Soul echo

Chapter 688 Erosion

Chapter 688 Erosion

Early the next morning, Zhong Ye sent someone to send a letter back to Jingzhou.

Jingzhou is not far from Zhijiang, and now the national highways are all cement roads. If you work hard, you can run back and forth in half a day.

During his one month as acting magistrate, he didn't learn nothing, on the contrary, he learned a lot, but many officials of Zhijiang county government were imprisoned by him.

Fortunately, he has a team in Jingzhou, and he can recruit some people from that team at any time.

The letter he sent was to send some officials to Zhijiang so that they could control this county that had lost its controller.

The Li family was wiped out by their own ancestors, and the largest family in Zhijiang was wiped out. Even without his help, it would not be difficult for those people to control Zhijiang.

When he sent the letter, Zhong Ye had clearly stated in the letter that he wanted them to come as soon as possible, so the officials transferred from Jingzhou would probably arrive tomorrow. ' will be arraigned for their reasons.

Today's Zhijiang county government is almost at a standstill, except for Zhong Ye, there are only a few civil servants left.

It's ridiculous to say that they were not imprisoned because they were not qualified to participate in the ranks of other officials' corruption and bribery.

Due to being excluded, these civil servants knew very little about the affairs of the county government, and Zhong Ye had to do many tasks by himself.

Zhong Ye spent a whole day sorting out Zhijiang's information in recent years. Although he couldn't analyze anything from it, the people who will come tomorrow are experts in this field.

With those people around, why wouldn't he be able to catch Zhijiang's former officials?

At noon on the third day after Zhong Ye returned to Zhijiang, a large group of people came by car from Jingzhou, and there was nothing else in the car except a few sets of clothes for each person.

"grown ups!"

This large group of people got off the car in front of the county yamen, and when they saw Zhong Ye standing at the gate of the county yamen, they all blushed and bowed to him loudly.

Now they finally understood why Zhong Ye said, 'If you don't even understand these things, how can you be a good official in the future' when he took them to the countryside.

The letter sent by Zhong Ye already stated that the Zhijiang county government was almost completely wiped out, and they were transferred from Jingzhou now, isn't it just to take over Zhijiang?
When they thought that some of them might become Zhijiang county magistrate or county lieutenant, they couldn't help but feel hot in their hearts.

"Just come." Zhong Ye nodded, turned and walked into the county office, "Come with me, today I will publicly interrogate the former officials of Zhijiang, the documents have been prepared for you, you have two hours, During this period of time, as long as you find evidence from the materials that can bring down an official, a position will be vacated. How many positions Zhijiang can have for you to be officials depends on your own ability. "

When the people who followed Zhong Ye into the county government heard the news, their hearts were shocked, and then they were ecstatic.

They all knew that Zhong Ye always said what he said, as long as he said it, he would definitely fulfill it.

Moreover, the people in the Jingzhou government office vaguely noticed that the relationship between Zhong Ye and the emperor seemed to be quite good, and the two of them belonged to the same camp.

Since Zhong Ye promised to let them become officials, then they must be able to become officials!
Most of the Jingzhou officials who came to Zhijiang were directly recruited by Zhong Ye from the society before, so in fact they were not real officials, but just 'temporary workers' who assisted Zhong Ye in the management of Jingzhou.

Although receiving salaries, exercising the power of officials and enjoying the benefits of officials, they are indeed a group of temporary workers.

As long as the new magistrate arrives, they may be kicked out.

Now an opportunity to become a regular is in front of them, who can't be tempted?
Knowing that he might become a real official, after Guangzong Yaozu, those officials transferred from Jingzhou didn't even eat lunch, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the investigation of the information.

Two hours is indeed a bit tight in terms of time, but Zhong Ye's interrogation also pays attention to the order, so everyone inquired about the criminal evidence of Zhijiang's former officials according to the order Zhong Ye gave.

If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, as long as you do it, you will definitely leave traces. They have already experienced a similar thing a month ago, and they have quite a lot of experience——they don’t believe it. Maybe it’s Zhijiang Officials are better at concealing criminal evidence than Jingzhou officials?

Two hours passed quickly, and it was time to apply.

Many people gathered outside the yamen, including ordinary people, landlords and servants, businessmen and representatives of the dusty land.

Although the sun was hot in the sky, it couldn't overwhelm their curious and apprehensive hearts.

They looked at the gate of the county government eagerly, because Zhong Ye announced that the former officials of Zhijiang would be tried publicly, so they gathered here.

Under their watchful eyes, the door was pulled open.

"Come in!" the yamen servant who opened the door said to the crowd standing outside, "Master Zhong said that this is a public trial, and anyone can come in and watch it, no matter men, women, young or old, high or low status."

After relaying Zhong Ye's words to the crowd, the yamen servant picked up the water and fire stick that was put aside and walked into the hall.

