Soul echo

Chapter 659 Going to the Countryside

Chapter 659 Going to the Countryside
After crossing the extraordinary barrier, Lilian suddenly felt that the world in front of her seemed to be very different.

Even though the table was the same table and the chairs were the same chairs, they didn't feel the same way to her.

Now she seems to be able to run from one corner of the room to the opposite corner in an instant without making any sound.

Lilian tried to draw the gun a little bit, but before she could react, the revolver appeared in her hand, and it was so silent that there was almost no noise.

"Is this the Transcendent..." Lilian muttered.

Compared with the superhumans of the strength attribute, the performance of the superhumans of the agility attribute is not obvious, and they can do far less things than the superhumans of other attributes.

Lilian was adapting to her 'new' body, and the objects in her hands changed one after another. In just three seconds, twelve things were switched.

Now she can completely empty the bullets in the revolver magazine within a second, and each bullet can hit the position she expected-although Lilian didn't actually try it, she knew that she could indeed do this.

Pistols can't be tried, but darts can.

Lilian was holding a dart in her hand, she didn't move her wrist, and with a flick of her finger, the dart was inserted into the opposite wall with a whimper, and then she took six minutes of strength to pull the dart out from the wall.

Although this skill was only Zhong Ye's basic skill, Lilian couldn't do it before becoming a superhuman.

At this time, Lilian couldn't help feeling a little bit, the extraordinary and the non-extraordinary can be said to be two different creatures.

Now, even if her perception attribute has not reached seventeen points, she can already sense the flow of air and adjust her shooting angle and posture accordingly.

Because of the fast neural response, it is possible to catch fleas and flies at will, even after they start to move.

However, what puzzled her was that her system actually showed that she was the sixth player in the entire game to become a superhuman.

This statistic will definitely not include Zhong Ye in it, that is to say, besides her, there are five extraordinary players among the players.

Lilian was surprised by this. She had been with Zhong Ye for so long, experienced so many battles, and only now became a superhuman. How did other players become superhuman faster than her?

But soon, Lilian put these questions behind her.

Worrying about these issues doesn't make her stronger, it wastes her down time.

Kicked off her shoes, lay down on the bed, and covered her with the quilt, Lilian closed her eyes and went to sleep!

"Excuse me, please inform Mr. Zhong that an acquaintance named Meng wants to see him!"

Early in the morning, Meng Yusheng, who had received a letter from his family, came to the gate of the official mansion and asked to meet Zhong Ye.

Although he is a master of martial arts, the rules and order of the Huang Kingdom are determined by their family and the royal family together, so he is the person who is the least likely to break the rules.

Then, Meng Yusheng got a somewhat unexpected answer from the gatekeeper.

"Master Zhong has gone to the countryside!" The doorman said with a smile and admiration, "Isn't it the summer harvest? It has been raining a lot recently, so Master Zhong took people to the countryside, saying that he wanted to ensure the harvest this year." , if you are really in a hurry to find Mr. Zhong, go west out of the city gate, and after a quarter of an hour, you will see a village, and Mr. Zhong is going there."

Meng Yusheng frowned slightly, and he didn't even remember to thank the gatekeeper, so he turned and walked west.

After he left, the gatekeeper couldn't help muttering: "Why is this man so rude, how can Mr. Zhong have such a friend..."

Meng Yusheng walked quickly, and in less than ten minutes, he walked out of the city and walked towards the village.

After arriving in that village, he didn't see Zhong Ye. Everyone in the village admired Zhong Ye's benevolence. He was not only willing to rent farm tools to them at a low price, but also explained to them that the agricultural tax was reduced this year. , so that they don't have to pay so much tax. If someone comes to collect taxes from them and asks them to pay the previous tax amount, just go to the government and tell him.

Meng Yusheng asked the villagers, only to find out that Zhong Ye had already led people to the next village.

And Zhong Ye came to this village just after dawn, and left after staying in this village for a short time.

