Soul echo

Chapter 705 Fighting (6)

Chapter 705 Fighting ([-])
Before Zhong Ye's fist touched, the shield made of sand and dust quickly disintegrated.

The shock wave generated by the sonic boom went straight up, passed through the gap between the shields, and scraped past Shangguan Yao's side.

He quickly formed a seal, and after a while, his body became vain, without any substance.

——【Forbidden Curse·Spirit Transformation】!
Zhong Ye's fist pierced through all the shields and was reflected in Shangguan Yao's pupils.

He looked at the fist wrapped in gang qi, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

——At this time, the more you can't show fear!
The fist pierced through Shangguan Yao's body, but after passing through the body, the place hit by the fist just rippled.

Zhong Ye frowned tightly, twisted his arms, and burst out of Gang Qi instantly.

Even so, Shangguan Yao's figure only fluctuated slightly more violently, and the smile on his face remained unchanged.

At this moment, the illusory spirit behind Shangguan Yao raised his arm, drawing a strong wind.

Strong winds rushed from all directions, squeezing Zhong Ye's body.

Zhong Ye withdrew his arm, waved away the strong wind, and then jumped back to a distance.

Shangguanyao can attack him, but he can't help Shangguanyao?

Although he knew that the legendary mage was very troublesome, Zhong Ye never expected that it would be so troublesome.

Zhong Ye looked at the vacant figure in front of him with a serious expression, and his brain began to run at a high speed.

There is only one legendary mage opponent he has ever encountered, and that is 'False God Adrian'.

But Adrian can almost be regarded as 'suicide', he didn't even show much strength.

His first death was directed by the Lord of Pleasure, and his second death was suicide, and if he did not, the Lord of Pleasure or the Lord of Conspiracy would have taken his body.

The body of a false god is enough for them to tear away part of the world's barriers.

As both a legendary caster and a false god, Adrian paralyzed a few legends before he showed his full strength. So, what about Shangguan Yao?
Zhong Ye let out a breath, stepped on the void, and rushed forward.

There is no way to attack Shangguan Yao's body, so what about his spells?

A punch struck at the dharma body, and the imaginary god suddenly reversed the seal, and drove away the air in this part of the sky.

There is a martial arts master in Shangguan's family, so Shangguanyao knows very well that warriors rely on air. If there is no oxygen and they cannot breathe, they will not be able to refine their true energy.

At the same time, Shangguan Yao also performed a formula, calling out a shield to block in front of the Dharma body.

Zhong Ye shattered the shield with one punch, and then punched again.

Shangguan Yao summoned the shield, which means that this thing can be crushed!

Zhong Ye's second punch landed on the 'Void Spirit Body', but what made him look slightly changed was that the toughness of this thing was far beyond his expectation.

The body of the illusory god was empty, and even though Zhong Ye poured Gang Qi into it, he couldn't detonate the body.

On the contrary, it was the palm of the illusory god, and a flame brand appeared in the palm. The moment the brand hit Zhong Ye's body, the skin of Zhong Ye who was hit exploded with flames, and his body was sent flying.

But he didn't fly very far, and felt a pulling force connecting himself with the illusory god, and his body returned uncontrollably to Shangguanyao's surroundings.

There was no air around, and it had become a vacuum. Zhong Ye had noticed this a long time ago, so he was naturally aware of Shangguanyao's tactics.

Without breathing, he couldn't refine true qi, and couldn't generate stellar qi. All he could use was psionic energy, and even dragon breath couldn't be squandered like before.

In Zhong Ye's perception, the vacuum field is gradually expanding, and all the air is being pushed out.

Although his lung capacity far exceeds that of ordinary people, in order to support his burly body, he also consumes a lot of energy.

After losing the air, he couldn't use psionic energy to create air pedals, so he couldn't move freely in the air. At this time, what should he do to get out of the predicament?

Zhong Ye never stopped fighting. While thinking, he swung his fist and hit Shang Guanyao's body again.

The dharma body greeted him with raised palms, and when the fists and palms collided, a stream of mana poured into Zhong Ye's body from its wrist.

Zhong Ye's expression changed, and then his body swelled uncontrollably, and the bulging muscles directly stretched the torn robe.

His size became larger, but the oxygen he needed to consume would also increase as his size became larger. The oxygen that could support his high-intensity fighting for half a minute could only last for less than ten seconds after that!
The strong psychic energy erupted suddenly, hitting the dharma body, and even punched a hole through its chest, but all this was meaningless, and the spell didn't stop.

Because from just now, the individual maintaining that spell has changed from the Dharma Body to Shangguan Yao himself.


