Soul echo

Chapter 731

Chapter 731

The iron paw of the healthy horse skimmed the tip of the grass, and galloped across the vast grassland, neighing wantonly.

To Lilian's surprise, the horse under her rode without any bumps. Of course, this may be an exaggeration, but compared with other horses she had ridden before, this horse's back muscles Always taut, with little jitter.

And without her needing to control it, Jian Ma kept running towards the north, as if he was already familiar with this road section.

Since she didn't need to control herself, Lilian turned her attention to other places, chatting with the audience.

But at this moment, the healthy horse turned around and jumped to the side. Lilian's body muscles tensed instantly, and she reacted, her legs clamped around the horse's belly.

Before she realized what was happening, there was a loud bang behind her.


Along with the sound, clods of mud flew and hit her back.

Lilian covered her eyebrows with her arms, looked back, and saw a monster like a huge worm spinning around, chasing after her.


The monster had no eyes, but it seemed to be able to sense Lilian's gaze, and immediately opened its bloody mouth and let out a neighing sound.

Because they were very close, Lilian could see very clearly.

Round after round of sharp teeth protrude from the flesh and blood, and they will move with the movement of the flesh and blood. One can tell at a glance that if she falls into that bloody mouth, she will definitely be crushed by those sharp teeth in the first instant. The sharp teeth tore into pieces.

The barrage also flows in front of the eyes like a river, expressing the panic of the audience.

However, Lilian soon discovered that the distance between her and the worm was gradually widening.

The horse under the seat is fast, much faster than before, as if it is already familiar with this road and knows what may happen along the way, so it deliberately suppresses the speed and does not run at full strength.

No wonder there is such a monster outside the Great Wall, the soldiers guarding the Great Wall would feel relieved to let her come out alone.

After knowing that she was probably not in danger, Lilian relaxed, her body muscles were no longer tense, and she was in the mood to observe the surrounding scenery.

The vigorous horse neighed and galloped across the grassland with strong limbs. Under the blowing wind, the clouds in the sky moved quickly, casting shadows on the ground one after another.

There was a monster chasing after him, and the chirping of an eagle came from nowhere in the sky, with a clear voice.

Seeing the big worm that was getting farther and farther away from her, Lilian didn't know where her brain was cramping, but she even waved to it, "Goodbye!"

The monster found that he seemed to be unable to catch up with the steed, so he stopped, slammed into the ground, and got under the ground.

Howl - woo -!
Lilian moved her ears and heard a wolf howling.

She didn't find it strange that although wolves like to come and go at night, most people's impression of wolves is associated with the night, but in fact, they are also active during the day, especially in such inaccessible places.

Lilian turned her head following the sound, and saw something shaking at the place where the sky and the earth meet.

If nothing else, it should be a wolf!

Thinking of this, she drew out the pistol.

The bullets have already been loaded, just waiting for the enemy to appear.

Jianma slowed down a bit, trading speed for stamina. Lilian raised the pistol at the right time, shot her gaze along the collimator, landed on the front sight, and aligned the front sight with a black dot in the distance.

After a while, she was surprised to find that what she aimed at was not a wolf, but a sheep.

The flock ran ahead, and the wolves chased behind.

Sheep can't run as fast as wolves, and wolves seem to be much smarter than their distant relatives on Earth who look like them.

After killing a sheep, they don't stay where they are, but catch up with the large group and continue hunting the flock.

——These wolves are able to go against their own instincts?
Lilian just felt that her eyes were wide open. These wolves have brains, and they also have a certain degree of wisdom. Knowing that staying behind will make it more difficult for the team to hunt food, so even if the food that has already been hunted is thrown away In the same place, we must continue to catch up.

As if they had hunted enough food, the wolves gave up chasing and let the sheep run away.

Even if a few silly sheep wanted to stop and graze, they would scare those sheep away, and then they would work together and leave with the food.

Lilian watched the whole scene on horseback, frowning slightly.

If this continues, can wolves be civilized and truly have the same wisdom as humans?

At this moment, Jianma suddenly jumped high again.