After hearing these words, Meng Yusheng took out his pocket watch and took a look. He found that it was close to Si Shi, and Zhong Ye came at Mao Shi. Who knows where he is now?
Frowning, Meng Yusheng couldn't help complaining about the gatekeeper, why did that guy leave the Yamen without mentioning Zhong Yemao just now?
After thinking about it, Meng Yusheng turned his head and walked back to Fucheng.

Zhong Ye didn't know when he was going to take someone around, and he didn't know which village he was in now. If he went directly to look for it, he might not find it at all, so he might as well go back to Fucheng and wait.

After returning to Fucheng and the Meng family's residence in Jingzhou, Meng Yusheng waited for a long time, and then went to the yamen again to look for Zhong Ye in person.

"Master Zhong said he won't be coming back today!"

The gatekeeper laughed and said: "It's not just today, Mr. Zhong asked someone to send a letter back after inspecting the surroundings of the Fucheng, saying that he will not return to the Fucheng in the next few days, and he will take people to the mountains to go to the countryside to carefully observe the surroundings of the Fucheng. So my lord, you should come back in a few days!"

Meng Yusheng's eyelids twitched when he got this answer.

That guy Zhong Ye, did he expect that he would come looking for him, so he just hid outside and didn't come back?
No, with Zhong Ye's personality, he would never do such a thing...

- is the emperor!

Meng Yusheng's mind flashed, and he finally understood why Zhong Ye would leave Fucheng—this is what the emperor asked him to do!

With the release of the "Analysis" series, the undercurrent in the capital has become more turbulent. Although there is no change on the surface, the struggle behind the scenes has become more intense.

But because they can't fight big, the situation is deadlocked, and both sides can only find another breakthrough.

The aristocratic family has asked the two princes to have an audience with the emperor, but the emperor still has not let go. The industry that publishes the "Analysis" series is firmly in the hands of the emperor. Even if they can knock down one or two bookstores and printing factories, there is no way prevent the situation from deteriorating.

At this time, the only breakthrough they could find was Zhong Ye!
So, now Zhong Ye has left the capital city of Jingzhou and headed to the countryside...

Meng Yusheng finally understood that all this was planned by the emperor long ago!


"Thank you, old man." Zhong Ye nodded his thanks to the local villager, and then he took up the porcelain bowl and drank the mushroom soup without hesitation.

Seeing the chief follow the example, the other officials looked at each other, gritted their teeth and drank the bland mushroom soup without any salty taste.

A bowl of mushroom soup, a bowl of rice, and some wild vegetables, this is the dinner for ordinary people.

Most of the officials present were not low-born, and there were few civilians. They couldn't get enough to eat these things, and they couldn't eat well.

However, even Zhong Ye ate it expressionlessly, how could they not eat it?

Zhong Ye quickly finished his dinner, put down the bowls and chopsticks, looked at the officials who had stopped by themselves, and said, "You guys continue to eat, don't worry about me."

With a little apprehension and nervousness, it took another ten minutes, and the dozens of people present finally finished their dinner.

"How does it feel?"

With arms folded, Zhong Ye sat on a rock and looked at the officials, asking, "To be honest, how about dinner tonight?"

Many officials wanted to say a few good words, but when the words came to their lips, they turned into denial when they looked at Zhong Ye's solemn eyes.

"not good……"

"Still hungry after eating..."

"No salt..."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"This is the food of the common people." Zhong Ye said in a deep voice, "Twice a day, no vegetables, no meat, no salt, and it's because of entertaining us, otherwise, believe it or not, there will be more in the meal Some chaff?"

These officials were all selected by Zhong Ye himself, and they were naturally good-natured. After hearing these words, they all bowed their heads a little ashamedly.

"In the next few days, I will take you to the mountains and the countryside to walk around Jingzhou, so that you can get a little understanding of the lives of the people in Jingzhou."

Looking at these officials, Zhong Ye said something thought-provoking: "If ordinary people don't even know what to eat and how to live, how can they be a good official?"

(End of this chapter)

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