Soul echo

Chapter 769 The Cause of Power

Chapter 769 The Cause of Power
The death of the God of Thousand Machines meant that the whole incident came to an end.

No matter what plans the abyss believers have, at least the biggest gain they can get from this world has disappeared.

An evil god belonging to the abyss can bring great trouble to this world, such as the plague god in the Westland, because he has many followers.

Although the God of Thousand Machines has no definite believers, as long as he is still alive, he can develop new believers. For the people in Dan World, the death of the God of Thousand Machines is the best ending.

Although the God of Thousand Machines who was beheaded by Xuanyuan Sword still has the possibility of resurrection, to resurrect him, at least need to pay more resources than creating three evil gods. Obviously, this is not in line with the abyss believers. Interests.

The evil gods followed by the abyss believers want to destroy the world of Dan, not create more evil gods.

Creating evil gods is just a means they use to destroy the world, not their goal.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the God of Thousand Machines will not be able to be resurrected.

Zhong Ye let go of Xuanyuan Sword, and Xuanyuan Sword immediately drifted away like a cloud of smoke.

There is a prototype of this kingly sword, but the prototype has long been damaged, but it has become a symbol of royal power, so the emperor was able to summon it out with the help of national fortune.

At this time, Zhong Ye raised his head and looked around, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"where is this place?"


"Have you killed the newly born evil god?"

Hearing the voice from the talisman, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, when he knew that there was a long-awaited monster in his country, he was almost scared and jumped up from his chair.

Later, he learned that after being killed by Zhong Ye, the big demon turned into an evil god, which frightened him even more.

Fortunately, not long after that, Wang Chunxi sent him good news—Zhong Ye was able to fight the newly born evil god one-on-one.

Although the evil god was just born and he didn't know how to use his own abilities, he was still an evil god after all. Zhong Ye was just a martial arts master, after all, he was a mortal, how could he fight against gods?
Although it is not clear how Zhong Ye did it, the emperor ordered all the officials to activate the national weapon as quickly as possible to help Zhong Ye.

There are only a few national weapons that can help in this battle, and other national weapons have their own limitations, but only the shackles of the Sanfa Division and the Xuanyuan Sword are most suitable for this battle.

Even though using the Xuanyuan Sword once would consume a lot of national luck, the emperor was not stingy and let Zhong Ye use it.

If they can't defeat that evil god, their country may be gone, and now is the time when they need to consume the country's luck the most!
Ten minutes later, Zhong Ye used the talisman to contact the emperor again, and told the emperor the good news that the "God of Thousand Machines is dead".

【Yep. 】

Hearing this exact answer, the emperor couldn't help laughing.

However, doubts followed.

The emperor couldn't help but asked: "How did you beat him? Before the shackles of the Three Laws and the Xuanyuan Sword arrived, you were already able to match him evenly, right?"

[Because I've already become a saint. 】

"But ordinary masters don't have such powerful power as you..."

[You made a mistake. 】Zhong Ye interrupted the emperor, 【This is our true strength! 】

The emperor was taken aback for a moment, "What do you mean?"

【Extraordinary, innate, whether it is the West Land or the East Land, people's descriptions of this realm can always be related to 'extraordinary and refined', and martial arts masters and human legends exist above this realm. 】

Zhong Ye slowly narrated his experience: 【Why do people separate the realm of 'transcendent'?It is because everyone will touch a barrier before reaching the extraordinary realm. Xilu calls it the "extraordinary barrier", while Dongtu calls it the "distance between heaven and man". Only by breaking through can the body and body be completed. The unity of the soul allows the power of the soul to affect the body, and the master and legend go a step further, allowing the power of the soul to affect reality. 】

The emperor nodded, what Zhong Ye said was true, but they already understood these things, why did they mention it now?

[However, people have misunderstood one thing, that is, the power of the soul is 'that's all'! 】

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Could it be that the power of the soul is not as simple as they imagined?Can make them humans strong enough to fight the gods?
[When Qianji Pavilion attacked the capital before, I gained power beyond the master because of my anger. You should know this. Since then, I know that the power of legend is more than this, but we have not been able to truly power developed. 】

[In the days before the decisive battle, I have been thinking about this matter, but I have never gotten an answer. It was not until I was fighting the big demon that I realized what was going on. 】

"What is it?" the emperor asked curiously.

【--common sense! 】

This answer stunned the emperor, "...what did you say? 'Common sense'?"

[Yes, what really constrains us is the information we have received from the outside world since we were young. Those information constitute our world. They are called "common sense", such as heavy objects falling due to gravity, human beings You have to breathe, you die if you hurt too much... These common senses bind our minds and become our shackles. 】

【So, I abandoned them——using the unrecovered divinity of the God of Dreams and Fighting. 】

The emperor felt that Zhong Ye's words were extremely absurd. These things are objective laws, so they are called common sense, but now Zhong Ye told him, 'I have abandoned common sense'...'Common sense', or Can "objective laws" be discarded at will?
[Now you may be wondering why I was able to discard those things. This is because you are not a legend. Our abilities are higher than innate. The power of the soul can distort reality. If this is the case, why should we follow common sense? 】

Why... Heh, isn't this simple?

Just as the emperor was about to say this, he himself froze suddenly because he remembered something.

——If a martial arts master is determined, even if he is fatally injured, he can guarantee that he will not die within a certain period of time.

Isn't this just an example of ignoring the 'objective law'?

Although after a certain period of time, they will still die due to "objective laws", but to a certain extent, the reason why those legends and masters are called "inhumans" is part of the reason.

[In the process of growing up, we have received a lot of information from the outside world. All the people who can achieve legends are all because of these experiences from the past. These experiences will become our 'anchor', let us strengthen our beliefs, and finally Achieve legend, but if you want to go further, you need to throw away all common sense without excluding the anchor point! 】

[To put it simply, it is to question everything—why do you die if you are fatally injured, why do you have to breathe, why you are limited by gravity, etc., question everything, and then arrange everything with your own will, you can achieve harmony I am the same thing. 】

Listening to Zhong Ye's narration, the emperor felt inexplicable absurdity and madness.

He had been educated in materialism since he was a child, and he couldn't accept Zhong Ye's statement at all for a while.

For ordinary people, these statements of Zhong Ye are indeed the thoughts of a lunatic, but he is a legend, a master of martial arts, he has already been able to distort reality with his own will, so he can question everything.

Putting away other complicated thoughts, only admiration remained in his heart, the emperor took a deep breath and asked, "However, is it really okay for you to tell me your experience like this?"

[This world is at stake. If more people can break through the limitations of common sense and become stronger, they will have more strength in the war against the abyss. 】Zhong Ye replied like this, 【The Dan world is about to merge with the earth, the earth is my hometown, and I don't want my hometown to suffer any disasters. 】

【not to mention……】

Having said that, Zhong Ye paused.

[It may be a bit arrogant to say it, but I don’t think there are many people who can abandon common sense in such a short period of time like me. 】

 Thanks to Bailu Feishuang for the 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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