Soul echo

Chapter 715 To Jingzhou

Chapter 715 Returning to Jingzhou
After a few more days, Zhong Ye returned to Jingzhou.

Although he didn't quite know what happened to the magistrate's family, he could roughly guess something.

That child should have been sent there on purpose by a Taoist priest, most likely for the purpose of hurting Zhong Ye's companions—now Changuang Pavilion is Zhong Ye's property, and many people know about it.

As for whether the child was sent by a Taoist priest or his own mother sent him out, it didn't matter anymore.

The fall of the Muye county government office killed all the family of the magistrate of Muye county. I am afraid that the child's mother could not escape.

Seeing that Taoist priest was killed with his own eyes, and the death was extremely tragic, most of the anger in Zhong Ye's heart disappeared at that time.

The rest of his anger also gradually subsided on his way back to Jingzhou. When he returned to Jingzhou, there was only a little bit of anger left.

However, the only remaining point may take a long time to completely disappear.

Zhong Ye was still burdened with a curse from the Lord of War. The incident he encountered before was probably due to this curse, but the curse did not really affect him, because the incident between the Taoist priest and Muye was resolved by the player and the aborigines together. No, he didn't actually kill anyone.

Perhaps this is the game between the gods of the Dan world and the war lord - it took Zhong Ye a few days to understand this matter a little bit.

After having this thought, he could easily associate it with other things.

Since the gods of the Dan world are preventing him from 'killing', have they also intervened in other things?
Zhong Ye didn't know about these things, because when he wanted to ask the gods, the gods were not online.

It might be because the time when Dan's world meets the earth is getting closer, and the gods have no time to answer his question, but if this is the case, how to explain the incident of Makino?Is it just a coincidence?
Zhong Ye couldn't figure it out, so he simply put the question behind him and stopped bothering himself.

The matter of Zhong Ye's return to Jingzhou cannot be hidden from anyone. After seeing the familiar tall figure, the people on the street immediately became overwhelmed and lined up to welcome him.

They all knew that Zhong Ye had gone out to do some errands. It was unknown what exactly he was doing, but it was definitely not a bad thing.

As the countdown to the opening of the fair began, more and more people came to Jingzhou, not only filling up the city, but some people who could not live in the city found a village around Fucheng to stay.

Many of these people had never met Zhong Ye, but they had all heard of Zhong Ye's name. When they heard the people in the city calling Zhong Ye's name, they couldn't help themselves. They walked to the street or looked out from the house.

Coupled with the fact that there are already pedestrians, carriages and horses coming and going on the street, the streets entering the city are suddenly full, and there is no way to get through.

Seeing more and more people gathered, Zhong Ye felt something was wrong.


A loud roar swayed across the street, instantly suppressing all the sounds, and the restless camel beasts whimpered and stopped being restless.

Looking at the crowd around, Zhong Ye said loudly: "I understand everyone's feelings, but it is very dangerous to have so many people crowded together, as long as you push a little, there is a high possibility of a stampede!

"So, listen to my instructions, all the drivers who control the camels hold down the camels in their hands, you stand still and don't move, then the people at the outermost edge of the crowd move back, don't crowd each other, and walk into other streets and alleys , and among the shops, gradually evacuate!"

In addition to the local people in Jingzhou, people from other places also obeyed Zhong Ye's command for some reason. Under Zhong Ye's command, the congested streets were gradually emptied.

Looking at the much wider street in front of him, Zhong Ye heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his fists around, thanked everyone present for their cooperation, and then waved his hand to restore the stagnant street to normal.

The cars and horses that were parked in place and the pedestrians who had been evacuated to the open area became active again, and the streets of Jingzhou Fucheng returned to the normal state of heavy traffic. Zhong Ye walked in the streets, and as long as someone greeted him, he would definitely respond with a smile.

What he did before and now has opened the eyes of people from other cities.

Being able to make everyone willing to obey his orders, but at the same time being able to treat every commoner kindly - this is what truly deserves the title of 'parent officer'!

When Zhong Ye returned to the mansion, he found that the news of his return had been sent back to the mansion early, and several yamen servants were standing at the door waiting for him.

Seeing Zhong Ye, several yamen servants gave him a chuckle, put a pile of straw at the door, and set it on fire.

"Lord Zhong, please!"

Zhong Ye was stunned for a moment, laughed dumbfounded, shook his head and walked over, stepped over the fire, then picked up a face towel from the basin held by the yamen servant next to him, and washed off the dust on his face and neck.

At the same time, another yamen servant helped to pat the dust off Zhong Ye's clothes with a fan.

After Zhong Ye finished these tasks, several yamen servants put down the things on their hands, took a step back and bowed to salute: "Welcome Master Zhong to return to Jingzhou Mansion!"

Zhong Ye pointed at them and smiled, "Is this your own idea?"

Several yamen servants scratched their hair and laughed.

After the fire was extinguished, several yamen servants followed Zhong Ye and walked in together with him.

Most of the officials in Jingzhou today are so busy that they don't touch the ground, and there is no one to be seen in the government office, and the police and government servants are also sent out to patrol and supervise the safety of the city.

The few yamen servants who took care of Zhong Ye did not leave the yamen because it happened to be their turn to stay behind.

Most of the officials were not there, and Zhong Ye couldn't find anyone else to explain the current situation in Jingzhou to him for a while, so he asked the yamen servants.

When several yamen servants talked about this, they were all beaming.

They have never been so beautiful since they were young. Even if they are just a small government servant, in the eyes of the vendors who came to the fair, they are all people who need to make friends.

The venue of the trade fair has been set up, and it is beside the Jingsha River.

The reason why the venue is set up there is mainly because domestic waste is easy to dispose of.

In this era, there is no garbage that is difficult to degrade. Just dump the garbage into the river and everything will be solved.

Moreover, it was close to Jingzhou's factory. Dai Lila probably planned to bring some businessmen into the factory during the fair to see if they could attract investment.

——Zhong Ye doesn't understand economics, and only knows some general concepts, but after Dai Lila learned those concepts through him, she summed up a relatively crude set of economics through her own learning. Most of the economics in Jingzhou today The activities revolve around the set of economics that Delilah summed up.

Delilah is very ambitious, and this fair is an opportunity for her to show some of her ambitions.

From the mouths of several yamen servants, Zhong Ye knew that most of the chambers of commerce and sects that received his invitation had come, but behind some chambers of commerce and sects were noble families, Zhong Ye didn't think they would come.

Whether they come or not is their business, but it is his business whether to send invitations or not. Outsiders must not think that he is impolite, so Zhong Ye also sent invitations to those chambers of commerce and sects.

Zhong Ye walked all the way to the backyard of the mansion. At this moment, the yamen servant Zhiqu who was following behind him stopped, saluted him respectfully, then turned and left to go on duty.

Zhong Ye smiled at them before the yamen servant left, and then opened the door and walked into the backyard.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, the woman sitting in the yard looked up suspiciously, and found that the person who pushed the door was Zhong Ye, and hurriedly wanted to get up, but she was holding a baby in her arms, so it was inconvenient for her to stand up.

"No need! Just sit down!"

Zhong Ye stopped the woman's movements, walked up to her, squatted down, and looked at the baby in her arms.

The baby also opened a pair of big black eyes, as if recognizing Zhong Ye, he laughed.

There was also a smile on Zhong Ye's face, he stretched out a finger, put it in the baby's hand, and shook her little hand, which made the baby smile even more happily.

The woman with the baby in her arms stared blankly at the smiling Zhong Ye, and finally realized why Zhong Ye's nickname was 'Jade Faced Yama'.

(End of this chapter)

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