Soul echo

Chapter 679 Plague Lord (4)

Chapter 679 Plague Lord ([-])

Jianning is not far from Guanyang Gate, only about [-] kilometers away. Lilian's agility attribute has reached the extraordinary level. Although her endurance is not good enough, the distance of [-] kilometers is only ten minutes for her.

When she ran to the gate of Guanyangmen, her breath was already a little unstable, becoming thick and short.

Looking up, she couldn't help clenching her teeth at the scene above the bluestone steps.

——Several corpses dressed in the costumes of Guanyangmen disciples fell in front of the mountain gate. Their blood stained their robes and flowed slowly down the steps.

Lilian drew out her light sword and pistol, and walked up slowly.

She heard the shouts coming from inside, but she couldn't speed up her pace. Now she is adjusting her breathing to fight the enemy in a better state.

Do what you can when you can't do it, think carefully before doing things, and correctly understand your own limits, instead of recklessly ruining your life.

Ascending to the mountain gate, Lilian saw several enemy corpses lying on the ground.

After discovering that there were abscesses growing on those corpses, Lilian glanced back at the corpses of several Guanyangmen disciples, and as expected, she saw some traces that seemed to be symptoms of diseases on their bodies.

Seeing this, Lilian immediately took out the gas mask and put it on her face.

The breathing rhythm has been adjusted, and the strength runs through the whole body.

Lilian jumped twice on the spot, and suddenly rushed forward like the wind.

There was an explosion sound ahead, and along with the flickering flames and screams, gunpowder smoke rose slowly.

Lilian ran into the vestibule of the Guanyang Gate, and ran into a group of people who were not disciples of the Guanyang Gate. They were dressed in various styles, and the only thing they had in common was that they all had abscesses or deformities on their bodies.

This group of people was entangled with the disciples of the Guanyang Sect, they were divided into scattered groups, and they fought fiercely.

Someone threw a bomb just now, killing and injuring several Guanyangmen disciples, and those people gained the upper hand.

At this time, someone lit another bomb. Just as he was about to throw it out, he heard a gunshot suddenly amid the sound of fighting. Before he could react, his head was blown off.

The bomb that had already been ignited fell to the ground along with the corpse, and the believers of the Father of Fruit screamed and moved away, but the speed of burning the fuse was obviously faster than their movements.


There was another roar of an explosion, and the erupting flames drowned out the group of evil spirits. Because the gunpowder was poorly made, only the cultists were injured.

Their vitality is strong, and they will not die so easily, but the pain comes as promised, stimulating their weak nerves.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The cultists turned their heads and looked in the direction of the gunshots, only to see a figure approaching quietly like flying and floating.

Under the sunlight, the light sword radiated a sword glow, and the blade circled around, easily piercing the neck arteries of the two cultists, causing their blood to flow like a spring.

At the same time, with three gunshots, a cultist's head was blown off, and the two Guanyangmen disciples next to him also got out of the siege.

Although Lilian was wearing an ugly mask, her hair color was different from that of the Dongtu people, so the Guanyangmen disciples could easily recognize her.

Seeing a strong supporter enter the arena, the disciples of the Guanyang sect immediately let out a shocking rage, and rushed towards the cultist on the opposite side.

A long knife struck from the side. Lilian had expected it, so she raised the light sword and entangled it with the tip of the sword.

She felt the huge force coming from the hilt of the sword, and the body of the sword was also pressed down a bit, but she didn't want to fight against it in the first place.

Relying on superhuman agility, Lilian took a step back and guided the long knife to slash it to the ground. Then she let go of the light sword, turning the hilt around the palm of her hand, and the blade came off easily. After being suppressed by the long knife, when Lilian held it again, it was like a shooting star, piercing into the eyes of the cultists.

Returning his hand and raising his gun, the other cultist had just left his original enemy and rushed towards Lilian, when he saw a black hole in front of his eyes, and before he had time to react, he saw the last flash of light in his life.

Lilian stepped forward, taking advantage of the momentum to turn around, and the light sword was pulled out from the eye socket of the cultist, taking away some brains, aqueous humor and blood. These liquids rotated with Lilian's body, like a string of beads, drawing a line After bending the arc, the light sword slashed into the body of another cultist.

