Soul echo

Chapter 748 Bianliang Chronicle

Chapter 748 Bianliang Chronicle
clap clap clap...

The high-hanging firecrackers crackled and exploded continuously, and the red paper wrapped with gunpowder was torn and flew, spreading a festive color on the ground.

The crowd gathered in front of the former Changuang Pavilion and now the Changuang Elementary Education School, watching the firecrackers burn out, and then Zhong Ye took out a plaque.

There was no word on the plaque, so Zhong Ye raised his hand, ran his finger across the surface of the wooden plaque, and wrote a few large characters stroke by stroke.

——'Changuang Elementary Education School'!
After finishing writing, Zhong Ye picked it up with both hands and hung it above the gate with ease.

Applause broke out immediately, and parents of students with different identities and different clothes looked at the plaque hanging high, and couldn't help showing heartfelt smiles.

The magistrate of Bianliang also got involved, and he also had a smile on his face.

Not to mention that Zhong Ye is now Bianliang's 'Big Sponsor', let's just talk about this Changuang School!

Today, the Holy One and Zhong Ye are in the same camp, so the Changuang School established by Zhong Ye will definitely be affirmed by the emperor. In this way, Bianliang's achievements in "education" this year will far exceed other places .

Although the aristocratic families in Bianliang all rejected the Changuang School opened by Zhong Ye, but because Zhong Ye was in charge here, they didn't dare to say a word, and they didn't even dare to make some small moves in secret.

Since the plague, the magistrate of Bianliang was automatically assigned to the emperor's camp. No matter how much he explained, the aristocratic family would not listen to his excuse, so he did not stop doing anything, and fulfilled the wishes of those people. He really joined the camp of the emperor and Zhong Ye.

Now he came here just to give Changuang School a platform.

Changuang Elementary Education School was listed, but the school has not officially started yet, so the parents of the students gathered in front of the school also dispersed.

The prefect of Bianliang did not leave with them, but walked into the school.

"Master Zhong, with your help, Bianliang can be said to be rejuvenated and thriving day by day. Many industries have developed vigorously. In the past, it is easy to catch up with Chang'an and Yingtianfu."

Speaking of these things, the prefect of Bianliang couldn't help grinning.

Although Bianliang is now being developed under the promotion of Zhong Ye, every bit of Bianliang's development is his political achievement, so how could he not be excited?

If he was still in the same camp as the aristocratic family, he naturally didn't want to be promoted to the court, but now the aristocratic family in Bianliang regards him as a member of the emperor, and he can't get anything in Bianliang, so he can go further Chaotang became his only choice.

Reaching out to not hit the smiling face, now that the prefect of Bianliang is not an enemy, Zhong Ye will naturally not be cold-faced, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he nodded and said: "It is also thanks to the care of the adults."

He has been in Bianliang for a few days, and he already knew from Qing Lai that thanks to the care of the prefect of Bianliang, otherwise, the farms and farmland they opened would have been run on by the aristocratic family and could not continue.

"Hahaha, help each other, achieve each other!"

The magistrate of Bianliang followed Zhong Ye into the interior of the school, looking at the completely different pavilions, his eyes showed a hint of memory.

He also dared to recall the building. He didn't know what would happen if he showed a little desire to those women who had become teachers, but he didn't want to try.

"Master Zhong, is there anything in your school that needs help?" Bianliang prefect looked at Zhong Ye with a smile.

Zhong Ye pondered for a while, then nodded, "Yes."

Seeing Zhong Ye nodding, Bianliang Zhifu's expression froze slightly. Originally, he just wanted to say a polite word, but Zhong Ye actually followed the conversation.

"You, just mention it!" The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and the prefect of Bianliang patted his chest and said, "Your business is my business, and I will definitely help you!"

"Actually, the matter is not difficult, but I just hope you can help me tell the aristocratic family in Bianliang that if something happens, if the livestock in the farm dies of illness on a large scale, even if you didn't do it." , I will count it on you too."

