Soul echo

733 harassment

733 harassment
"Sister Qinglai, what did Mr. Zhong say?"

Qing Lai took the letter from Jingzhou and read it carefully. After reading it, she couldn't help sighing, looked up at the women around her, shook her head and said, "Mr. Zhong said that he might have to wait for about half a month. His Majesty has just sent a new prefect over there, although he is somewhat optimistic about the new prefect, but the handover will take some time, at least half a month before he can come."


"It's still half a month..."

It will take at least half a month for Zhong Ye to come to Bianliang, which is not good news for those present.

In addition to the women surrounding Qing Lai, the security guards standing outside the crowd couldn't help but sigh.

Zhong Ye was never stingy with giving advice. If he was here, they could ask him for advice, and perhaps his martial arts could be raised to a higher level.

"Miss Qing Lai!"

At this moment, the porter ran in and shouted: "The group of guys are here again!"

Qing Lai raised her eyebrows, and everyone present cast their gazes over, and the concierge was frightened and stopped in his tracks.

"The group of guys are here again?" A grumpy security guard stood up suddenly while holding the long sword scabbard beside him.

The porter nodded pitifully, "They blocked the door."

"No reason!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the security guards couldn't bear it anymore, and they slapped the table and stood up.

"We have backed down more than once or twice before, and they are still so bullying, do we really think there is nothing we can do about them?"

As they said that, a group of them were about to go out, Qing Lai suddenly called out and stopped them: "Wait a minute!"

Those security guards who were originally knights looked back and glared, "Do you still have to back down at this time?!"

"No." Qing Lai shook her head, "I just want to say, be careful, they should all know how many geniuses we have here, but they are still so presumptuous, which means that they may have something behind them, you want Be cautious and don't fall into their trap."

Hearing this sentence, the security guards also looked terrified.

What Qing Lai said is true, there are a few congenital things in their school, who doesn't know in Bianliang now?

Now that everyone knows about this, they dare to come to their school gate to make trouble, they must have come prepared.

Thinking of this, the security guards became vigilant.

A group of big men followed the concierge quickly to the door. As soon as they came here, they saw that the door had been blocked by a group of people.

Although the school has not officially opened yet, many parents come to inquire about going to school every day. These people have blocked the door, so that outsiders can't get in, and people inside can't get out. The reason is so bad!
"What are you doing here?!"

The security guard headed by him was a genius. He walked to the door and yelled at those bastards.

Now the people blocking the door are a group of hooligans. Since ten days ago, these people have appeared around the school, but at that time they were only threatening with words to scare the parents who wanted to send their children to the school.

Their approach is indeed effective. Because of their appearance, some parents began to worry about whether their children would be stalked by these gangsters after they entered school. However, Changuang School did not respond before that, which led to widespread rumors. , and scared some people away.

When they first appeared, Changuang School didn't notice them immediately, but after three days, the news spread more and more widely. gangster.

The security guards recruited by Zhong Ye naturally drove away this group of guys, but they were hooligans, the most shameless, perhaps because they knew that the head of the school, Qing Lai, had a meek temperament and was born as a prostitute, so he didn't dare to cause trouble, so the second Ri still appeared around the school.

Under Qing Lai's restraint, although the security guards also went to trouble them, they didn't do anything to them, they just gave them a stern warning.

Because of this, they became more and more courageous and pushed forward.

In the past, it was just to intimidate the parents of the students around the school, but now it directly blocks the school gate.

"Do what?"

More than a dozen rogues looked at each other, and then laughed.

"Of course it's because your school can't be opened!" The leader of the gangsters was extremely arrogant, looking directly at the innate warriors who led the team, and shouted loudly.

The Xiantian warrior who led the team was the first Xiantian who stood up when Zhong Ye recruited security guards. He had curly hair and a beard, and a strong physique. Standing there was like a wall.

However, despite his rough appearance, the bearded man is actually delicate in his heart, otherwise it would be impossible for Zhong Ye to break through to the innate realm not long after he made the "Tuna Method" public.

Hearing the words of the hooligan leader, the bearded man narrowed his eyes.

In this world, even a rogue ruffian has to learn two skills, otherwise he will not be able to bully the market, and the same is true of the rogue leader in front of him.

This man probably has a lot of kung fu in his hands. His sleeves are lifted up, revealing two muscular arms. Although his standing posture is loose, his steps are steady, and his neck muscles seem to be a lot, and his eyes are also bright. bright.

"You used to intimidate others with words, threatened ordinary people, and forbade them to send their children to our Changuang School, and now they are directly blocking the school gate. Could it be that you are deceiving no one in the school?!" The bearded man's eyes were angry Glared, opened his mouth and drank violently.

The security guards standing behind him all stepped forward and roared.

An aura flew out of them and rushed towards the hooligans standing in front of the school.

Those hooligans seemed to see the evil spirit, they turned around and ran away with a scream, and several people were so frightened that their legs gave up and fell to the ground.

Only the gangster leader was still standing there, but he also had a hideous face.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding onlookers couldn't help widening their eyes. Originally, they were a little hesitant about sending their children to Changuang School. However, seeing the strength of the school's security guards, they rolled their eyes and got some thoughts.

"Say! Who sent you here?!"

The bearded man struck while the iron was hot, took a step forward, and roared at the remaining hooligans.

"No, no one..."

The hooligan leader took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "I just want to extort some money, this time we are wronged, from now on, we will stay away and never come near your place."

This time, not only the bearded man was stunned, but everyone else was also stunned.

They watched the rogue leader turn and leave without even reacting to leave him behind.

"Boss, boss, wait for me! Wait for me!"

The gangsters who fell down finally came to their senses, screamed in panic, and ran away.

It wasn't until this moment that the bearded man realized what had happened.

——Could it be fraudulent?
He quickly sorted out the context of the whole incident in his brain, and found that this incident itself was a kind of weird.

A group of hooligans appeared around the school for no reason, intimidating the parents of the students, telling them not to send their children to the school, but doing so would not affect the operation of the school, because the school was already teaching at a loss. By doing this, they can save the school some money.

During these ten days, those gangsters didn't make any request to the school. Only just now, the head of the gangster said lightly, "I want to extort money", but if they really want to extort money, it is impossible will do that.

What they did, not only did not have any impact on the school, but it also made the school's reputation soar. At least the signboard of 'the school has strong security forces' has been advertised.

Why did those gangsters do this, and what is their purpose?Or were those gangsters hired by Qinglai to improve the school's reputation?
The bearded man couldn't understand these things, and now he had a lot of doubts piled up in his mind.

While the bearded man was thinking about these things, the people who had gathered around came over and asked in a low voice how to get their children to go to school.

With doubts in his heart, the bearded man pointed out a way for the common people, telling them that they needed to ask the Academic Affairs Office for such questions, and he didn't care about such things.

Afterwards, the big bearded man looked around and found that other people were also puzzled like him, so he turned and walked into the compound.

He had to ask Qing Lai if she hired those gangsters, and if so, why didn't he inform him in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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