Soul echo

Chapter 771 Big Version Update

Chapter 771 Big Version Update
【Zhong Ye, I have some bad news to tell you...】

When Zhong Ye woke up, the moment he opened his eyes, this message jumped out in front of his eyes.

Three days had passed since the battle with Qianji Pavilion, and he returned to Bianliang.

Now there is no need for him to take over the royal assets of the capital in person. Through that battle, all the relatives of the royal family, as long as they are not in the dark, can clearly see how powerful he is.

Compared to oppressing people with their status and stalking them, they are now more inclined to participate in the assets after being acquired by Zhong Ye, even if they need to obey Zhong Ye's orders for this.

Zhong Ye's strength is the best in the world, at least there is no martial arts master or land god in the world who dares to admit that he can compete with the gods, and it seems that it is not unacceptable to become the subordinate of such a strong person.

Therefore, Zhong Ye returned to Bianliang.

Since he returned to Bianliang, various letters and gifts poured in, and there were many parties and banquets he wanted to invite him to, but Zhong Ye refused them all.

After returning to Bianliang, he thought he could live a peaceful life for a few days, but he didn't expect that when he woke up early in the morning on the third day, he saw such a message as soon as he opened his eyes.

Zhong Ye sighed and sat up from the bed.

"Is it related to the earth?" Zhong Ye asked in a deep voice.

[Yes, we have found traces of demonic activities on Earth. 】

Seeing this line of words, Zhong Ye's eyes narrowed, "...Didn't it mean that the abyss will not be able to invade the earth in a short time?"

[This demon was cultivated by the abyss believers on the earth themselves! 】

Seeing this, Zhong Ye was stunned.

"Can demons be cultivated by abyss believers?"

[Of course, otherwise, what do you think happened to the evil god you fought with before?His predecessor was a great demon, but in the abyss, there is no such kind of great demon. It itself is a product of our world, created by believers in the abyss, and has been blessed by the king of conspiracy, so it became big devil. 】

Zhong Ye suddenly understood, and finally understood what was going on with that mechanical monster.

He immediately thought of what they were discussing, and asked, "So what? The demons that appear on Earth today are also similar?"

[We are not sure if it is a demon, but there is no doubt that it is now wreaking havoc on the electronic network of the earth. It travels through the network, and hackers cannot catch its heels. All electronic products affected by it Logical chaos will occur, the electrical intelligence of the earth is too high, if it is not stopped, it may paralyze the entire society. 】

Looking at the big words, Zhong Ye frowned, "Why are you telling me this? I can't help you."

The actual situation is definitely not as simple as this god said. Nowadays, the level of intelligence of electronic products on the earth can be said to be almost [-]%. The incubator is controlled by artificial intelligence, the operating room is controlled by artificial intelligence, and public transportation is also controlled by artificial intelligence. ...if that demon could really confuse electronics with logic, it could literally kill thousands of people.

It is also impossible for the earth to accept the loss of artificial intelligence.

After knowing these things, Zhong Ye only felt anxious, because he couldn't help much.

【I just hope you can get ready! 】

Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Are you about to start?"


The gods at the other end of the subtitles seem to be sighing too: [Earth is finally involved in this war...]


[To the respected players——]

["Soul Resonance" is about to start updating, this update will last for 24 hours, the content is as follows: Outland exploration, legion system, master-apprentice system...]

[At the time of the update, all players will not be able to log in to the game. Players are also requested to set up character trusteeship in advance. Please do not let the character stay in the dangerous area. Thank you for your cooperation. 】

When the line of subtitles faded, Lilian let out a breath, greeted the audience in the live broadcast room, then closed the live broadcast, and started to set up hosting.

Compared with other players who are looking forward to the version update, she is very clear about what they will face after the version update.

She didn't know before that every version update means that the distance between Dan's world and the earth is getting closer.

The proximity of Dan's world to the earth means that the abyss is getting closer and closer to the earth, which is not a good thing.

Lilian knew a lot, but she couldn't speak out about these things, and she couldn't share them with others. This was the most painful thing for her.