He and those officials had great enmity, he was recruited by them and beat him up, and he was imprisoned and starved for a day and a night, no wonder he didn't feel any hatred.

Because of this, the yamen servant asked Zhong Ye to intimidate and monitor him during the trial.

The people standing outside the county government gate hesitated for a moment, then followed the footsteps of the government servants and filed in, soon filling the open space in the front yard.

In order to watch the trial, some people climbed on the trees planted in the front yard and on the wall of the county government.

But I saw an unusually tall, handsome man sitting in the lobby of the yamen. In front of him was a public case table. On the table were all official seals, documents, gavels, etc., with a serious and silent expression. Both sides of the hall raised their heads The yamen servants standing with their chests upright made him a little more majestic.

When people look at it, their eyes light up, and they can't help feeling good.

Seeing that the people in the front yard were almost gathered, the clerk sitting on the side turned his head and asked Zhong Ye for instructions with his eyes. After getting a nod, he cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "The time has come, the public trial has officially begun, Bring the suspect to court!"


The yamen servants beat the water and fire sticks at the right time, and amidst their shouts, the distraught magistrate of Zhijiang was first escorted up by two yamen servants who lowered their heads and did not dare to look up at the others and Zhong Ye.

These two yamen servants did not prevent other yamen servants from releasing the officials after Zhong Ye disappeared, but they did not participate in this matter, so Zhong Ye did not put them into the prison together like the yamen servants who released the officials.

Although Zhong Ye didn't do anything to them, they were just afraid and didn't dare to look at Zhong Ye, nor did they dare to look at other people.

The former county magistrate of Zhijiang was pressed down to his knees, at this moment he seemed to have come to his senses, Mu Mu raised his head and looked at Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye patted the gavel and stared at him, "Shi Wenchang, the Li family bought and sold other people's land by force. As Zhijiang county magistrate, you accepted bribes from the Li family and ignored it. For one of the crimes you committed, are you guilty?"

"Convicted..." Shi Wenchang laughed bitterly, "What can I do if I don't cooperate? There was a county magistrate in front of me. He drowned and died within a few months after arriving in Zhijiang. Who doesn't know that it was the Li family who did it. ? But? Has the imperial court been in charge of this matter?!"

As he said that, his eyes couldn't help turning red, and he roared loudly: "If I don't cooperate with the Li family, what can I do? Do you want me to die?"

Zhong Ye didn't answer, but lowered his head, and continued to read: "Shi Wenchang, as Zhijiang county magistrate, you not only failed to fulfill your duties, but also indulged your wives and younger brothers in robbing civilian daughters. , Destroying the whole family of that girl, this is the second crime you have committed, can you be convicted?"

Hearing these words, the people who were pitying Shi Wenchang just now were stunned. Immediately afterwards, the pity in their eyes was replaced by contempt and disgust.

Shi Wenchang's face turned pale, and he suddenly felt dizzy.

Impossible, he can't know...

"I thought that you should not be stupid for taking bribes, but I never thought that you even neglected the management of files, and you didn't know that there were officials in the yamen who couldn't understand your behavior. Come down." Zhong Ye sighed, "Bring Zhuo Qing, Shi Wenchang's wife and brother, up for interrogation together."

As soon as Zhong Ye finished speaking, a young man in his 20s was dragged out by the yamen servants. His face was pale, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

"Zhuo Qing, you should have heard those words just now, are you guilty?"

Hearing this, Shi Wenchang turned his head to look at his brother-in-law in shock, hoping that he would keep his mouth shut and not make any answer.

But Shi Wenchang's idea is just wishful thinking. Doesn't he know his wife and brother?Not enough to succeed but more to fail, a little smart but not smart enough, I like pretending to be smart...

"No! It's not me! It's not me!" Zhuo Qing screamed, kicking the floor with both legs, and retreating against the ground.

- It's over!
Shi Wenchang closed his eyes in pain, and then he heard a roar in the lobby, calming Zhuo Qing who was shouting.

Zhong Ye took a picture of the supervisory censor order on the table, "This is the supervisory censor order, with the ability to distinguish the truth from false words, Zhuo Qing, how dare you lie to deceive the court, what crime should you deserve!?"

As soon as the words fell, Shi Wenchang opened his eyes resolutely, jumped up from the ground, and bumped into Zhong Ye.

The surrounding yamen servants couldn't react, Shi Wenchang's head deformed, and a spike suddenly grew out, pointing at Zhong Ye.

"My lord!" Many yamen servants exclaimed.

A pool of blood burst suddenly and sprayed towards the side of the lobby.

The blood sprayed on the wall in a spattering shape. Zhong Ye withdrew his palm and took out a handkerchief to wipe it. Shi Wenchang's headless body immediately fell to the ground with blood flowing all over the ground.

"Pull Zhuo Qing out and chop him up."

Sitting on the high seat, Zhong Ye didn't change his face, "Shi Wenchang is dead, summon the next one."

(End of this chapter)

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