Soul echo

Chapter 760 Demon of Machinery (1)

Chapter 760 Demon of Machinery ([-])

Armies from all over the country were assembled under the emperor's order, and many noble families also contributed.

They are also afraid. After all, Qianji Pavilion has already established a relationship with the abyss. In order to distance themselves from this superpower that once stood on the land of the East, many aristocratic families sent their own armed forces.

However, they knew how to measure and did not send too many offerings and guards. Otherwise, once the emperor 'knows' that their family has armed forces that exceed the limit, even their allies will have no way to rescue them.

Aristocratic families can have their own armed forces, but they cannot exceed the limit. This has always been the most dreadful thing for rulers—the emperor must know that they secretly have excessive armed forces. .

The branch of Qianji Pavilion exists in every state capital of Huang Kingdom, and many counties also have their intelligence personnel, and even some small countries around Huang Kingdom have branches of Qianji Pavilion.

As a result, thousands of troops marched together to capture every branch of Qianji Pavilion.

All the guys who were confirmed as 'Abyss believers' were all beheaded, and the rest were not let go, because they had been in contact with the abyss, who knows if they are also abyss believers?

Qianji Pavilion obviously believes in the King of Conspiracy, and the believers and demons of the King of Conspiracy are the best at hiding themselves. If they let people go, what if there are a few abyss believers hidden among the released people? manage?
To be on the safe side, the remaining people were not let go, but were detained and guarded by the army that broke through the local Qianji Pavilion branch, and they would not let them go until the order from their superiors came down.

Qianji Pavilion's branches are spread all over the entire Huang Kingdom, which can be called a super power, but they are fighting a 'country'.

In addition to the Huang Kingdom, there are many small countries in Dongtu. However, in the mouth of the Westland people, Dongtu is the synonym of Huangguo. In the past, it was Ming, Yuan, and Song.

The Huang Kingdom alone can be compared with the entire Western Continent, which shows how powerful this country is.

No matter how powerful the Qianji Pavilion is, it is just a force that may be able to destroy some small countries, but when facing the Huang Kingdom, it cannot cause any blows that can cause the Huang Kingdom to fall apart.

Even if the emperor is killed and the entire capital is destroyed, there is no way to destroy the Huang Kingdom. After a period of chaos, the country will be reborn from the ashes.

What's more, the capital has not been destroyed, nor has the emperor been killed.

In just five days, all the branches of Qianji Pavilion were completely destroyed under the blow of thunder. Even if some branches successfully summoned demons, the local sects were not vegetarians.

The long-term and orderly inheritance has allowed the number of superhumans and legends in the Eastern Land to far exceed that in the Western Land. This is the accumulation of time.

Not only that, when there are too many members in a sect, in order not to be feared by the court, the disciples with outstanding strength will be sent out to start a sect.

As time went by, similar sects spread all over the Eastern Land at some point. Some sects could not find a place to settle in the country, and they would leave the Eastern Land and go to other countries to pass on their inheritance.

Therefore, although Dongtu does not have a dedicated clergyman, it is no weaker than Xilu in dealing with the abyss.

——even more than that, but nothing less.

After confirming that all branches had been cleaned up and that there were no hidden strongholds, Zhong Ye and the others, who had been waiting for a long time, walked towards the last stronghold of Qianji Pavilion.

That is the real headquarters of Qianji Pavilion. The previous headquarters has been confirmed by Wang Chunxi and other royal priests to be not the real headquarters of Qianji Pavilion. The stronghold where the big machines are placed is the real headquarters of Qianji Pavilion.

However, since it is the real headquarters, it is really puzzling that Wang Chunxi was able to sneak in easily without encountering any obstacles.

Qianji Pavilion is headquartered in Mianzhou, a small county in the southwest of Chang'an.

Perhaps it was to hide many organ people in the stronghold, so the stronghold was not in the city, but in a manor outside the city.

That stronghold was disguised as a manor, and only in this way can it explain why there are always so many supplies coming in and out.

There are no living people outside the manor, either they were persuaded to leave early by the government, or they were tied in by the authorities in the manor.

"Commander Wang, is this the headquarters of Qianji Pavilion?" Looking at the ordinary manor in front of him, Qin Tianjian turned his head and asked.

