Soul echo

Chapter 724 Conversation with Jige

Chapter 724 Conversation with Qianji Pavilion

Although the emperor said that Zhang Xiyu was a mediocre talent, being sent by him to govern Jingzhou meant that Zhang Xiyu's ability was not weak.

When he just took over the follow-up work of the venue from Zhong Ye, he was a bit flustered, but he quickly entered the state, and he became orderly and orderly when directing people.

Even those who don't like Zhang Xiyu's "taking away the position of magistrate" the most have to admit that Zhang Xiyu's working ability is indeed not bad.

——Of course, it is still much worse than Mr. Zhong!
While the staff were busy, Zhong Ye came over, "Dai Lila, are the people from Qianji Pavilion still in Jingzhou?"

Dai Lila's sharp ears trembled, she turned her head to look at Zhong Ye, nodded and said: "They are still in Jingzhou, after all they have been wanting to interview you."

"Where are they?"

Hearing Zhong Ye's question, Dai Lila narrowed her eyes slightly and said the name of an inn.

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll talk about it later."

Zhong Ye smiled and waved to the people, getting their enthusiastic response, and then walked away from the venue.

It was only afternoon, and there was still a long time before evening.

Back in Jingzhou City, Zhong Ye was warmly welcomed by the people. Whether it was a hawker who had just set up a roadside stall, a passerby, or a businessman from another place, they all showed respect and enthusiasm for Zhong Ye. Zhong Ye greeted him eagerly, and Zhong Ye took the trouble to respond.

—— Yunlai Inn.

Passing through the streets full of enthusiasm, Zhong Ye came to the door of an inn, looked up at the signboard, and walked in.

The sharp-eyed waiter noticed him at a glance, and immediately jumped up from the chair, "Isn't this Mr. Zhong? Why are you here? Shopkeeper, Mr. Zhong is here!"

"What? Master Zhong is here?"

"Where is Master Zhong?"

"Oh, it's really Mr. Zhong! Good afternoon, Mr. Zhong. Have you eaten yet?"

Not only the shopkeeper heard the waiter's greeting, but some customers also heard his yelling, and when they turned around, they found Zhong Ye.

In Jingzhou City today, there is only one person who can be called 'Lord Zhong', and that person is Zhong Ye.

Listening to people's greetings, Zhong Ye replied with a smile: "I've eaten, I'm here to find someone. If you have something to do, go there."

People said "Oh" and turned their heads one after another, but their eyes still looked at Zhong Ye from time to time, wanting to know who he was looking for here.

The shopkeeper heard the waiter's call and came down from upstairs. When he saw Zhong Ye, he immediately smiled.

"Master Zhong, why are you here?"

The shopkeeper quickly walked up to Zhong Ye, rubbed his hands and asked nervously, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Zhong Ye looked up at the rooms upstairs, "I heard that people from Qianji Pavilion live here."

"Qianji Pavilion... Oh yes, yes, they do live here!"

The shopkeeper nodded repeatedly, then turned to look at the waiter standing beside him, "Goofy, go up and inform those two, and just say 'Master Zhong is here'."


The waiter in the shop walked quickly, and jumped up to the second floor in a flash.

He slammed the door of a room and shouted: "Two guests, Mr. Zhong is here."

At this time, the shopkeeper took Zhong Ye up to the second floor.

The moment he stepped on the stairs, Zhong Ye formed a pedal under his feet, because he could feel that these stairs couldn't bear his weight - now he has risen to 260 kg.

But unlike those abnormally obese people on Earth, his body is extremely healthy.

"Master Zhong is here?" The door of the room where the door was knocked was opened, and a person poked his head out from inside, looked left and right, saw Zhong Ye, and was immediately overjoyed.

"Master Zhong, please, please go inside!"

Under the kind invitation of that person, Zhong Ye walked into the room, and before closing the door, he turned around and cupped his fists to thank the shopkeeper and the waiter.

Afterwards, there was an excited cry from the waiter outside the door: "Shopkeeper, have you seen it? Mr. Zhong thanked me!"

