Soul echo

Chapter 787 Sports

Chapter 787 Sports
"How dare they... how dare those untouchables?!"

Lodwin leaned his back against the wall, listening to the roar coming from the mansion, the corners of his mouth couldn't help curling up.

Sure enough, as the eldest sister expected, these factory owners were really angry.

Although this is only the residence of one of the factory owners, the reaction of the factory owner can tell what kind of reaction the other factory owners will have.

They have made it impossible for several factories to start and continue to work today. This is not a big loss for the factory owners. After all, it is only one day. They may have a reason not to pay wages to the workers in the factories.

But what if this situation lasts for a few days or ten days?
At that time, the factory owners should also be anxious.

The shutdown of factories not only means that no products can be produced, but also means that the raw materials they store cannot be processed, and the market may be seized by factories of the same type. Therefore, in order to resume factory operations as soon as possible, those factory owners must find a way.

Threatening workers with wages and threatening demonstrators with weapons are all things they may do.

However, their eyes will not sink, and they will notice the bottom of the society that is being connected in series. If they can notice, the plan will probably fail. Unfortunately, they are already used to being arrogant.

Lordwin is a mercenary, and because he is a mercenary, he has traveled to many places and seen a lot.

He has seen more than one noble. Although Venice has no nobles in name, aren't the members of the parliament 'nobles'?

It's just that councilors don't have the name of nobility, and they don't have as much land as traditional nobility. If they regard 'money' as their land, aren't they nobility?
The representatives of Venice have the arrogance of aristocrats, they will not see what people are doing, they will only act according to their own ideas, and use their imaginations to deal with the civilians who are against them.

This behavior is undoubtedly stupid, but they do not know it.

However, Lodwin felt that as enemies, it would be better for those parliamentarians to be a little stupid, so that they would be easier to deal with.

After swearing loudly, the factory owner in the room began talking with his men about how to deal with the demonstrators.

As soon as the conversation started, the voice suddenly disappeared.

Lodwin waited for a while, and found that there was no sound coming from the house, so he sighed and left the mansion.

I don't know if the factory owner discovered him, opened the enchantment, and eliminated all the sounds.

After leaving the mansion, Lodwin went to several other factory owners and collected enough information. It was also during this period that he got a rather interesting piece of news.

—Those factory owners seem to want to use the army?


"Use the army?"

The cleric who was quietly listening to Lily's story suddenly opened his eyes and glared angrily: "That's what they said?"

Lily nodded, "At least that's what my subordinates heard."

Venice has its own army, but the army is controlled by the parliament. Without the permission of the parliament, even the speaker has no right to use the army.

As a fairly wealthy city, Venice's army has been modernized, everyone is equipped with a rifle, and the army also has an artillery battalion.

The army should not use artillery battalions if they want to suppress the demonstrators, but just those soldiers with rifles are enough to cause harm to people.

"This is not acceptable..." The priest took a deep breath, nodded seriously to Lily, and said, "I will report this matter to the bishop, if they really use the army, then the church will definitely not sit idly by in spite of!"

Lily smiled and got up to leave.

As soon as she left the church, her complexion became gloomy.

As a mercenary group, their strength is already very strong, but even they can hardly deal with a well-trained army.

Knowing that the factory owner might try to use the army, Lily immediately came to the church and asked for help from the church.

There are several churches in Venice, and they can stop the army.

Although she knew early on that the factory owner would use some excessive means, she never expected that the factory owner's reaction would be so intense.

Using the army... This is something she can't even imagine!
However, to what extent the matter will develop depends on the specific reaction of the factory owner tomorrow...


Early the next morning, gang members controlled by MPs took to the streets. The factory owners had identified most of the demonstrators, so they sent gang members to harass those people and their families, so that the demonstrators Unable to gather.

However, what they didn't expect was that the adventurer was already there waiting for them.

Gang members are just gang members after all, they can run rampant among ordinary citizens, and in front of adventurers and mercenaries, they are no different from ordinary citizens.

The demonstrators successfully gathered and came to the gates of those factories again, shouting loudly.

The factory owners who received the news were furious. They had already dispatched those hooligans, so why were ordinary citizens still able to gather?

When they found out the matter, they were even more furious.

Some factory owners ran directly to the Adventurer's House, pointing at the director of the Adventurer's House and scolding: "What are you doing? Why are those adventurers and mercenaries going to help? Don't you know who will give it to you?" You provide funds?!"

Unexpectedly, the supervisor shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, my lord, those guys acted on their own initiative. I'm just a service person who provided services to them, not their manager, and it's impossible to restrain them."

The supervisor dismissed the factory owner's scolding, because now the Adventurer's House has started to make a profit, and the main body of funds to maintain the Adventurer's House is no longer the council, but the profit sharing after the adventurers and mercenaries complete their tasks.

Just on the surface, he still needs to respect the city councilors.

In any case, things have already happened. The councilor glared angrily at the director of the Adventurer's House. After a while, he turned around and left with a cold snort.

After he left, the supervisor couldn't help but sneered and turned to look out the window.

In this office, the shouts of the demonstrators can just be heard.

——The atmosphere is getting hotter and hotter!

Amid the intensified shouting, some ordinary citizens and boatmen who heard the propaganda also gathered at the demonstration site.

The few boatmen who accepted the invitation early waited for a moment among the crowd, and suddenly followed suit, holding up the oars in their hands and shouting loudly.

Their demands are different from those of the demonstrators in front of the factory, but their emotions are similar.

People were startled by the high-pitched cry, and then, they didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt a burning feeling in their hearts.

When a certain person shouted, the others either bowed their heads and left silently, or joined the queue of demonstrations.

The sound wave was higher than the wave, gushing out from the factory gate and rushing to all parts of the city.

Listening to those yells, the factory owners couldn't bear it anymore, quickly organized a meeting, passed the issue of 'using the army', and then asked people to mobilize the army.

——They want to show those pariahs who is the master of this city!

Senator Dennis was sitting in the meeting room of the parliament. He was the only two people who voted against in the whole meeting. Now he closed his eyes and lowered his head, sighing.

These guys probably don't know yet that their step has been counted. Even if they can use the army, they can't stop the demonstrations from continuing.

Everything they are doing now is in vain. Unless they can find out the truth about the whole demonstration, or bow their heads to the demonstrators, otherwise this activity will not end.

Personally, though, Senator Dennis doesn't want the factory owners to notice a single fact.

Because in that case, he would have no way to grab more power!
(End of this chapter)

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