Soul echo

Chapter 778 Attacked

Chapter 778 Attacked
"We want the truth! We want the truth!"

"The Phantom Company is uniting with people from other worlds to kill us earthlings, we need to protect ourselves!"

"Destroy the Illusion Corporation! Destroy them!"

Outside the building, many people had already gathered, holding up signs and shouting at the building.

As the news spread more and more widely, even people who were not players of "Echo of Souls" knew that 'Dan's world may be a real different world'.

However, the real players didn't react too much, and those who weren't even players had already marched outside the building where the Mirage Company was located.

Similar things happened all over the world, whether it was in North America, Europe, or China, almost all branches of Mirage Company faced this situation, and the Belgrade branch was no exception.

Lilian stood by the window, overlooking the shadowy crowd below, and turned to the others and asked, "Don't worry about them?"

"No need."

A researcher stretched comfortably, leaned back in the recliner, and pulled the blindfold off.

Another researcher with a notebook came over, looked down with Lilian, and said, "It's better to say, we just want them to be like this."

They need to get people to spread the word that 'Dan's world is real' and right now this group of people are messing around but really helping them spread the word.

"The investigation is clear."

At this moment, a person came in from the door and said: "Behind those guys are a few abyss believers. Those guys are old and want to live forever. On the way to find a way, they met those abyss believers. Bewitched by the believers of the abyss, they have all been killed now."

'Those guys' refers to the benefactors behind the parade. After all, those parades don't understand the game "Echo of Souls" or what kind of existence the world of Dan is. hire.

Lilian didn't need to think about it to know that the "killing" that person said was definitely not just killing the few abyss believers, but the rich people who were affected by the abyss believers should also be killed.

Even if those who are bewitched by the abyss have not yet become believers in the abyss, they will eventually become believers in the abyss. People who are bewitched by the abyss in order to find a way to live forever obviously do not have Zhong Ye's strong willpower, and it is impossible to pollute themselves. Part of the soul is cut out.

"Are you really ignoring them?" Lilian looked down again, "If the benefactor behind them hired them because of the bewitching of the abyss, how can we be sure that they are not affected by the abyss?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone present stood still and stopped their movements.

The researcher who was taking notes turned his head to look at Lilian, the researcher leaning on the recliner pulled up his blindfold, and the person who had just entered the room turned around and went back the same way.

Everyone's expressions became serious, because Lilian was right, since the gold masters behind those people were bewitched by the believers of the abyss, is it possible for them not to be affected by the abyss?

Not 2 minutes after people started to act, a message was sent to their personal information terminals.

[All branches immediately mobilize the legal department and security department to expel the parade! 】

Although there is something that is not known to be a demon is raging in the electronic space, but in this era, it is still too difficult to get rid of electronic products.

However, just when everyone was getting busy, a message from the security department was sent to everyone's information terminal——

【warn!warn!There are abyss believers sneaking into the company! 】

Before the staff from the security department could explain the situation clearly, the surveillance cameras in front of them were blacked out, and the entire building was cut off from power.

The surrounding lights dimmed, which startled Lilian.

Then, she shook the information terminal in her hand, and even the screen of the information terminal failed to light up again.

"It's a demon..." Lilian murmured to herself.

——It was the demon that ravaged the electronic space that broke in!
Unexpected!They didn't notice it at all!
No wonder there are thousands of people on earth hunting it, but they have never been able to trace it.

This demon must have been transformed by the King of Conspiracy, and possessed certain characteristics, so it was able to evade people's perception.

What was the demon trying to do in the Belgrade branch?What do the abyss believers who sneaked into this branch want to do?
Lilian thought for a moment, and then got the answer.

At this moment, courage and anger instantly filled her body, allowing her to open her legs, bursting out with power far beyond what this body could use.

Lilian flew and kicked open the door, curled up in the air, vacated three times, landed on the opposite wall, kicked the wall with both feet, rolled over and landed, turned into a phantom running in the winding corridor , causing the people walking in the promenade to exclaim again and again.

The breathing involuntarily transformed into the appearance of the 'breathing method', and the power from life began to flow and fill the body, so Lilian's speed became even faster.

——The goal of believers in the abyss is the 'son of purity'!
And Belgrade's pure son is her younger sister, one of her few relatives!

Lilian rushed to the medical area as quickly as possible, and then saw that the gate of the medical area had been destroyed, and rattling gunshots were wafting from inside.

His eyes quickly searched the things in front of him, and soon he found a convenient iron rod and a few pieces of glass suitable for throwing.

Picking it up, Lilian ran into the medical area.

Bullets flew randomly in the medical area, and all the tables and chairs were overturned as cover.

Not only the security guards, but also the abyss believers had guns in their hands.

It's just that compared with the guns in the hands of the security guards, the guns in the hands of the abyss believers are more backward, without any insurance measures such as 'smart locks', perhaps because of this, they were able to use these guns to invade the Phantom Company.

There are not many believers in the abyss, but they have quite strange abilities. The whole person is like a non-Newtonian fluid. When bullets fall on them, they cannot penetrate their skin. Their muscles and bones will be deformed by kinetic energy. However, almost It will automatically reset in seconds.

If you want to kill them with pure kinetic energy, you must use a more powerful weapon, but this is a medical area, and if you use a powerful weapon, you may hurt others.

In addition to firearms, some members of the Illusion Company can use spells, but when their spells fall on those abyss believers, it will only cause a layer of ripples around their bodies-they have already prepared props to protect against spells.

Ka Ka Ka!
All of a sudden, the guns in the hands of the security guards were locked, which made their expressions extremely ugly in an instant.

The abyss believers cheered, jumped out from behind the bunker, and rushed over with guns in their arms.

But at this moment, a few shards of glass flew from behind the abyss believers.

The abyss believers who charged together didn't even have a broken person behind, so that they didn't find the glass shards at all.

The shards of glass attached with true energy easily cut through the skins of several abyss believers. Lilian narrowed her eyes slightly after noticing this, and rushed out of the shadow like a cheetah, using all her muscles to the limit.

Her speed was so fast that even the security guard facing the gate of the medical area couldn't react. She had already jumped behind an abyss believer, knocked him to the ground with her knees, and her face collided with the smooth floor. Rubbing, then raised the iron rod in his hand high, and stabbed down hard.

The iron rod wrapped in zhenqi quickly pierced the brain and heart of the abyss believer, killing him.

"Heh!" Lilian sneered, and expelled a foul breath from the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, these abyss believers still have weaknesses!

Lilian's raid attracted the attention of the abyss believers, and their eyes were drawn over. The experienced security guards jumped out from behind the bunker in an instant, and snatched the guns from several abyss believers. When startled, put the muzzle of the gun in their mouths and pull the trigger.

Puff puff!
With a few muffled sounds, the heads of the remaining believers in the abyss were shot through by bullets.

Seeing that the enemy turned into a corpse and fell limp, Lilian followed suit, and all her strength was pulled out.

"Lilian!" Hearing a scream from behind, Lilian looked back and saw a figure rushing over and hugging her in his arms.

"Are you okay? Is there any injury?"

Feeling that her mother was groping her body nervously, Lilian smiled: "Mom, it's okay, it's just that I exerted too much force for a while, and I'm a little tired."

"It's's fine..."

As she spoke, the woman couldn't help shedding tears, hugged Lilian tightly, and began to cry.

Lilian's lips were tightly pursed, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Now, she can protect her family!
(End of this chapter)

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