The magistrate of Bianliang had a smile on his face, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves.

He almost wanted to yell at him, isn't this kind of thing difficult?

Smiling and laughing, the prefect of Bianliang suddenly reacted, his eyes widened, and cold sweat flowed down.

Could it be that Zhong Ye was not satisfied with his actions all the time, and wanted to make him break with the Bianliang family even more?
Swallowing, the prefect of Bianliang forced himself to regain his composure, but there was a little more fear in his eyes looking at Zhong Ye.

"I, I know..." Bianliang prefect took a deep breath, adjusted his flustered state of mind, then gritted his teeth, and said resolutely, "When I go back today, I will take the message to them!"

Zhong Ye glanced at the prefect of Bianliang strangely. He didn't understand what kind of psychological struggle the prefect of Bianliang had done to become so firm and decisive in a moment.

But this is a good thing for himself and the school, so Zhong Ye didn't mention it, and continued to show the prefect of Bianliang to visit the school's internal facilities.


"Too deceiving!"

The Huang family is the largest family in Bianliang. After learning from the magistrate what Zhong Ye asked the magistrate to bring to them, the head of the Huang family called the direct descendants of the family to discuss together.

It was the second master of the Huang family who slapped the table and scolded angrily, but he didn't do anything after scolding. He still sat on the chair and didn't clamor to trouble Zhong Ye.

In their eyes, besides being a butcher, Zhong Ye was also a lunatic, and no one wanted to provoke a lunatic.

If they provoked that lunatic, even if that lunatic killed their whole family, they would not be wanted, let alone punished.

In addition to the reason why the emperor supports Zhong Ye, everyone present also knew what their family was. The crimes they committed were enough to implicate the nine clans. beheaded.

The second master of the Huang family was furious for a while, then turned his head to look at the Patriarch, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Looking up at his second brother, the Patriarch of the Huang family took a sip of the hookah, "...the best thing is to do what he said, and don't think about dealing with him. Even the Shangguan family is gone. What can our Huang family do?
"The main reason for calling you here on behalf of my brother this time is to warn you not to provoke Zhong Ye again - what's more, not to mention provoking, but also to help protect his properties, lest he find an opportunity to trouble us .”

Although everyone present knew that this was the best choice, they just couldn't swallow that breath.

They have always been the only ones who treat others like this. When did they fall to the point of being threatened by others?
"Would you like to take a sip?" The Patriarch of the Huang family handed over the hookah, "Relieve the pressure."

The second master of the Huang family took a look, then took the hookah from his elder brother, and began to puff.

Afterwards, the hookah was passed back and forth in the hands of several brothers, and they kept stuffing the shredded tobacco, making the closed room smoky, as if it was on fire.

After receiving the hookah from the third brother, the Patriarch of the Huang family stroked the copper shell of the hookah with his fingers, and sighed: "Third brother, go and prepare some gifts, which don't need to be too expensive. When that school starts, give it to that sent over."

The third master of the Huang family was slightly taken aback, then nodded silently.

Second Master couldn't help but thumped the table again, his face full of resentment, but this time he didn't say anything.

For the Huang family, this is to give in, but they have no other choice but to accept it.


In the third year of Shi Jianyuan, on August [-], Changuang Primary Education School officially opened.

There were 370 seven students who signed up, and 360 nine students actually arrived. Eight students were unable to report due to various reasons.

The school mainly teaches simple reading and writing and calculations. In addition, it also teaches knowledge such as embroidery, musical instruments, juggling and martial arts. What to learn mainly depends on how students choose.

When Changuang Elementary Education School opened, there were thousands of people in the street. Some people were observing how the school was doing, some people wanted to see a joke, and of course, some people were cheering and celebrating.

The aristocratic families in Bianliang sent gifts to Changuang School in front of the common people. Everyone knew that the era of aristocratic families had passed, and in the future Bianliang, Changuang School would be the real leader.

All these things were recorded in the county annals and left for future generations to watch and comment on.

(End of this chapter)

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