the clergy have been thinking about this all day long, and it is difficult for them to understand it.

It is normal for abyss believers to experience some changes in their bodies after believing in the evil god of the abyss, but this does not mean that they can become demons because of this.

Although it sounds a bit unpleasant, abyss believers are still 'human beings', and it is impossible for them to become demons.

However, the speaker of the Venetian Parliament turned from a human into a real demon, and according to those who were rescued from the ruins by them, the speaker seemed to complete the transformation in just a few minutes, completely changing from a Humans become demons.

How did the abyss do it?If this kind of thing can be done casually, doesn't it mean that the abyss can destroy the Dan world at any time?
Individual human strength is not strong, far inferior to demons, not to mention that the speaker was just an old man with no power to restrain a chicken, but after he transformed into a demon, he was able to turn a mansion into ruins and instantly kill A powerful force that killed dozens of people.

If the evil gods of the abyss really have the means to transform human beings into demons at will, then as long as they transform the abyss believers who are now hidden in human society into demons, it will be enough to cause chaos and even destruction of the entire Western Continent.

They don't know the specific situation of the Eastern Land, but if the West Land is destroyed, the Eastern Land should be similar.

If the evil god of the abyss really has the ability to transform humans into demons at will, the destruction of the world is only a matter of time.

Just when people were at a loss, a priest apprentice suddenly knocked on the door and came in to announce something - a person who claimed to be a player wanted to meet someone from the mercenary group.

Lily blinked and whispered: "Player? Are they back?"

Afterwards, she asked the priests for instructions. Now they are in the church of the Commercial Church, and the priests of the Commercial Church are the masters here.

After getting the approval of the priests of the Commercial Church, the apprentice priest left the room and called the person who called himself the player over.


Although there was some speculation, Lily did not expect that the person who came was actually Max.

After Max came to this room, his expression was a little complicated.

If it was before the real identities of these players were revealed, their collective offline this time would only be considered by the aborigines of the Dan world as the onset of the 'echo sign', but now many aborigines know the 'abnormal world people' existence.

If there is no accident, even if there are players who want to hide their identities, they should reveal their identities now.

"Sorry, I just came back and heard that your plan has been implemented..."

Lily interrupted Max before he finished speaking, she said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing, we changed the plan, and now the effect of this plan is better than the original one!"

Not only is the effect better, but it also forced the speaker, who is a believer in the abyss, to reveal his identity.

Hearing Lily say this, Max's face became more complicated.

"By the way, if you don't mind, can you tell us why you suddenly disappeared?"

In the past few days, Lily also noticed that some of the more famous adventurers, mercenaries, businessmen and even scholars in the original city had all become in the same 'status' as Max.

It was also at that time that Lily realized how deeply and thoroughly the group of 'players' penetrated their world.

If she hadn't known that these people from another world were on their side, this would really be a terrible thing.

The clergymen didn't speak, they looked at Max expectantly.

As priests, they must be the first group of people who know the existence of 'players'. Naturally, they know how much help players can bring to this world. The disappearance of players is a very bad thing for fighting the abyss. .

"This matter..." Max was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know very well, but I heard some rumors from certain channels that I don't know whether they are true or not."

"What rumor?" Lily asked curiously.

Max took a deep breath and said solemnly: "It seems that 'demons' have appeared in our world!"


"You are finally back!"

Just as Lilian opened her eyes, she heard shouts from outside the house: "Go to the front to help, the bloody tribes are attacking one after another, we can't stand it anymore!"

She realized in an instant that the "you" that the voice said might be referring to their group of players.

Their players disappeared for a few days. If the bloody tribe continued to launch offensives during these few days, it would be difficult to withstand it only by relying on the strength of the aborigines.

After all, although these vanguard fortresses rooted in foreign countries contain caves, they hardly have any support force. If only the aborigines were fighting against such an intense bloody battle, they should have retreated long ago.

It is precisely because of the help of the players that the fortress can be firmly nailed to this place, undertaking the task of investigating the situation of the bloody tribe.

Taking a deep breath, Lilian got up from the bed, picked up the weapon placed aside, and walked out of her room quickly.

Players haven't been online for several days, so no matter whether they really care about the situation in Dan World or not, at least there are quite a few players here in Shangqing Yupingtian.

After going online, most players rushed to the front line immediately, and Lilian was no exception.

With the help of a powerful force from the player, the frontline instantly reversed the situation of being suppressed and beaten. The Huang Kingdom army took up weapons and launched a counterattack against the bloody tribe.

After coming to the battlefield, Lilian found that there seemed to be a lot fewer people in the bloody tribe.

Although the bloody tribe still has an absolute advantage in numbers compared to the more severely downsized Huangguo army, they are no longer able to launch a tide-like attack like they did when the war just started.

Upon discovering this, Lilian's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be...the bloody tribe has no reinforcements?

"What happened?" Zhong Ye looked at Qi Jingshu, who was lying in his arms, seemed to be breathing his own breath, and looked a little abnormal, and asked with a slightly distorted expression.

Qi Jingshu let go of Zhong Ye, turned to look at the baby in the cradle, and finally showed a smile on her face.

"I don't know the specifics either. Illusion Company didn't say anything, only issued a 'maintenance announcement', and nothing else."

Stretch out your finger and put it in the baby's hand, and the baby grabbed Qi Jingshu's fingertips due to the grasping reflex.

Qi Jingshu's face was intoxicated, she leaned her head on the cradle, and said softly: "But something may have happened, all players can't connect to "Echo of Soul", not only in the player circle, but also at the social level. There was a lot of movement."

Due to the existence of the accelerated learning system, many people rely on "Echo of Soul" to learn. Although these people are not the core users of "Echo of Soul", in fact, they are the largest proportion of players.

These people don't care about things like 'Dan's world is a real different world'. In their view, all NPC's answers are just calculated or designed by the system.

They only care about the matter of 'the accelerated learning system cannot be used', and some people even went to the Mirage Company for this matter.

However, Phantom Company was not easy to deal with, and a call to the police sent that person directly to the detention center.

After all, the evidence provided by Phantom Company is very clear. The video of that person smashing the property of Phantom Company is accurate. Even the police station's evaluation system can't see any trace of modification, so that person was arrested very simply.

In short, this incident caused a lot of trouble, and even people who don't pay attention to "Echo of Soul" know about this game through this incident.

"However, it may be the 'electronic demon' that Lilian mentioned."

Qi Jingshu suddenly remembered that some time ago, the thing that Zhong Ye mentioned in his conversation with Lilian, if it was connected with the crazy news on the forum a few days ago, it is not impossible to explain this matter.

"A few days ago, it went viral on the forum. Before the player was forcibly kicked offline, Lilian reminded the surrounding players to log off as soon as possible. Some people saw the scene of two players falling down through her live broadcast, and then Several players said in the forum that they lost contact with their friends, and someone said that his friend died..."

The more Qi Jingshu talked about it, the more she felt that maybe that 'electronic demon' had really done something.

——Has the war between the earth and the abyss started quietly?

(End of this chapter)

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