Soul echo

Chapter 726 Follow-up of the Westland Incident

Chapter 726 Follow-up of the Westland Incident
Fabio took off his felt hat, fanned himself, squinted his eyes and looked up at the hot sun, sighed, and put the felt hat on again.

With a wave of the short whip in his hand, it hit the air around the pack bull with a "snap".

"Moo~" the pack bull let out a cry of dissatisfaction, and silently quickened its pace.

Fabio sighed again and looked behind him.

A long procession started from him and spread to the back of the mountain. Each person in the procession was accompanied by a pack ox, and each pack ox was loaded with goods on its back.

The team was walking under the scorching sun, and there was no shade around them. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be on their way at this time.

"Hang on, Nuggets Town is ahead!" Fabio yelled at the team. After shouting, he picked up the water bag hanging on his belt and took a sip of water to wash away the heat in his body.

The fact is also as she said, when the pack bull team bypassed the mountain, a mine appeared in front of their eyes. Apart from a low wall that seemed to have no protective effect, there were every other stone around the mine. Set up a wooden sign more than ten meters away.

——'Nuggets town mine, no entry! '

Seeing those wooden signs, people knew that Nuggets Town had arrived.

The resentment of being dragged by the team leader for more than half an hour under the sun dissipated immediately, leaving only the joy of arriving at the human settlement.

Bypassing the mine, the pack bull team came to Nuggets Town.

A year ago, there was nothing here, just wilderness, but driven by profit, a small town was established here in less than a year.

This town belongs to the Commercial Church of Montreux, because an adventurer discovered a mine here and sold this information to the Commercial Church, and now the Commercial Church is running the town and the mine.

In fact, not only the Nuggets Town, but even the business route that Fabio and the others took before was jointly operated by the Montreux Commercial Church and the Merchant Alliance.

'The adventurer who found these must have sold the information for a good price! '

Sitting in the only tavern in Nuggets Town, looking at the brand-new things around him, Fabio thought to himself: 'Which country should that adventurer become a nobleman now? '

This information can be worth a lot of money, especially the ore vein, which originally only produced iron, but in the process of mining iron ore, gold was discovered-this is hematite!

In addition to gold, the mine also produces crystals that are less in quantity than gold, but slightly higher in value than gold.

Therefore, after hearing the news, many people rushed to Nuggets Town one after another, and the town got its name from this.

Because of the existence of this iron mine and trade routes, the Merchant Church can make a profit of several hundred gold coins a month.

However, it is a bit puzzling that the business church actually used some of the money to build several schools, which are said to teach children how to read.

Although you need to pay tuition, you can manage one meal a day.

Fabio also doesn't know if the Commercial Church has too much money and nowhere to spend it, so they actually do this kind of thing...

At this moment, he saw a group of workers covered in black and ash enter the tavern, and greeted the boss for drinks.

Fabio couldn't help but wonder, isn't it morning?Why did these miners quit their jobs?

Someone asked this doubt for him, and one of the group of miners waved his hand irritably, "Don't mention it, I heard that something was dug up, I guess we won't be able to start work for a few days!"

Speaking of this, a group of miners couldn't help but sigh.

If they can't start work for a few days, how much less money will they make?
Fabio didn't notice the grievances of the miners, his thoughts wandered to the mine not far from the town.

What exactly was dug up that made the mine unable to start work?

"It's very similar to the worm path of the digger."

The adventurer who jumped out of the darkness used a torch to illuminate the surrounding cave walls. The fire light shone on his face, reflecting a serious face.

"But there are no traces left by those dwarves." The adventurer and his companions said.

The companion holding the short dagger sighed: "I don't want to fight those dwarves anymore. I originally left Skupi to stay away from those dwarves. If I can still meet those dwarves when I get here, I really don't know what to do." What did you say..."

The two were originally adventurers who lived in Skupi. After the underground cavity was discovered, they entered the underground world with the flow.

There are many plants and animals in the underground cavity that cannot grow on the surface, and every exploration can make a lot of money - as long as you can make it back alive.

High returns generally equate to high risks. There are many dangerous things in that underground world, such as lizards that can turn people into stone, giant spiders, and various spore plants and parasites.

But the most dangerous thing is not these monsters, but goblins!

Now most of the Western Continent knows that there is an underground world in Serdika Skupi, and a group of goblins live in the underground world. They have wisdom, can domesticate animals, can create weapons and armor, can set traps, and know how to use tactics. .

Ordinary adventurers would not benefit from encountering them. Relying on their familiarity with the underground world, these insidious dwarves can use the environment to escape or kill adventurers even if they cannot defeat them.

The two had been to that underground world, and they had naturally encountered goblins, because they didn't want to continue fighting with the goblins, and because they heard that the Adventurer's House was planning to organize a war against the goblin kingdom in the underground world, they left Skupi. After several twists and turns, I came to Montreux.

Now they are guards hired by the mine. The captain of the guard heard that they had experience in exploring the underground world, so he sent them here to investigate the situation.

The worm path is not wide, and it is a bit cramped for humans. As long as the two of them jump up, they will definitely hit their heads.

"Jeff, do you feel it?"

The adventurer holding the short dagger suddenly sounded suspicious, and looked left and right, "The air here doesn't seem to be thin!"

Jeff holding the torch opened his mouth slightly, his expression froze, and then he sighed: "Wade, you know? I'd rather the air be thinner."

"Why?" Wade asked.

Glancing at him, Jeff pointed to his feet, "How deep is this underground?"

"It's tens of meters at least..." Wade said, his expression gradually became dull, and he muttered, "I understand..."

The torch in Jeff's hand was burning as usual, and their bodies did not produce a hypoxic reaction, indicating that the oxygen here was sufficient.

But here is tens of meters deep underground, how could there be so much air?
After figuring out what was going on, the two dared not continue to explore. They returned to the original road, tried their best to move a few big rocks from the side, and blocked the hole dug by the miners before they returned to the surface. .

"Captain, we suspect that there is an underground cavity underneath!"

After stating the results of his investigation, Jeff added a sentence of his own guess.

"Underground cavity?" The security captain of the mine looked at him strangely, "Are you sure?"

Jeff looked serious: "This is just my guess, but based on my experience, I think it's possible."

The captain didn't speak, and looked at Jeff quietly, and Jeff didn't look away, and looked at him.

"...Since you have said so." The captain shook his head and sighed, "Then I will ask the supervisor for instructions!"

With that said, the captain turned and left.

At this time, Wade breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Jeff, "You should know that the captain doesn't want to know about this matter. As long as you don't say anything, the mine can continue to work. Your words can make many miners There is no work to do for a few days, and we are going to be busy..."

"But if you don't do that, those miners who don't know anything may die!" Jeff turned his head and stared into Wade's eyes, which startled Wade.

"My father was a miner. He died in a strange attack. Originally, he didn't have to die. It's just that the supervisor of the mine ignored the warnings issued by other miners. So, my father, he died!"

The corners of Wade's mouth twitched, his eyes flickered a few times, and he lowered his head, "Yes, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." Jeff shook his head. "I'm sure I'll be included in the exploration of the underground world. I just don't want people to die because of 'not paying attention'... My tone may have been a bit harsh just now, I'm sorry."

Wade nodded, but said nothing.

He looked at the sky in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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