Soul echo

Chapter 758 Chaos (5)

Chapter 758 Chaos ([-])

"Zhenger, come here."

The prince who was exercising turned his head to look, with a smile on his face, threw the wooden sword in his hand to the eunuch standing beside him, and walked towards his father.


The 12-year-old prince is not thin and thin. Even in this cold winter day, he only wears a single shirt. The exercise clothes are close-fitting and tight, which can breathe well and absorb sweat. At the same time, it also outlines his emerging muscle lines.

The emperor at that time smiled, and pulled the little girl hiding behind him to his side, "This is your fiancée, the crown princess, what do you think?"

The prince looked at the little girl curiously, causing her to shrink her head. Then he looked at his father and asked, "Father, where did this little girl come from? Why didn't I seem to have seen this little girl in the capital?" she?"

"Haha!" The emperor laughed twice, "She came from Yingtian Mansion. Her father was the childhood playmate of the emperor. Brought here.

"By the way, Zheng'er, you haven't answered Father's question yet, what do you think of her?"

The crown prince tilted his head, and soon realized that the little girl was not actually shy, her shyness was just faking, in fact she kept peeking at herself.


"Okay!" The prince grinned and nodded vigorously.


"Zheng'er, come here, I have seen your uncle."

The prince, who was playing with the mechanism toy, turned his head in a daze, sniffed his nose, and saw a tall and thin man standing beside his father.

The man was stroking his long beard and looking at him with a smile.

"Master...uncle?" The prince tilted his head.

"Yes, Uncle." The emperor smiled and picked up the young prince, "Otherwise, where do you think your father learned the mechanics?"

The prince suddenly realized, and nodded to the tall and thin man, "Hello, Master~"

"You are fine too!"

The tall and thin man chuckled, raised his hand and touched the crown prince's head, then took out a toy from his waist pocket, and handed it to him.

"Wow!" The prince exclaimed in surprise, "Robot!"

"Yes, robot."

Seeing the prince holding up the robot toy with starry eyes, the tall and thin man smiled even more happily.

"Do you really want to learn mechanism skills?" The emperor smiled and shook the prince in his arms up and down.

"miss you!"

The prince shouted happily, then became hesitant again, looked at the robot toy in his hand, and shook his head again and again, "I don't want... Zhenger will become a general in the future and wipe out the bloody tribe!"

The tall and thin man raised his eyebrows, "Zheng'er should have been exposed to mechanism techniques, right? The mechanism technique is a sharp weapon to kill the enemy!"

"But it's the prince right now, and he will be the emperor in the future." The prince turned his head to look at the tall and thin man, and pursed his lower lip, "The emperor hiding behind can't give strength to the soldiers. Only by standing with the soldiers can the army be strong." Unleash great power!"

"Then... learn all of them?" The tall and thin man continued to seduce the prince.

But the prince shook his head resolutely, "Zheng'er is very stupid, it takes a long time to learn one thing, there is no way to learn one more thing!"

The tall and thin man was slightly disappointed, but this disappointment did not last long.

"Zheng'er, go play by yourself." The emperor put the prince down, patted him on the back, and said with a smile, "Father and your uncle still have something to talk about."



The eyes are misty and there is only darkness.

The eyelids are heavy and cannot be opened.

The limbs are weak and unable to lift up, the weak strength can only affect the fingertips, and even the palms cannot be opened or closed.

And, so tired...

"Your Majesty, he bears the curse of the King of Conspiracy, we cannot let him live!"

A sharp voice suddenly sounded: "Even if he is your eldest son, there must be no scandals in our royal family! Your Majesty!"

"He Daban."

Another voice came to the ear, but it sounded very familiar.

"God gave me the power of choice, doesn't that explain the problem?"

"His Majesty--"

"He Daban doesn't need to persuade you any more. I have made up my mind. I also hope that He Daban will not do anything out of line. I don't need you to persuade me with death."

"His Majesty……"

The familiar voice suddenly laughed: "Sometimes, when the curse is used well, it can also be regarded as a blessing, right? Since he was born to 'change', then let him change. It just so happens that our world will also change." It's time for a change, He Daban, the next is the era of 'industrial'!"