There is a vacuum of at least 300 meters in each direction, up, down, left, and right, and this distance is still expanding. Even if you use spiritual energy to hit yourself and push yourself out, there is no guarantee that Shangguan Yao will not use magic to capture yourself back .

Zhong Ye changed his fist into a palm, pushed the Dharma body away, grabbed his wrist, and pulled the Dharma body over.


With one punch, Dharma Body's head shattered!

But the headless body was still able to move, and it suddenly threw out its other hand, hitting Zhong Ye.


Zhong Ye took advantage of the situation and flew backwards, only to see spiritual light gathering in the void, filling up the incomplete parts of the dharma body, and then it stretched out its hand to grab Zhong Ye's body from the air.


Enduring the symptoms of hypoxia that had begun to appear, Zhong Ye detonated his psionic energy again, dispelling the spells imposed on him by the Dharma Body.

Under the pull of gravity, Zhong Ye quickly fell to the ground.


But at this moment, Zhong Ye's eyes blurred.

Shangguan Yao disappeared above him, and there was only a large thick cloud in front of him, and the rolling thunder shuttled back and forth in it, and the rumbling sound did not stop for a long time.

Zhong Ye suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, just in time to meet Shangguan Yao below.


The feeling of suffocation will not hit immediately, it will slowly erode the body, causing various discomforts in different parts of the body.

But for suffocation, the most sensitive organ of the human body is the brain.

Before, the supply of oxygen was in short supply, unable to satisfy the needs of the brain. Now that the oxygen was completely exhausted, Zhong Ye felt that his mind began to become dizzy, and the things in front of him seemed to have double images.

If this continues, Zhong Ye will meet 'death'!
Suddenly, a thought flashed in Zhong Ye's mind.

He took out a few flying knives from his bracelet, and threw them into the sky with all his strength. At the same time, he activated his spiritual energy, rubbed the surface of the flying knives, and changed the magnetic field of the flying knives.

A thunderbolt shuttled through the dark clouds, and the lightning that appeared instantly illuminated the eyes of Zhong Ye and Shangguanyao.

The charged particles activated by the thunder are attracted by the magnetic field carried by the flying knife, and then electric light is generated.

If it is on the ground, or a position slightly close to the ground, this amount of power is not enough to pull the lightning that shuttles through the dark clouds, but this is 'high altitude'!
——After Zhong Ye and Shangguan Yao switched positions, they got closer to the high altitude of the clouds!

A thunderbolt fell, followed by a roar, and the deafening sound rang directly above Zhong Ye. If his body had not been tempered to an inhuman level, such a loud noise would have pierced his eardrums.

The Shangguan family is the largest aristocratic family in the East, how could they not know the existence of the earth?

As a legendary spellcaster, how could it be possible that Shangguan Yao had no knowledge of the earth?

At this moment, Shangguan Yao understood Zhong Ye's plan!

- The answer is 'ozone'!
The Nine Heavens Profound Thunder tore open the vacuum boundary and brought oxygen here, but because the oxygen was rapidly ionized, under the action of lightning, it combined with the unionized oxygen to form ozone.

At this time, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, and he absorbed all the thin ozone into his body, injecting a momentum into his body.

Inhaling a large amount of ozone is harmful to the human body, but Zhong Ye has long been 'inhuman', and now this level of ozone cannot harm his body.

The mind was not able to regain clarity in an instant, but the body was no longer weak, and the true energy was generated accordingly, which merged with the spiritual energy and turned into Zhong Ye's unique stellar energy.

The spiritual energy shot out like a chain, entangled the Dharma Body, and pulled Zhong Ye away.

The dharma body waved his palm, but was kicked away by Zhong Ye's kick - even if he lost his foothold, his waist muscles could still make his body spin!

With a split palm, the dharmakaya celestial spirit was shattered, and all the newly generated Gang Qi poured into the dharmakaya, tearing it in half.

Shangguan Yao's miraculous state dissipated like a dream bubble. Facing Zhong Ye's surge of psionic energy, he had no choice but to give up holding the spell and use the method of teleportation to leave the place.

The vacuum realm lost Shangguan Yao's mana maintenance and was instantly broken.

Air suddenly poured into it, and at that moment, strong winds blew up.

The wind howled the sky and the earth, and Zhong Ye's body continued to fall. After two seconds, the sole of his foot seemed to step on something, and he stopped his footsteps and stopped his fall.

At that time, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, the true energy in his body was continuously regenerated, and his state returned to its peak.

 Thanks to Guangfeng Jiyuewu for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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