Soul echo

Chapter 762 Demon of Machinery (3)

Chapter 762 Demon of Machinery ([-])

Both Wang Chunxi and Jianzheng were silent for a while, and then Wang Chunxi praised in a low voice: "It's a good idea to live to death..."

Just like the top of their heads, what they are stepping on now is also a piece of steel.

If it's just ordinary steel, let alone Zhong Ye, even Wang Chunxi can use physical power to break through it.

However, there seemed to be a layer of 'spatial film' outside this big demon, and it was precisely because of this film that Zhong Ye was unable to break through.

And the steel under their feet should not be blocked by a space film.

"Old Daoist, let's try it first."

Jianzheng stretched out his hand a little, and the steel under his feet curled and parted to both sides.

There is wind gushing from the ground, and the water vapor is surging, and it also carries a trace of heat.

"Huh? This is it!"

"Steam!" Wang Chunxi shouted in a deep voice.

Zhong Ye also whispered to himself: "So that's how it is."

He finally understood what was causing the regular vibrations under his feet—it was the mechanism moving.

The steam pushes the piston, the movement of the piston drives the gears, and the rotation of the gears drives other organs. When all the organs are in operation, this big monster will 'live'.

But having said that, is this really a 'big devil'?

"Can we go...down?" The supervisor raised his head to look at those glowing eyes.

Then I saw those eyes moving up and down, it should be Zhong Ye who nodded.


As soon as he finished speaking, he smashed the ground under his feet with a punch.

Zhong Ye controlled his strength very well, and only broke the ground under his feet, allowing himself to fall.

Hearing the sound of the wind, Wang Chunxi and Jian Zheng took a breath, and jumped down too.

As the body fell, the supervisor ignited a fireball, and lifted the fireball with his right hand, illuminating the surroundings.

There are gears, chains and connecting rods all around them, and there is a gap with nothing under the hole Zhong Ye opened, allowing them to pass through the gap between the gears and connecting rods without being affected by anything.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from below. Jianzheng and Wang Chunxi looked down and found a gear as huge as a house lying flat below them. Zhong Ye landed on the gear and smashed a dent in it. .

The other two also fell, but they each had their own way, and they were not injured even if they fell from a height of tens of meters.

"It's so big that something is wrong." The supervisor frowned.

Wang Chunxi nodded in agreement, and he also felt that the place was too big.

He did a little calculation just now, and when they fell from the top, they should have fallen to a height of about twenty feet, but they still didn't fall to the bottom.

And looking left and right, you can't see the edge at a glance.

How huge is the body of this big demon, and it can reach this level?

Observing the surrounding gears and connecting rods, Zhong Ye suddenly asked: "Master Jianzheng, how do you know this is inside a big demon?"

"Calculated." The supervisor who was observing the surroundings replied casually, "The old Taoist's calculation has been disturbed. You know, the old Taoist is the supervisor of Qin Tianjian. People dare to be number one, therefore, don't talk about other things when you do the calculations, even Mr. Zhong, you can not be disturbed, but when you are calculating this place, you are seriously disturbed, the only thing that can be calculated is—— — This place is 'live'!"

Being able to move and being "alive" are two concepts, that's why the supervisor concluded that this "huge monster" with many organs and structures is a big monster.

Only the existence of big demons and gods can interfere with his calculations, but it is obvious that this thing does not look like a god.

"What should we do now?" Wang Chunxi asked, "Should we start destroying directly?"

Now they may be in a big demon body, if they don't do something, wouldn't this opportunity be wasted?
"I'm a little confused..."

Zhong Ye raised his head and looked upwards. The gears and connecting rods were arranged in order, and there was a strange beauty in the chaos.

"If this monster can be killed so easily, why does this monster still swallow us? The reason why it swallows us..."

The gears quietly sped up, winds blew from all directions, and boundless water vapor blew up from below, filling the field of vision.

- Woo!

"Because it can kill us more easily!"

The wind choked Zhong Ye's throat, and the water vapor also transformed into a form. The sound bounced back and forth, and the energy level gradually increased.

Zhong Ye raised his hand and scratched at the front of the neck, breaking the wind beam that was strangling his throat. At this moment, the water mist monsters standing on the gears around them jumped down one after another, attacking them.

"Hmph!" Jian Zheng let out a cold snort, pulled out the magic sword from behind, and waved it out of thin air.

The surrounding wind suddenly rolled back, isolating the sound waves, and smashing the water mist monster into pieces.

However, at the next moment, the wind dragon transformed into a creature, broke away from the prisoner's control, opened its huge mouth, and bit the gear where Zhong Ye and the others were standing.

Wang Chunxi pulled out his waist knife, jumped up suddenly, and slashed at the wind dragon falling from the sky, cutting off the monster dozens of meters long from head to tail with one blow.

The saber aura was vertical and horizontal, and it went straight up proudly, cutting off the gears and chains above.

Jianzheng wanted to control the strong wind again, but when he pinched the formula, the wind around him did not respond to his call.

The shattered water mist transformed into a monster again, and the supervisor frowned slightly, then heard a voice behind him.

"Squat down!"

The supervisor squatted down quickly, and saw an arc of light flashing across the top of his head, and all the water mist monsters in front of him burst in response.

After the crushed air broke the shape of the water mist, it continued to blast towards the distance.

The air blade slashed the gears and the rotating shaft, and those things supported for a while, then slowly collapsed and fell into the bottomless abyss below.

"This big monster seems to be able to learn." Jian Zheng calmly confided his feelings, "Before, the old man could drive the strong wind, but now even if he increases the mana output, he can't make the air flow."

Just as the supervisor was speaking, the agitation around him suddenly became sharper.

The sound wave even bypassed the barrier built by the supervisor and pierced into the ears of the three.

"Wavelength changed..."

Zhong Ye murmured softly, but suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Scatter!"

The three of them immediately jumped away from the gear they used as a foothold, and the next moment, a shock wave descended from the sky, bombarding the gear.

With a bang, the huge gear shattered into pieces, and the fragments burst out. The three of them tried their best to hide or block it, and survived.

But this was only the first round of blows, and the shock wave hit again, and this time the source was from all directions, and it was inevitable.

Boom boom boom...

Tremors appeared one after another, countless gears and long shafts collapsed, and connecting rods broke.

It seemed that this big demon was destroying its own structure, but Zhong Ye noticed that once a certain place was damaged, within 3 minutes, that damaged place would re-form a structure with other organs.

That is to say, this monster is destroying itself while reconstructing itself, and the reconstructed structure is more tenacious and advanced.

Zhong Ye finally understood why this big demon wanted to swallow them into his body. It turned out that he wanted to use them to complete his 'evolution'!
"Two!" Zhong Ye yelled, "Please help me distract this monster, I'm going to find its core!"

Wang Chunxi and Jianzheng were guiding the big demon's attack, using its own attack to destroy itself, and when they heard Zhong Ye's shout, they immediately agreed.

"it is good!"

After the words fell, the two stopped waiting for work, but drew their weapons and wreak havoc on the surroundings.

The two legends exerted their full strength at the same time, and when they looked around, they could see the continuous transmission mechanism and reversing mechanism exploded, breaking and toppling.

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, walked to the edge of the foothold, and jumped down.

He must completely destroy the big demon before it evolves stronger, otherwise, not only they will suffer, but also the army and people outside will suffer.

Zhong Ye didn't believe that this monster would have no ability to move. He remembered clearly that this place was not far from Mianzhou!

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday, and I had a fever, and my condition is a bit bad

(End of this chapter)

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