She is not by Zhong Ye's side now, she is now outside the border of the Huang Kingdom, and is about to face a war.

Sighing, Lilian went offline and logged on to the game forum, wanting to see what the specific update content was like.

As soon as she got on the forum, Lilian saw many posts discussing 'AR interaction', which made her have some bad premonitions, so she hurriedly clicked into the official posts and browsed carefully.

Afterwards, she couldn't help being astonished.

——'External Domain Exploration' is different from what she imagined. In the game setting, Dan World discovered a passage to the earth, allowing players to descend to the earth as game characters.

Of course, this function must be carried out through AR technology, and the game characters controlled by players will not really travel to the earth.

But this alone already moved Lilian's face.

She is Zhong Ye's disciple, and she has been with Zhong Ye for a long time. After knowing that "Echo of Soul" is not just a game, Zhong Ye talked to her about many things, including the story of "players descending on the earth". plan.

Lilian remembers very clearly that when Zhong Ye mentioned it to her, he said that this plan is quite low in the order of the plans of the gods in the Dan world, and it will only be activated when the abyss can harm the earth.

Is it because of the recent demon that has ravaged electronic space?

Thinking of this, Lilian fell into deep thought.

Now that the player has been able to land on the earth, that is to say, has the abyss' invasion of the earth already begun?
Pursing her lips, Lilian opened her eyes, took off her game helmet, got out of bed, and ran to ask the person in charge of the Illusion Company branch.

She wants to know if things are really as she guessed!



Qi Jingshu raised her head, glanced across the edge of the bamboo hat, and landed on the two large characters above the city gate.

Then, she noticed the update announcement.

There is still time, there is still half an hour, there should be time...

Qi Jingshu led the horse into the city, strolled on the busy streets, asked the street vendors for the direction of Changuang School, and then walked towards that place.

She spent about ten minutes on the road, because the city gate is quite far from Changuang School.

Qi Jingshu knocked on the window of the gatehouse and asked softly, "Excuse me, is Zhong Ye here?"

The concierge looked at her strangely, then nodded, "Master Zhong is inside, what's wrong?"

"Can you call him for me?" Qi Jingshu pursed her lips slightly, "Just tell him, 'Qi Jingshu is here to find him'."

Hearing this, the concierge, who had been a little careless at first, jerked and woke up all of a sudden.

"You know Mr. Zhong?!"

Qi Jingshu blinked her eyes and nodded, "He and I know each other, and we are friends who have known each other for many years."

But you don't look like friends at all...

Seeing Qi Jingshu's eyes and demeanor, the concierge swallowed and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'll go ask Mr. Zhong right now!"

The concierge was the concierge of Toad Light Pavilion before this, how could he not have the slightest insight?

After reacting, he could tell at a glance that the relationship between this woman who called herself Qi Jingshu and Zhong Ye might not be normal, when she called Zhong Ye's name, it was more like calling her lover.

Could it be... is it really the 'mother'?
The concierge was taken aback by his guess, glanced at the interior of Changuang School, took a deep breath, and ran over.

Although he knew that many people here liked Zhong Ye, but that was their business, he was only responsible for reporting, if something really happened, it was not his problem, but if he knew about it and did not report it, it was his problem.

So, let's inform Zhong Ye...

Qi Jingshu led the horse and sat on the steps in front of Changuang School, humming a little tune, looking at the street scene ahead of people coming and going.

After the opening of Changuang School, there were many hawkers on this street, and the flow of people gradually increased, gradually becoming lively.

Qi Jingshu didn't wait for long, about a few minutes later, an unbelievable whisper came from behind her: "Jingshu?"

Blinking her eyes, Qi Jingshu took a deep breath, with a smile on her face, then stood up and looked back.

This time, she saw it, and there was a focus in Zhong Ye's eyes - he was looking at her!
"...Long time no see." Qi Jingshu said softly.

——After a year, five months and seventeen days, they finally meet again!
(End of this chapter)

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