Soul echo

Chapter 784 The Devil is Coming

Chapter 784 The Devil is Coming
"You can call me Max."

Max sat on a chair, leaned against the back of the chair, propped up the table next to him with one hand, and looked playfully at the few aborigines who appeared in front of him.

"I heard that you are looking for us? What's the matter?"

"Are you from another world?" Lily folded her arms and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Max scratched his hair, "It should be considered... if you mean 'player'."

Hearing this answer, Lily laughed, walked to the chair opposite Max and sat down, and the two mercenaries who came with her stood behind her with their hands behind their backs.

After sitting down, Lily took a closer look at the adventurer who called herself 'player'. He looked rough, but his clothes were surprisingly clean, without too many stains, at most, some dust.

"You were the first organization to find us after our identity was revealed. What do you want to do?" Max asked with a smile.

Lily glanced over Max's collar, cuffs, and lips, confirming that he wasn't drinking.

Not drinking is a characteristic of most people from other worlds, because they always dislike the bad wine in Dan's world.

Nodding secretly in her heart, Lily suddenly said: "Killer, dare to take it?"

"Kill?" Max frowned slightly, leaning forward and then leaning back, "You should know, right? We can't just hurt ordinary people...Of course, the target you can entrust us with is definitely not an ordinary person, but as long as We are human beings, and none of us can hurt them at will."

The tavern was very noisy, adventurers and gangsters were drinking, even gambling, and the sound was always non-stop, so it was not surprising that Lily and Max were talking about 'killing' in the public.

As long as they can control the volume of their voices, they will not be noticed by others.

"The most vicious factory owner in the city." Lily said lightly, "We can help you prepare all the supplies you need, and only this one is required. I hope you can assassinate a certain factory owner."

Max took a breath, "Do you have any grudge against them? You actually want to hire players like us to assassinate..."

"I don't have the slightest hatred with them." Lily shook her head, "I just can't understand their behavior, if they continue to do that, they may attract the abyss, and when the time comes, they will kill themselves, and they may also kill other people .”


Lily gave a thumbs up and wiped her neck, "I'm going to kill a few of them and let them know that they can't disregard the law and people's hearts."

"Wow..." Max couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Afterwards, he leaned over and asked with a smile: "As far as I know, most of the factory owners in Venice are members of the city council. Even if they are not, they can have some relationship with the councilors. Is it really okay to kill them? "

Lily leaned back at the right time, and distanced herself from Max.

"Aren't you people from other worlds who killed them anyway? They can take advantage of the loopholes in the law and avoid handing over the workers' death compensation to the families of the deceased. According to the law, there is no law that can judge you aliens. The crime of the people of the world, isn't it?"

As she said that, Lily smiled coldly: "By the way, I don't care whether you want to assassinate or face to face, I hope you remember to shout or leave a note when you kill those factory owners, so that those people know that you are doing it for them." The workers did it with 'revenge'."

"...Wait, what did you just say?" Max frowned suddenly, "I just heard, you said that those factory owners didn't hand over the death compensation to the family of the deceased?"

"That's right!" Lily was a little surprised, "Is there any problem?"

Max let out a cold snort: "If that's the case, I'd like to charge a little less money—it's already pitiful enough for a family to lose their mainstay, but they still deduct compensation. Since they dare to deduct death compensation, then work-related injuries and disability They will definitely not pay for the compensation..."

"No!" Lily interrupted Max suddenly.

Max's frown deepened, "What did you say? No? They don't even have compensation for work-related injuries?"

As a typical player, Max is quite a qualified entertainer, so he has been in Venice for a while, but he still hasn't dealt with those factory owners.

But even a fun-loving person like him felt angry after hearing that the factory owner didn't even have compensation for work-related injuries and disabilities.

Not empathy, just the conscience of a well-educated person.

As an adventurer, Max didn't have many interactions with workers, and before that, he only regarded "Echo of Soul" as a simple game, and took everything that happened in this world as the background of the game.

However, now, after knowing that this world is very likely to exist, it is difficult for him to remain indifferent.

Taking a deep breath, Max said in a low voice: "Have you collected any information on those factory owners? I want to see which villains actually did such an outrageous thing!"

"Of course we have collected the information, but we didn't bring it with us." Lily nodded slightly, "If you have any intention of cooperating, come with us... Let's leave first, and you will leave after more than ten minutes, how about it?" ?”


After getting an accurate answer, Lily got up and left.

Using violence to control violence is not a good method, but it is currently the only method that can make factory owners listen to others.


"What's the matter with the guys from the Bloody Tribe? Attacking one after another!"

Just after returning from a battle, Lilian heard someone scolding.

The bloody tribe launched attacks frequently, and they attacked three times within five days. Even though they were able to win every time, they were not inhuman like the bloody tribe, and their physical strength was still limited after all.

It doesn't matter if the people of the bloody tribe die from fatigue, but they cherish their lives, and it is impossible for them to fight continuously without taking any rest.

Although they also have a reserve team, no matter how many reserve teams there are, they cannot withstand such an offensive.

Lilian sighed, she didn't have the time and energy to scold those people, and went back to her room to let her body rest well.

Afterwards, she boarded the game forum to pay attention to the recent situation in Dongtu and Xilu.

As Dan's world and the earth gradually approached, the situation inside Dongtu and Xilu suddenly became tense.

Even if the players don't know the distance between Dan's world and the earth, they can guess one or two through the recent tense situation.

The pressure on Dongtu's side mainly comes from the bloody tribe. Although there are abyss believers in it, Dongtu itself has a lot of legends and extraordinary people, which is enough to suppress those things.

The pressure on the west land comes more from the abyss believers. In the past few days, cultists have offered sacrifices in eight places in the whole west land, and three of them were successful.

Although the Church and the adventurers worked together to suppress the Abyss Invasion in those three places, the Abyss Invasion also caused the pollution of those places and required a long period of time to clean them up.

In these incidents, the local lords and nobles appeared more as "assistants of the abyss believers", so there has recently been a discussion on "whether to clear the lords and nobles of the Westland" in the forum.

This situation is not right, it is too intense!

"Su Yu! Su Yu, what's wrong with you, Su Yu?"

At this moment, Lilian heard panic shouts from outside the house, hesitated for a moment, got up from the bed, and walked out the door.

After coming to the door, she saw a person who looked like a player holding a body with wide-eyed eyes and shouting loudly.

However, the body that was clearly awake did not respond to the companion's cry, and there was no reaction.

For some reason, fear suddenly surged in Lilian's heart.

What's going on here?
After a while, the voice of the player holding the godless body stopped abruptly, and his body suddenly collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Lilian's eyes widened and her brain raced.

Suddenly, her pupils trembled and she screamed, "Everyone! All players! Log off quickly! Hurry up, everyone log off!!!"

——Because, the devil is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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