Soul echo

Chapter 669 The Li Family

Chapter 669 The Li Family

Zhong Ye first used his psychic energy to open a way for the yamen servants to enter and exit. After the yamen servants entered the camp, the first thing they did was to light the wormwood and fumigate the sheds in the camp.

This camp had to be dismantled, because it was impossible for them to gather supplies for another camp in a short time.

Before coming to the camp, Zhong Ye had already asked Zhijiang county magistrate and others, and found out which piece of land belonged to the government.

Most of the government's land is barren and far away from human habitation, which is suitable for refugees to live temporarily.

On the way, the yamen servant who was sent by Zhong Ye to buy food and clothes came over with a few cars when the camp was being dismantled. Those cars belonged to the store owners. It was just because of their high demand, it was convenient for them, and they still had to return them later. back.

The county magistrate and others acted quickly and helped to distribute food and water to the refugees, but the more attentive they were, the more contemptuous the refugees looked at them.

Before Zhong Ye came, were they ever so enthusiastic?Don't say it's helping, don't even show your face.

Now that Zhong Ye is here, they are standing outside the camp and pointing at the yamen servants who are doing it. It looks like they want to help, but in fact they are just gestures. It's a world of difference.

The previous encounters have wiped out all the awe the refugees have for officials, and now they only have contempt for officials.

On the contrary, when they looked at Zhong Ye, their eyes were full of admiration, and some more emotional people even shed tears.

There are several rivers beside Zhijiang County, the nearest is the Manao River. The refugees have not washed for a long time, and their bodies are covered with mud.

After they had finished eating and replenished their strength, Zhong Ye asked someone to take them to the river to wash. He emphasized that they must wash in the downstream section of the river.

After being asked to take the refugees to wash up, Zhong Ye turned his head and looked to the north. The county magistrate and the others also looked over curiously, and then saw several figures appearing in that direction.

The first reaction was doubt, how did Zhong Ye know that someone would appear there, followed by fear—could it be that Zhong Ye discovered that group of people from such a long distance?
Several figures walked over quickly, aggressively.

After those people approached, the county magistrate and others thumped, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

They knew that the leader was a steward of the Li family!
The county magistrate and others looked at each other and made eye contact. No one wanted to offend Zhong Ye, but in the end, one official was pushed out.

The official sighed and complained in his heart, walked out a few steps, clasped his hands and raised his voice, "Is this brother Li Yuan here?"

Hearing the official's voice, Li Yuan's footsteps paused slightly, his eyes swept away, and he saw the county magistrate and others gathered here, and the yamen servants were dismantling the camp leaning against the city wall.

Without the county magistrate's order, the yamen servants would not be able to do that, but it is impossible for the county magistrate to do such a thing...

Li Yuan's gaze was fixed on a tall figure. He knew everyone present, but he had no impression of this man.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan slowed down, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and bowed his hands in return, "Exactly, I don't know what the brothers are doing here? Is there anything I need my help for?"

Seeing that Li Yuan seemed to understand what they meant, the magistrate and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't dare to offend Zhong Ye, but they also didn't dare to provoke the Li family. In case of a conflict between Zhong Ye and the Li family, it doesn't matter which side they choose, but once that happens, Zhong Ye and the Li family will They will definitely be forced to choose sides.

"There is nothing here that needs my brother's help, but how did you come here?" the official who spoke before asked with a smile.

"Didn't you send someone to the grain store to purchase a large amount of grain? I was thinking if something happened, and if there was anything I could help, so I brought someone to take a look." Li Yuan also responded with a smile, using Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the tall figure standing in the camp.

The man stretched out his hand to help, and the wood and cloth piled aside floated up.

This scene made the corners of Li Yuan's eyes twitch and his body stiffened slightly.

Zhong Ye turned around, glanced coldly, then retracted his gaze, and walked towards the selected camp location.

Li Yuan exchanged a few words with the officials, and when Zhong Ye walked away, his expression darkened, and he asked in a low voice, "Who is that person?"

The county magistrate and the others came over at this moment and signaled Li Yuan to lower his voice.

"'Jade face Yama', Zhong Ye."

Hearing this name, Li Yuan's eyes widened, and he clenched his teeth tightly to keep himself from screaming.

Glancing at Zhong Ye's back, Li Yuan gritted his teeth and asked in a lower voice: "How could it be him? How could he come here?"

"We don't know, but it's not a good thing for him to come here. Go back and tell your master the news, so that that guy won't kill Zhijiang until he bleeds."

