Soul echo

Chapter 713 'Explosion'

Chapter 713 'Explosion'

"...That's the way it is. I hope you can look at my face and give them a fair trial. If someone deserves what he deserves, he will be sent to die. If someone is extenuating, then he will be put in jail. Here, accept the punishment."

Zhong Ye brought those bandits to the Bianliang government mansion, and handed them over to the head catcher on duty.

Catcher stood in front of Zhong Ye, listening carefully to Zhong Ye's words, not daring to miss a word.

He knew who the man in front of him was, so he also understood how much energy this man's words possessed.

Let alone him, even if the magistrate came here, he probably would have to listen to Zhong Ye's words.

"Yes, yes! My lord, we will make a fair judgment!" The policeman nodded and bowed, answering again and again.

He didn't look like he would judge fairly. The bandits exchanged glances and made up their minds.

Before leaving, Zhong Ye warned the bandits: "Don't think about escaping from prison. Being caught escaping from prison is an added crime. Now there are innate masters in the Bianliang government office, you can't escape."

After finishing speaking, the little boy who was still sleeping on his back left the mansion and walked towards Changuang Pavilion.

I don't know what's going on, but the little boy has been sleeping deeply and hasn't woken up.

Zhong Ye already had some doubts and vigilance about this. After all, according to those bandits, it was the little boy's mother who entrusted someone to deliver the little boy to them. The boy's mother or the person she asked, so why did the little boy stay asleep?
During this period of deep sleep, the little boy did not eat any grain of rice or touch a drop of water, which was enough to affect his health.

Since he has already been brought out, then why let him sleep for so long?

From Zhong Ye's point of view, this matter is very strange.

Zhong Ye walked straight to Changuang Pavilion with the little boy on his back, and found that the gate of Changuang Pavilion was open, he greeted the porter, and walked in.

In the vestibule, several warriors were exchanging martial arts skills, and when they saw Zhong Ye's figure, they were overjoyed.

"Master Zhong, are you back?"

"Master Zhong, if you come back this time, will you leave again?"

"Huh? Master Zhong, what's the matter with that baby on your back? Is that your adopted child?"

Zhong Ye shook his head, and walked towards the depths of Changuang Pavilion surrounded by several warriors.

He told the story of this little boy to several warriors, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Why does this matter sound a bit weird...Master Zhong, have you informed the six gates of this matter?"

The six gates are dedicated to investigating these things, and Jin Yiwei is a higher level, specializing in investigating things related to the abyss, but it is difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with Jin Yiwei. In people's eyes, Jin Yiwei has always been a group of mysterious guys.

There were rumors in the rivers and lakes, but I still didn't quite understand what Jin Yiwei did.

Zhong Ye nodded and said: "The arresters from the six gates told me that they will go to Muye to investigate this matter after a little preparation. I am not at ease. I plan to hand over this child to Qinglai and the others, and then go to Muye to have a look. one look."

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, several warriors were stunned for a moment, and then someone asked: "Master Zhong, there are so many things in this world, if you have to worry about everything, are you busy?"

It sounds like a question, but it's actually persuasion, and I don't want Zhong Ye to worry about so many things.

Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, then said: "That's true, but I'm still a little worried..."

After saying these words, Zhong Ye couldn't help thinking of what Lily had said when he was still in Westland and Lily hadn't left the team yet.

He is indeed a little arrogant, thinking that many things in this world need to be solved by himself, so he has to do everything himself.

Is it really okay to leave this matter to the police of Six Doors?If there is really something hidden behind this incident, what if they accidentally trigger it?What if they don't have enough strength to solve it?
"Oh, it's okay. If you need to do everything yourself, Master Zhong, won't other people have room to express themselves? You don't care about it, Master Zhong, but those who have been helped by you don't necessarily think so, because If they want to be promoted, they also need merit, and if you robbed them of all their merits, how can they be promoted?"

Hearing this, Zhong Ye couldn't help but sighed, but didn't say anything more.

Several warriors looked at each other, it seemed... Zhong Ye seemed to be persuaded by them?

Seeing Zhong Ye come back, the women who stayed in Changuang Pavilion squeezed to his side, talking about what happened in the past few days when he left.

While talking, someone noticed the little boy on Zhong Ye's back and asked, "Mr. Zhong, where did this little boy come from? Is it your adopted child?"

Zhong Ye is still single, so it is obviously impossible to have a child of such an age, so whether it is a few warriors who have successfully applied for security guards, or the women in Changuang Pavilion, they all think that this child was adopted by Zhong Ye.

Then, they saw Zhong Ye shaking his head and said, "I didn't adopt this child. It is said that the child's mother used to be a prostitute in Changuang Pavilion, and was later accepted as a concubine by the magistrate of Muye County..."

He told the whole thing in detail, and the women looked at the little boy with a little more pity.

"Became a concubine of the magistrate of Muye County..." A woman in the crowd muttered, and suddenly clapped her hands and shouted, "Ah! Mr. Zhong, the person you mentioned should be Sister Yulian—we are here under the supervision of Muye County. There is only one person who can be accepted as a concubine, and that is Sister Yulian!"

Zhong Ye turned to look at the woman, "Do you know her?"

The woman nodded and said with a smile: "My family was sent to the Changuang Pavilion since I was a child. I naturally know some people who left the Changuang Pavilion early. Sister Yulian is one of them. She seems to have been sent to Changuang Pavilion ten years ago. The county magistrate Makino took a fancy to him, and was taken away by that county magistrate.

"Ten years ago, the environment was not like it is now. The 'cleaner' at the time was just a gimmick, and he couldn't help himself when he entered the Changuang Pavilion. It was a great event, so when Sister Yulian was about to leave, she scattered most of the jewelry in order to celebrate. My family received a gift from Sister Yulian. It was a hairpin, and I still keep it .”

Even being a concubine is better than being a prostitute...

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, and handed over the little boy on his back to those women.

"I hope you can take good care of him. I'll go to Muye to take a look. By the way, I'll help you find out how that 'Sister Yulian' is doing."

Although many women present did not know that Yulian, but Yulian was in the same situation as them. When they thought of this, they felt sorry for each other, and hugged the little boy from Zhong Ye's hand with pity.

At this moment, the little boy opened his eyes and woke up leisurely.


But it was also at this moment that Zhong Ye glared angrily, and stretched out his hand to snatch the little boy over.

Gang Qi spread from the palms and arms, instantly enveloping the little boy's body, and part of it penetrated his skin and penetrated into his body.

However, it was too late!

- Bang!

The little boy's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist wrapped in the stellar qi, and all the muscles and bones were instantly turned into powder, floating in the stellar qi.

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, watching the cloud of blood rolling continuously in Zhong Ye's hands...


After a while, many people vomited pantothenic acid water, and the faces of those who did not vomit were also ugly.

But soon, they noticed Zhong Ye's expression.

His face was no more ferocious than theirs, but at this time, the more silent he was, the stronger the anger in his heart might be.

Zhong Ye looked at his right hand, at the cloud of blood in his hand, and remained silent.

I don't know how long it took, no one dared to disturb him, and he recovered slowly by himself.

"I'm going to Muye."

After saying that, Zhong Ye turned around and left.

The people did not persuade them to stay, but looked at Zhong Ye's back with complicated expressions.

A living life disappeared in front of their eyes. Before disappearing, they called out "Mother". Who knows how many emotions are contained in this "Mother"?

They didn't know, and Zhong Ye probably didn't know either.

However, they knew very well that Zhong Ye was extremely angry now!
(End of this chapter)

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