Soul echo

Chapter 765 Demon of Machinery (6)

Chapter 765 Demon of Machinery ([-])

The connecting rod is connected to the piston, and is driven by the steam to move up and down continuously, driving the gears and making the at least one hundred thousand mechanical structures work together.

The steam is continuously ejected from all parts of the large machine, and sent into the upper hole. The top of the hole is covered with a metal plate. When the steam hits the metal plate, it will flow to both sides, pass through the gap in the ceiling, and rise to the upper floor.

Several pipes are connected to the surrounding walls, and Zhong Ye can hear the sound of water flowing in them. What makes him feel vigilant is that the flow of water in them varies from time to time, sometimes like a flood, sometimes like a brook.

After a while, Zhong Ye realized what was going on.

Wang Chunxi said that he did not find a medium for this big machine to communicate with the outside world. He suspected that this big machine was really only used for calculations, but he didn't know what it was calculating.

Actually, this is wrong!
The water flowing in the pipes connecting the four walls is the 'input system', while the steam emitted by the big machine is the 'output system' - it's not that there is no medium to communicate with the outside world, it's just that Wang Chunxi didn't discover it.

As for why it is so troublesome, it is naturally for camouflage.

Qianji Pavilion was founded by the late emperor, and it must be under the control of the late emperor. If anyone wants to use Qianji Pavilion to do something, they must disguise it.

Judging from the number of abyss believers in those branches of Qianji Pavilion, the corruption of Qianji Pavilion by the abyss is no longer a matter of a day or two, and it may have lasted for several years or even ten years.

But at that time, the first emperor was still alive, so the abyss believers in Qianji Pavilion needed to disguise themselves.

Although I don't know why the first emperor didn't tell the emperor about the Qianji Pavilion related to him, maybe he had some ulterior motives.

But Zhong Ye didn't care about these things, he had already found the core of this monster, and the next thing to do was to smash the core!

【Please... wait a moment... next...】

Just when Zhong Ye was about to launch an attack, the gushing steam suddenly formed sentences that he could understand.

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows, but he didn't stop, and quickly walked towards the big machine.

Wang Chunxi's original investigation results were indeed wrong, this big machine has autonomous consciousness!

If he just shattered this core, a lot of history would be buried—why did Situ Kong and Yang Zhiyuan think that the person who led them was the first emperor? Save the world... none of these questions will be answered.

However, Zhong Ye is not Dai Lila, so it is impossible for him to put other people in danger because of his curiosity.

Hold the spear tightly with both hands, and pour all the energy into your legs to turn your body into a streamer.

Like a comet crashing into the earth, there was a sudden roar.

The atmosphere was instantly pierced, and the shock wave formed by the condensation of water vapor suddenly spread, and the explosion filled the enclosed space—and before that, the spear had already pierced through the shell of the big machine.

The tip of the gun seemed to touch the surface of the water, and the ripples immediately rippled on the metal gear. At this time, the thorns on the wooden parts had just grown, and the steam from the nozzle had just taken shape, and it hadn't had time to fall.

In an instant, a majestic force poured into the big machine!
Like a river, like a long wind, or like a thunderbolt falling suddenly, in just a moment, this 50-meter-high machine made of metal, stone and civil engineering exploded, and all its parts were scattered in all directions.

--boom! ! !

The big machine exploded, and the high-pressure gas inside poured out, hit the surrounding iron walls, and started a spiral movement against the walls.

The airflow swirls, and the power of the sonic boom is also absorbed by this backflow, and a strong wind is generated in this confined space.

As a result, the storm was raging, and the moment it was generated, it broke through the metal plate above, causing the sound to echo in the even larger confined space on the upper floor.

Jumping between gears and connecting rods, Wang Chunxi and Jian Zheng, who were constantly battling the "vision" generated in the big demon's body, suddenly heard a loud bang, and a strong wind blew from below.

The rising wind blows away all enemy forms around them, whether it is invisible sound waves, flowing steam, or tentacles made of metal.

Watching this scene, Wang Chunxi and the supervisor were dazed.

They looked down and saw Zhong Ye rising rapidly from below.

——It's not his usual running on the air, but 'flying'!
The moment they saw Zhong Ye, Wang Chunxi and Wang Chunxi seemed to see a round of sun, spreading a strong radiance outward.