"Of course."

Wang Chunxi nodded, "Someone discovered the big machine in the ground here, and there is a stronghold of Qianji Pavilion only two or three feet below the manor here. If XX is not mistaken, that stronghold It is used to support the operation of the big machine in the ground.”

It's just that until now, they don't know how to use that big machine.

Although the emperor was 80.00% sure that the person who built the big machine and controlled the mechanism behind the scenes was the former emperor's brother, but he mobilized the artisans of the Ministry of Industry to search all the books of the former emperor, but found nothing. What exactly can that big machine be used for.

Fortunately, the missing Deputy Pavilion Master gave them a reminder.

The big machine under the ground is probably used to calculate something, but how it works is still a question.

This time, only Zhong Ye, Jian Zheng, and Wang Chunxi came to the Qianji Pavilion headquarters. They are all legends, and Zhong Ye is number one in the world. It seems that he is still on the basis of legend and has taken a step forward.

With the three of them around, there are almost no problems that cannot be solved.

About one kilometer away from the manor, two armies were stationed. These two armies blocked all possible escape routes of Qianji Pavilion, and even the land was piled up to prevent abyss believers from escaping from the ground.

"Go down now?" Wang Chunxi cast his gaze on Zhong Ye, and the supervisor did the same.

Among the three of them, Zhong Ye is the team leader. He is powerful and has more experience in fighting the abyss than Wang Chunxi, the commander of Jinyiwei. As the team leader, he may be able to avoid many problems.

Zhong Ye nodded decisively, "Follow me!"

He took the lead and walked towards the manor with the closed gate.

The three of Zhong Ye had just approached the door when the walls on both sides of the door frame suddenly opened.

The eyes of the three were pulled over, and they saw the spouts of two black holes.


A ferocious fire suddenly shot out from the nozzle, and both Wang Chunxi and Jian Zheng had magical auras jumping out automatically, but Zhong Ye had nothing.

But if you look closely, you can find that there is an invisible film covering Zhong Ye's body, isolating the flames.

The supervisor pinched the magic formula with his forehand, and the two organs exploded, and even the main body hidden in the wall was blown to pieces.

However, to their surprise, the wall was not blasted open, the wall facing the interior of the manor still stood, but the outer wall facing the outside was blown to pieces.

"Come on old man!" Saying that, Jian Zheng raised his hand and pointed, the thick wooden door was instantly deformed, and the twisted door panel creaked.

The solid and heavy wooden door was compressed into a flat piece, clinging to the door frames on both sides.

No matter what mechanism is hidden in it, it is now destroyed.

"and many more!"

Just when Jianzheng and Wang Chunxi were about to leave, Zhong Ye noticed some movement.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the three disappeared in front of the door at the same time.

Boom - boom!

A beam of light suddenly shot out from behind the gate, tearing apart the farmhouse in the distance, and throwing countless building debris into the sky.

The beam of light spread for nearly a kilometer, and dissipated after smashing through an unknown number of trees.

"Something I've never seen before..." Wang Chunxi whispered to himself.

He had also followed other teams to attack the Qianji Pavilion's obvious headquarters before, but even there, he hadn't seen this kind of 'light cannon'.

"Be careful!" Zhong Ye yelled sharply, reminding the other two.

Ka Ka Ka!
Dozens of machine guns suddenly rose from behind the walls around the manor, pointing at Zhong Ye and the three of them.

da da da da-

The moment Zhong Ye gave a reminder, flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and a metal storm blew across the ground.

Wang Chunxi dodged in a hurry, and the prison was holding up a shield. They turned their heads to look at Zhong Ye, but saw him walking steadily amidst the hail of bullets.

The fist was full of Gang Qi, and then he punched out.

The wall in front of Zhong Ye suddenly collapsed, and the cracks spread to both sides. After two crisp sounds, the wall in front of the three of them broke.

A courtyard appeared in front of them. Looking around, they could see the giant cannon hidden behind several houses at a glance.

In front of the gun muzzle, a series of houses were punched with holes in front and back.

When they saw the giant cannon, the light from the muzzle radiated impressively, and a huge amount of energy had gathered.

The next moment—boom!

(End of this chapter)

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