Three cult members were killed in an instant, and the number of cult members here fell to the same level as the disciples of Guanyangmen.

They didn't have any cooperation with each other, and they couldn't compare to the disciples of Guanyangmen who used the skill of combo formation.

After firing the last bullet and emptying the cylinder, Lilian inserted the revolver into the loader, pounced on it, and killed the cultists with a light sword.

The believers of the father of fruit are not as powerful as the believers of the war lord, and they are not as weird as the believers of the king of scheming. They just have strong vitality.

But strong vitality means that they can trade injuries for injuries.

Even with Lilian's help, it took the disciples of Guanyangmen 2 minutes to barely kill all the cult members. During this period, a disciple who was injured by the bomb before couldn't hold on and unfortunately died.

The battle was over, but all the disciples of the Guanyang Sect were exhausted physically and mentally, unable to continue fighting.

Lilian also saw this, so she took out the medical items in the bracelet and asked them to stay here to rest, heal their injuries, and go deeper for support alone.

The battle in the depths of Guanyang Gate was huge. Lilian had already heard those movements when she was outside just now, but now, the sounds are still continuous.

"Hold the nine heavens in your hand, whistling the wind and whip the thunder, and subdue all the devil spirits, order!"

As soon as Lilian arrived at the scene, she saw Zhang Jing throwing out a paper talisman, and then the lightning flashed, blowing most of the body of a deformed body opposite.

At this time, the picturesque pavilions of Guanyangmen were already crowded with aberrations and cultists. The cultists stood among the aberrations and directed the aberrations to attack the several pavilions ahead.

However, the stone statue erected in front of the pavilion continuously spewed out flames, burning the bodies of those deformed bodies.

But these deformed bodies have rough skin and thick flesh, even if they are burned by flames, they don't have the slightest fear.

From time to time, a rain of arrows shot from the pavilion, nailing the aberrations to the ground.

Even so, the lines of defense are being breached.

Seeing this tragic scene, Lilian realized that these cultists might not be attacking Guanyang Gate from the mountain gate. The cultists who appeared at the mountain gate before were just a feint to attract attention, and then a large force was dispatched. Attacked into Guanyang Gate from other directions.

Although Guanyang Sect still has a bit of background, but there are few disciples, they can't take care of so many places. Most of the players who came to support them have gone to Jianning, and only a few of them are still here.

Lilian and the others originally wanted to prepare the army of Jianning Mansion and send the army to Guanyangmen to support them, but they didn't expect the cultists to do it so quickly, and they were caught off guard.


Lilian gritted her teeth, looked up at the demons flying in the air, and took out her pistol to aim.

boom! boom! boom!
Only three gunshots were heard, and the three demons screamed and fell from the sky.

Those demons have been besieging and not attacking, hovering over the battlefield all the time. Obviously, they have other uses. Their value may be greater than those cultists who are commanding the mutants, so Lilian chose them as targets.

Lilian knew that she was not suitable for frontal combat, so she hid in other houses after shooting.

Guanyangmen used to be glorious, and there were many houses in the resident, and Lilian had a high agility attribute, and could move quietly.

The vigilant cultists commanded several mutants to pounce on the house where Lilian was hiding before, but they were all in vain.

Aberrations have no intelligence and cannot give feedback to the cultist, so the cultist can only order them to kill the person hiding in that house.

They didn't see anyone in that house, and their confused minds couldn't turn around at all, so they started to demolish the house.

Just as the aberrations were wreaking havoc, the cultists who were vigilant around were suddenly shot in the head.

Four cultists were named. Except for one who reacted immediately after hearing the gunshot and turned his head away, only one shoulder was blown off, the heads of the other three exploded almost at the same time.

The aberrants attacked according to their inertia. However, because of some accidental friction, after the two aberrants fought, they had a scuffle.

The aberration is out of control, and the cultists are panicking.

They shouted loudly, but the aberrations no longer obeyed their orders, and after getting irritated, one of the aberrations grabbed a cultist and pressed his head into the chest cavity.

Everyone at the Guanyang Gate guarding the pavilion looked at the scene outside and couldn't help but be dazed.

What's going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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