"Master broke the core?" Wang Chunxi suddenly felt a little uneasy for some reason, and even had to choose his words carefully when speaking.

"Yes!" Zhong Ye nodded.

He only said one word, and immediately after that, Wang Chunxi and Jian Zheng felt inexplicable trust in their hearts.

——Zhong Ye will not lie!
There was a consciousness imprinted into their minds, and after a while, they reacted.

"You—" Wang Chunxi's eyes widened, his breathing was almost stagnant.

He wanted to say something, but his words were interrupted by Zhong Ye: "If you have anything to say, go out and say it, I can feel that there is a big battle going on outside!"

After losing the wrapping of the space film, the movement of the outside world can be transmitted into the body of this monster, Zhong Ye naturally felt it.

After saying that, Zhong Ye punched the darkness in the distance.

Although I don't know how many meters were separated, but after that punch, the darkness in the distance was shattered, and the light and wind from the outside world came in.

Wang Chunxi and Jian Zheng were dumbfounded. Being able to become legends showed that they had experienced a lot, but it was because they had experienced so much that they were horrified by Zhong Ye's punch.

Because they didn't feel any real energy or spiritual energy from this punch, it looked like an ordinary punch, a punch that even a child could throw.

However, it was just this ordinary straight punch that directly pierced through the shell of the big demon who was many meters away.

Zhong Ye flew towards the gap, Wang Chunxi and the supervisor looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Could it be that Zhong Ye really took another step forward on the already cut off road?
There was a gap in the big demon's body, and the light, wind and sound from the outside world poured into it. Both Wang Chunxi and Jian Zheng heard the movement of the battle outside. They were surprised for a while, then packed up their emotions and ran towards the outside world.

Zhong Ye flew out of the body of the big mechanical demon, felt a sense and lowered his head to look, and the door to the abyss came into view.

Flying demons hovered in the sky like dark clouds, and demons without the ability to fly rushed to the ground along the roads of several trestle bridges.

Opposite the mighty demon army, there is a human army with fewer numbers than them, using firearms to resist desperately.

"Mr. Zhong..."

Wang Chunxi and Jianzheng ran out of the gap, and just about to say something, they were stopped by the dark army of demons in front of them.

What followed immediately was unspeakable anger!

They may not be as powerful as Zhong Ye, but they can still do it with one enemy ten thousand.

But at this moment, they saw Zhong Ye draw out his very representative long knife and swipe towards the void in front of him.

The next moment, all the voices and movements of the demons came to a standstill.

The shells blasted towards the army of demons charging on the ground, the roar suddenly rose, and the sound waves spread to the sky.

As the sound waves spread, the flying demons that had stopped in mid-air fell one after another, and their heads separated during the fall, splashing apart like raindrops hitting the ground.

All those who noticed this were stunned, staring blankly at the sky and the ground, without remembering that they were fighting.

"...Have you already taken that step?"

Wang Chunxi felt that his throat was hard, and he couldn't remember how he asked this question.

As for Zhong Ye, his answer was simple:

A simple syllable, but like the most sincere words in the world, imprinted into the hearts of the two of them.

The artillery bombardment gradually subsided, and it was obvious that the army on the opposite side also realized what had happened.

The gate of the abyss opened at the 'chest' of the mechanical monster shattered with the death of those demons. At this moment, no demons gushed out from behind the gate.

The war ended so inexplicably, people don't know what happened, but the plan of abyss invasion has been defeated, which is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

The three of Zhong Ye and the others joined the army, Jianzheng greeted Zhong Ye, then teleported away and returned to the capital. He wanted to inform the emperor about these things.

And Wang Chunxi, as the commander of Jinyiwei, still needs to stay here to deal with the follow-up of this incident, and will not leave for the time being, but he also greeted Zhong Ye, and walked away to rest.

The surrounding soldiers were packing up the camp and preparing to evacuate, while Zhong Ye stood in the open space outside the camp, staring at the corpse of the mechanical monster in the distance.

A year ago, the door to the abyss that he had tried his best to close was now only a matter of one blow...

When Zhong Ye recalled this incident, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

Zhong Ye, who was recalling his past, suddenly frowned as the summer breeze blew past his side and flew towards the high steel mountain in the distance.

The eyes that looked at the big mechanical demon gradually became dignified.

"Is this... 'Divinity'?"

 Thanks to book friend 20200613041113562 for the reward of 500 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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