Soul echo

Chapter 751 Performance

Chapter 751 Performance
"Zhong Ye is in place."

Facing the void in front of him, Zhong Ye made a sound.

As his words fell, the white mist in front of him surged up, condensing into tall buildings and cars speeding between the buildings.

However, these things are all static, and only after all the cars planning the route on the other side of the earth are in place, this 'scene' will officially begin.

[There are still 2 minutes, Zhong Ye, get ready. 】

Zhong Ye nodded, looked down at the ground, and noticed the small black dot floating in the air tens of meters away.

This is the illusory realm of Baiyun Temple in the capital, and it is also the 'playground' for Zhong Ye and others.

The illusory world can form a variety of real and illusory scenes, which is just suitable for making the projection of the earth.

Zhong Ye and the others promised the gods that the actors who agreed to help carry out the plan would fight the monsters created in the illusion here, and then the gods would project their images onto the earth.

For the people on earth, this is still a performance, but it is different from the last "propaganda" in New York. This time the performance will no longer be obviously true or false. When it comes to reality, it will interact with reality.

Of course, the props that will appear on the field next will be props that match their performances, and the Earth will match their performances and change the flight routes in this area.

Now Zhong Ye is the only one in the Illusory Realm, because today is his special performance.

The cloud and mist surged again, forming a number in front of Zhong Ye's eyes.

Then the number changes again——


Zhong Ye lowered his eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

He counted five seconds silently in his heart, opened his eyes, and just saw the word "one" flash past, and then the small black spot in the distance suddenly opened, turning into a circular hollow.

A ferocious head protruded from it, flapping its wings and flying out.


The demon that appeared out of nowhere roared upwards, and the flying car that detected an object in front of it suddenly braked or changed direction. The supercomputer in the planning center also quickly adjusted and changed the vehicle's course of action.

Speeding cars avoided the demons, but the demons did not intend to let them go.

It pulled out its own weapon, a one-handed sword. This one-handed sword seemed a bit short, which didn't match its huge body.

The demon raised his sword and pointed at a speeding car, the lines on the sword lit up, and red light erupted instantly, turning into a fireball and hitting the speeding car.

Nearly half of the body of the speeding car hit by the fireball sank, and then lost power, rolling and flying towards the building beside it.

But only halfway through the flight, the battery was ignited by flames and exploded.

The flying car exploded in the air, and countless fragments entangled in flames were thrown towards the building and onto the ground.

Zhong Ye stood on the top of the building, and below was the vast sea of ​​clouds that gathered but never dispersed. He heard the screams and exclamations from below. Even though it was just an illusion, he could feel the panic in it.

He took a deep breath, as if he suddenly understood something.

——This rehearsal is not just a wake-up call for the people on Earth, but also a psychological preparation for him!
The scene that appeared now is to warn him how much damage the devil can bring to the earth.

Time to act!

Zhong Ye jumped up, and then fell straight down.

Numerous demons squeezed out from the hole. They waved their wings and roared deafeningly. The demons under the command of the war lord could not use spells, but they could use the weapons they had snatched from the enemy.

Flames, whirlwinds, and lightning shot down the flying car one after another, and the illusion also displayed the reactions of people on the earth in real time.

On the way of falling, Zhong Ye heard the screams of many people. Some were running away, some were calling the police, and some were taking pictures and videos. People in the surrounding buildings were in chaos.

Zhong Ye's body fell, but he stopped falling in mid-air.

He stepped into the void and raised his hand to catch a flying car that lost control and crashed into the building. Behind him, behind the glass window, the crowd was fleeing.

"Huh, aren't you afraid that I won't be in time..."

[Don't worry, we have a plan, even if you can't catch it, it won't hurt anyone. 】

Behind the glass window, there was no time to escape, and the people who had to raise their hands to cover their bodies did not feel the impact and pain, so they opened their eyes and looked out of the window.

Zhong Ye pushed away the empty flying car, pulled out the long knife from his bracelet, and exhaled a long breath.

"That is……"

One of them widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Zhong Ye!"

The next moment, Zhong Ye's figure flashed and disappeared, like a cloud of smoke, easily drifting into the army of demons spreading in all directions.

Swinging the long knife, a boundless wind was whipped up, and Gang Qi was twisted into it.

Under the effect of Gang Qi, Changfeng was as hard as iron, killing dozens of demons in an instant.

All the demons turned their heads and turned their gazes to the human standing proudly above the void.

Roar! ! !
Hundreds of demons screamed together, shattering the high-altitude clouds and making the glass windows of the surrounding buildings buzz.

They waved their wings and charged towards Zhong Ye.

It was like a monstrous wave, and the overwhelming demons rushed in.

Those who stood in the building and saw this scene couldn't help exclaiming. Standing in their positions, they could only see Zhong Ye's figure being overwhelmed by the demon army.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye stretched out his left hand forward, spread his five fingers, and——

The heads of all the demons shattered at the same time, and countless blood mist exploded.

Inertia still drives the headless bodies forward, but they are all falling obliquely to the ground.

One end after another, hundreds of demon corpses slid towards the ground, some of their wings were stiff, but they still maintained the ability to glide, so they crashed into the surrounding buildings and flying cars.

Zhong Ye turned around at the right time, held the knife in both hands and slashed horizontally, splitting the door in half.

After that, his figure and those demons falling like rain turned into clouds and smoke, and disappeared with the wind.

The scene in front of Zhong Ye suddenly became blurred as if it had been rubbed, turning into clouds again.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye felt a pulling force, and without resistance, his figure was pulled out of the illusory world and returned to reality.

Opening his eyes, what appeared in front of him was a statue of Haotian God.

The majesty can be seen from the lines of the statue's face, but the facial lines are ignored, and a bit of refreshment can be seen through the eyes. The clothes on its body are mostly decorated with clouds, thunder and long winds.

Haotian God is the god of the sky, but in Xilu, the god of the sky does not have a specific image.

"Benefactor Zhong, is things going well?"

A hearty laugh came from behind, Zhong Ye got up and looked back.

It was a middle-aged Taoist with white temples and black hair. He was the abbot of Baiyun Temple, the leader of the generation of Taixu Illusory Realm, "Taoist of Cloud and Mist" An Ruhuan.

An Ruhuan is a terrestrial fairy god, and he is a legendary mage in Xilu, who is qualified to know the existence of the earth.

In other words, most Legend-level characters know Earth.

Borrowing from the Illusory Realm requires An Ruhuan's consent, it is impossible for him not to know the plans of the gods.

"It's okay..."

Zhong Ye nodded, "I just don't know the effect."

"For this kind of thing, we can only do our best and obey the destiny." An Ruhuan shook his head with a smile, "It is impossible to be foolproof."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye couldn't help sighing.

If the senses of the gods were not blinded by the evil god of the abyss, causing them to make a wrong judgment, the situation would not be so urgent.

If they have a few years of preparation time, they can take their time, and there is no need to let the people on earth accept the existence of Dan World within a few months.

Some people cannot accept that the earth is not flat, and the gods they believe in do not exist. This shows how difficult it is for people on earth to accept the existence of a different world.

As An Ruhuan said, they can only do their best and obey the destiny...

"Is there anything else, benefactor Zhong? If there is nothing else, Pindao will send you back."

Seeing Zhong Ye shaking his head, An Ruhuan smiled slightly and waved the whisk.

With a sweep of the whisk, the things in front of Zhong Ye's eyes changed drastically.

But in an instant, he returned to Bianliang from Baiyun Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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