The smile on Zhong Ye's face faded slowly, and he looked at the two people in the room.

Appearing in front of him were two men, one old and one young, and the one who opened the door to receive him was a young man.

The old man was thin and thin, when he saw Zhong Ye, he stood up slowly, coughed twice, then bowed and saluted and said, "Master Zhong, my old name is Yan Liang, and my name is Ruhui, and I am the Deputy Pavilion Master of Qianji Pavilion. "

"Deputy Pavilion Master..." Zhong Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Exactly." The old man was about to cough after saying a few words, lacking in breath.

"Master Zhong, you are a master of martial arts. You have managed Jingzhou so prosperously, and you have destroyed the Shangguan family by yourself. I will conduct the interview, so you are worthy of your status." The old man couldn't help coughing again. Twice.

At the young man's invitation, Zhong Ye sat down, took a cup of tea from him, and put it in front of him.

"Let's talk with an open door, if you want to ask anything, just say it!"

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, the old man asked the young man to bring paper and pen, hung the pen on the paper, and looked up at Zhong Ye.

"Mr. Zhong, after the release of the new issue of "Hero Records", many people wrote to the headquarters of Qianji Pavilion, asking us to inquire on our behalf—excuse me, are you really born in Yingtian Mansion?"

Zhong Ye nodded, "Yes, I was born in Yingtian Mansion, but I grew up in the mountains. As for where, it's hard to answer."

The old man wrote Zhong Ye's answer on the paper stroke by stroke, and asked again: "You became a martial arts master at a young age, with superb strength, and you can also write the 'Analysis Series' series of books based on your own understanding. I know, how did you do it? Of course, this kind of question belongs to your privacy, and it’s okay not to answer it.”

Zhong Ye pondered for a moment, and said: "The master has collected martial arts from all over the world for my study and reference. In addition, my learning ability is not weak, so I have created a whole body of martial arts. However, I can grow so fast, or I need to attribute it to The year I was in Westland.

"During that year, I experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, and my injuries were almost complete. I had just absorbed the experience of the previous battle, and I encountered a strong enemy. The continuous battles shaped my will And the spirit, so that I can become a martial arts master in my twenties."

He didn't lie, when he was on Earth, there was indeed a teacher who helped him collect "World Martial Arts" for his study and reference.

"I see." The old man nodded thoughtfully.

It seemed easy for Zhong Ye to say it, but the old man could feel the thrill of it.

It is not easy for any master-level character. If one wants to become a martial arts master, there is no shortcut. Even Meng Yusheng, who is 'famous' from the Meng family, has experienced a long period of accumulation and growth.

"Lord Zhong, we also heard that you took down the Changuang Pavilion in Bianliang, and are planning to build an 'primary education school', right?"


"Master Zhong, you are the acting magistrate, so if His Majesty sends a new magistrate to take over in the future, will you step aside?"

"He has come, I do have plans to step aside, and I am still investigating whether he is suitable for this position."

"Master Zhong, do you have any plans to start a sect?"

"Not yet. Of course, it can also be said that I have already established a sect - all those who study the 'Analysis Series' have inherited part of my martial arts. My martial arts have been passed down. Why do I need to establish a sect?"

Hearing this, the old man's hand holding the pen paused, marking a dazzling ink mark on the paper.

He raised his head to look at Zhong Ye, looked at it for a long time, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and sighed: "You are really open-minded, I am afraid that there are not many people in this world who can be like you...

"By the way, there are still many women who have lettered to Qianji Pavilion. I hope we can ask you. This is your privacy. It's okay if you don't answer. Do you have any plans to get married?"

Zhong Ye was silent for a while, then nodded slowly, "Yes."

The old man showed a smile, "That old clumsy really feels lucky for the women in the world... So, I've finished asking old clumsy questions, please ask Mr. Zhong again."

The condition for Dai Lila to talk with Qianji Pavilion is that Zhong Ye accepts the interview from Qianji Pavilion. Correspondingly, Qianji Pavilion will also answer a few questions from Zhong Ye for free.

Zhong Ye took a light breath and asked earnestly, "Do you have any connection with the late emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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