Li Yuan's complexion was uncertain, his eyes flickered a few times, he let out a breath of foul air slowly, he bowed his hands to several officials, turned and left without even saying goodbye.

After Li Yuan also left, the master snarled and cursed: "What! It's just a dog raised by the Li family. You really think you are someone, how dare you pose in front of us!"

The county magistrate and others looked at each other and sighed in unison.

They also dared to curse behind their backs, slapping Li Yuan in the face was slapping the Li family's face, even if they were Zhijiang county magistrate, they didn't dare to offend the Li family.

Knowing that with Zhong Ye's help, they didn't need to carry the dismantled wood and cloth by themselves, the servants moved faster.

In just half a day, they set up a new refugee camp in another place.

After the camp was rebuilt, it was not over yet. The cloth and wood that Zhong Ye asked the government servants to buy extra were also used at this time to strengthen the refugee camp. After that, the refugees also had a shelter from the wind and rain. place.

Although the camp is not brand new, it is no longer as simple as it used to be.

They ate and drank enough, and washed off the dirt all over their bodies. Although they couldn't dress well and sleep well, everything today was enough to touch their hearts.

Many refugees had tears in their eyes and couldn't help crying.

Then they remembered who brought it all to them, and turned around to thank Zhong Ye.

However, Zhong Ye did not take all the credit, but counted the credits of the yamen servants one by one, and let the refugees also thank them.

Amidst the repeated thanks from the refugees, the yamen servant, who had been working so hard, suddenly felt refreshed and refreshed. The exhaustion all over his body disappeared, and he couldn't help smiling.

"You can go back first." Zhong Ye said to the magistrate of Zhijiang and the others, "After the disinfection of the original area is completed, the city does not need to be closed, as long as the people are warned not to approach this area for half a month."

The incubation period of most plagues does not exceed half a month. If you count the time these refugees fled on the road, half a month of isolation is enough to observe whether they are infected with the plague.

The county magistrate and the others sneered, cupped their hands, called the officials above, and turned to leave.

Seeing that the yamen servants were also about to leave with the county magistrate, Zhong Ye stopped them.

The county magistrate and others looked back, exchanged glances, and did not stop.

The yamen servants were left around the camp by Zhong Ye in doubt. One of the reasons why Zhong Ye kept them was that they had not been sterilized, and the other was that he wanted to know something from them.

Zhong Ye asked them to pair up to disinfect each other, and asked, "Do you know the Li family? What do you think of the Li family? Do you know the rumor about the Li family in the world?"

"My lord, do you mean the rumor that the Li family has an ancestor who eats blood?"

Just when Zhong Ye mentioned this matter, someone reacted immediately.

"Exactly." Zhong Ye nodded, "What do you think about this?"

Before the yamen servants responded, some refugees hurriedly said: "My lord, this rumor is confirmed to be true!"

Zhong Ye suddenly turned his head, "Why did you say that?"

After the refugee washed up, he was no longer as sloppy as before, but he also had the temperament of a scholar.

Seeing him cupping his hands, he said: "My lord, you don't know. In the beginning, we refugees were proposed by the Li family, so we were able to stay here. Originally, we thought the Li family was kind, but you also see Here we are just now.

"The Li family took us in, but they never took care of us. The food they sent every day was not enough to eat, and they didn't provide us with any treatment. They just left us there. If it weren't for some knights in the city who secretly shot us Many of us would starve to death if we helped."

What the refugee said had nothing to do with the question Zhong Ye asked, but he didn't interrupt, waiting for the refugee to continue.

The refugee with a bit of a scholarly temperament paused for a while, and continued: "If that's the only way, it's nothing. However, others may not have noticed, but I found that some people are missing...

"At first, I just thought they had escaped. After all, although you can't starve to death here, it's not a life for people, and those who disappeared often disappeared with people they knew well.

"However, just two days ago, a woman who begged me to share some food disappeared together with her daughter. The woman was on a slope, and she brought a child with her. It would be a shame to leave us." The word "death", so it is absolutely impossible for them to leave."

Speaking of this, the refugee couldn't help but took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and expressed his conclusion: "If it wasn't for some conspiracy, how could the Li family propose to take us in? After all, after they took us in , didn’t do anything, and completely let us go—I suspect that the Li family has such an ancestor who eats blood, and those who disappeared must have been taken captive by the Li family!”

(End of this chapter)

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