Lilian lowered her head, and saw that the ground below was uplifted and shattered suddenly, and another monster resembling the legendary 'Death Worm' emerged from the ground.

But no matter how unexpected it was, it didn't hurt Jianma half a point.

The mouth full of sharp teeth was a hair's breadth away from the horse's paw, and it almost bit one of the healthy horse's legs. This was the difference between life and death.

However, being a little bit now means that it will always be 'a little bit', and this 'a little bit' will continue to grow over time——

The tiger was chasing after the horse, wriggling its body crazily, although there were a group of silly sheep not far away, it didn't react to them, and kept chasing after the horse.

Xi Yuyu!
The healthy horse barked happily, and to Lilian's ears, it seemed to be mocking the big bug that was chasing after it.

Suddenly, Lilian vaguely understood why these big worms always chased the healthy horses, even if there were other food nearby, they didn't take a 'look' at them.

——It turns out that you kid is pulling hatred!
The group of silly sheep not far away seems to be very familiar with this scene, quietly chewing the grass blades, and the horizontal dark yellow eyes reflect the scene of the death worm chasing a healthy horse, chasing wildly, and they are content.

Lilian was tinkering with bombs and Molotov cocktails, trying to put these two things together, and throw them into the big worm's mouth when it opened its mouth later.

But before she could do that, a large black shadow suddenly covered the sky.

Lilian was slightly taken aback, then looked up.

Then there was a strong wind blowing towards the face, and there was a bit of stench in it, which made Lilian squint her eyes and wrinkle her nose.

The black shadow flew past her and the healthy horse, and the big worm behind him neighed in terror.

Lilian looked over and saw a pair of wings with mottled black and brown feathers flailing violently, as if two shells hit the ground, and the grass shattered.

The giant eagle, which grabbed the worm with its sharp claws, soared into the sky, and uttered a loud and clear cry in the air.

Looking at the giant eagle soaring into the sky, Lilian was numb and dumbfounded.

But the horse she was riding not only didn't feel the slightest fear, it even neighed, as if responding to the giant eagle, thanking it for this tacit cooperation and inviting it to come again next time.

Lilian quickly reacted, because a black spot appeared in front of her, and that black spot was rapidly enlarging.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs to death, even if Lilian has seen the outline of the fortress, it will be a quarter of an hour before she approaches the fortress.

The fortress was smaller than she imagined, and the city wall was lower than she imagined, but fortunately, it was fully enclosed, and the dome extending from the top of the city wall covered the entire fortress, preventing attacks from the sky.

There is no green in the grass within ten miles of the fortress, only red, black, and eerie pale. Flowers and plants of these colors grow on the ground, and just looking at them can cause Lilian's inner discomfort.

When Lilian approached, the side door of the fortress was pulled up. She didn't know how they found her coming. Before she was ready to move, the healthy horse under her barked and ran in on her own initiative.

"Hey! Hey!" Lilian called out in panic.

Driven by Jian Ma, she passed through the side door, and the supposedly deep doorway did not appear in front of her eyes, replaced by a piece of gentle sunlight.

Lilian's mouth slowly opened, and she stared dumbfounded at everything that appeared in front of her eyes——

In front of her, there were no buildings that should have appeared, but a tree-lined forest. Jianma stepped on a concrete road, which twisted and turned in the forest and stretched into the distance.

Jianma doesn't follow the usual path. It runs in a straight line through the woods and quickly passes through the woods.

When the shade of the tree disappeared, Lilian looked up in astonishment, and saw another city wall.

There was another city in the distance, but the scale of that city seemed much larger than the fortress she saw outside just now.

The gate of the city was open, and the peasants sitting under the shade of the trees turned their heads to watch, watching the horses carrying Lilian across the fields and rushing towards the gate.

Xi Yuyu!
In front of the city gate, the healthy horse neighed, the man stood up, and finally stopped.

"A newcomer?"

The swordsman who seemed to have been waiting at the city gate for a long time raised his head and grinned: "Welcome to 'Shangqing Yupingtian'!"

(End of this chapter)

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