This voice is... Father Emperor?And 'He Daban', is that the old eunuch who used to be by the father's side?

but why?
"...The situation is a bit bad."

Sensing the ripples in the emperor's heart, Zhong Ye opened his eyes and said in a low voice: "I don't know what he's thinking, but he seems to be questioning himself... Can you help him stabilize his mind?"

Sensing Zhong Ye's gaze, the supervisor frowned slightly, "This...maybe!"

As he said that, the supervisor ran up the steps, picked up the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, which was "destined by heaven, and lived forever", and put it into the hands of the emperor.

Afterwards, he explained: "This is the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, and it is also a national weapon. With this thing, you can supervise the land of Shenzhou, but every time you use it, you need to consume a lot of national luck, but now you can't control that much.

"As long as this thing is activated, it can make the person in charge act like a god and not be affected by external demons, but I don't know if it can also work on this."

While speaking, Jianzheng had already replaced the emperor and activated the Chuanguo Yuxi.

——This is because the emperor has used it once before, and has not put it into a dormant state.

Just as the emperor fell into struggle and self-doubt, a burst of clarity, like a breeze, awakened him from his self-pity.

Immediately afterwards, a map of the Huang Kingdom appeared in his 'mind'.

The emperor felt it in silence, and with a brainstorm, he turned his attention to Queshan County.

Due to the construction of a large number of players in this little-known small county, all kinds of new farm tools have appeared in various farmlands.

Digging canals and reservoirs, but in just a few months, the small county town that was originally short of water has used mountain spring water.

At the same time, the local area is also producing a large amount of cement and stone bricks, because there will never be a lack of demand for these things.

Several farms have been established. After scientific feeding and cultivation, a new generation of suckling pigs and chicks have grown up. Compared with a few months ago, the number of livestock raised in this small county has more than doubled several times.

The emperor then turned his attention to Jingzhou, Zhijiang, and Jianning.

A new force is being bred, waiting for the opportunity to burst out and grow.

And outside of these cities, there are also players setting foot in the unknown mountains. They may have just hunted monsters, obtained soul fragments, or just bought goods from the mountain people, but for some reason, they may be Feeling that the children in the mountains and villages are really pitiful, some people teach the children to read, write and calculate, and teach them various knowledge.

This is not an isolated case. Thousands of players stay in the mountains and villages, bringing hope to the children and adults there.

In addition, many aborigines who belong to him are also working hard in their respective positions. No matter what their goals are, they are still using their own methods to make this country stronger.

There are many problems of this kind and this era in this country and in this era, and most of them are still chronic diseases, and even the power of time cannot wipe them away.

But this does not mean that the efforts of these people are ineffective.

Even though the fire is thin, it is still burning quietly.

The emperor suddenly understood—he was indeed the God's Chosen King of Conspiracy, and he was cursed from birth.

However, this means nothing!
'The Chosen King of Conspiracy' is part of him, not all of him.

When this part is put together with him as the father, he as the emperor, he as the husband, he as the son... and so on, it is a complete him.

Under the influence of the curse, he was destined to become the emperor, and his father died because of the curse. Although he didn't know whether his father regretted or complained before he died, he knew that his father would be proud of him now .

The royal father believed that he would not be defeated by the 'curse of the king of conspiracy', why did he still hesitate about this?
"I don't like fate."

Facing the 'chaotic void' in front of him, the emperor suddenly said: "The fate of a person may have to consider the course of history, but individual efforts must not be ignored either!

"——In this world, there has never been any 'destiny'!"

Therefore, the emperor and the part that is the "God's Chosen" are clearly separated.

"It's now!"

With a sharp shout, the supervisor resolutely tore the emperor's soul apart.

The human part sinks and merges into the body; the demon part rises, and under the influence of the breath of the abyss, obtains the entity.

But I saw a gloomy light smashing through the roof of the Golden Luan Hall, rushing up to the sky, extending and spreading continuously during the flight.

- Tzeentch's God's Choice was born!
(End of this chapter)

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