Soul echo

Chapter 656 Conversation with Delilah

Chapter 656 Conversation with Delilah

Before leaving Jingzhou, Lilian also recruited a group of players.

This recruitment was carried out through the game forum. After she walked out of the city guard's mansion, she cried for a while and put away her sadness.

After all, she still has a lot of things to do in the future. She wants to fight side by side with Zhong Ye, instead of watching other people fight to death with the abyss demon when the abyss invades the earth, but she is helpless.

She needs experience, she needs to grow!
After the recruitment order was issued, Lilian rushed to Mashi immediately. Jingzhou is not very far from Jianning, but it's not too close. It took her several days to go to Wuling.

So, she wanted to buy a horse, and not only a horse for herself, but also for others.

Dry food and fresh water are sold next to the horse market, no need to prepare in advance.

The players in Jingzhou knew that Lilian went to Jianning because of a mission entrusted by Zhong Ye, and they also wanted to participate.

Therefore, even if Lilian only recruited ten people, there were about thirty players waiting for her at the gate of the city.

Those players were afraid that Lilian would not let them follow, so they simply brought their own dry food.

However, Lilian did not prepare horses for them. If they wanted to go together, they would definitely delay the trip.

After touching the shriveled purse and looking at the thirty or so players, Lilian couldn't help but frowned.

The arrival of these players really posed a big problem for her!

But after thinking for a while, Lilian decided to bring them along.

After all, even if you don't bring them, they will definitely follow up by themselves. In this case, it is better to bring them with you from the beginning.

A large group of people left Jingzhou in a mighty way. Even the soldiers guarding the city gate couldn't help clenching their weapons, but after seeing Lilian's face, they relaxed again.

"Where is Missy going?" Even the gatekeeper joked with Lilian leisurely.

Lilian turned her head and smiled, "Go to Jianning!"

"Jianning, that's quite far away..." the gatekeeper said, patting his head, "Hey, there is a caravan ahead, and the one who just left is going to Jianning, Miss, if you really want to If you want to go to Jianning, maybe you can talk to them, for Mr. Zhong's face, maybe they can let you go together."

"Really?" Lilian showed surprise, and waved excitedly to the gatekeeper, "Thank you! I'll go over and ask!"

Even without Lilian saying hello, the players started running with Lilian.

While running, they shouted and asked which caravan was going to Jianning.

Soon, they found the caravan, and Lilian successfully joined it after negotiating with it.

——Thanks to Zhong Ye for saving face!

"Did you find anything?"

Suddenly hearing Zhong Ye's voice, Dai Lila was startled, and turned to look at the office door.

Zhong Ye lowered his head and walked in.

Dai Lila was silent for a moment, then laughed again, shook her head and said, "I didn't see anything, Jingzhou has no problems, and Jianning has nothing..."

"That's not what I asked."

Unceremoniously, Zhong Ye pulled a chair and sat beside Dai Lila.

He looked at Delilah seriously, and said: "Lilian has left, I think it's time to have a frank talk with you."

Hearing this, the smile on Delilah's face did not disappear, and there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Brushing her sideburns, Delilah helplessly spread her hands, "Same as the previous answer, I didn't see anything."

She frankly admitted that she had indeed investigated Zhong Ye and Lilian, but the investigation was an investigation, and whether the results could be found was another question.

"If I didn't take the initiative to mention it to you, you would not be able to find any results."

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, Dai Lila's eyes seemed to light up, and the whole elf was refreshed.

"Why?" she asked eagerly.

Prior to this, Zhong Ye had already made preparations to discuss this matter with Delilah, and had already prepared a draft.

"Can you understand the word 'player'?" Zhong Ye didn't answer directly, but asked Dai Lila instead.

Dai Lila was slightly taken aback, then raised her hand to stop Zhong Ye from continuing, "Let me think about it..."

After a while, Delilah tilted her head and blinked at Zhong Ye, "Give me an example?"

"For example, chess and cards." Zhong Ye picked up a book on Delilah's desk, pointing to the chess records on it, "'Player' is a general term, and a chess player can actually be regarded as a kind of player.

"Chess players can control the life and death of chess pieces, but chess pieces cannot resist them."

Delilah's eyes widened, "You and Lilian are players? No, it's not just you..."

While talking, Delilah thought of the weird things she saw along the way—someone would always jump out when Zhong Ye and Lilian needed help!

Most of those people are rangers from Juyi Pavilion, but there are also many ordinary people.

"I'm not sure whether I am or not, but I can tell you that Lilian is, some rangers in Juyi Pavilion are, and even some newly recruited officials and policemen in the Yamen are also."

Having said this, Zhong Ye paused, "Perhaps it is not correct to use 'chess player' as a metaphor, but I have no way to explain it to you in other words that you can understand."

Dai Lila didn't answer right away, but pursed her lips, looking at the chess book in Zhong Ye's hand.

"...So, these 'players', what can they do?"

Zhong Ye pondered for a while, then raised a finger, "First of all, they are immortal—although this is only temporary, and it is unknown when this special property will disappear, but at least for now, they are indeed immortal.

"When you see their death, it's just the death of their bodies in this world. Their souls are not damaged. As long as they change their bodies, they can come to this world again."

Delilah froze for a moment, "Aren't they the most suitable for dealing with the abyss?"

The reason why the gods want to create "Echo of Soul" is to train a group of fighters, a group of fighters who can fight the abyss, otherwise, how could they let a group of people from other worlds play their world as a game? ?

"It's not that simple." Zhong Ye shook his head, "The group of players are mostly civilians, and the world behind the players doesn't put their eggs in one basket, not to mention that this basket was made by another world, so they are also doing other things at the same time. Prepare with one hand, and will not send a large number of soldiers into this world.

"Moreover, you are also aware of the nature of the abyss. No one can guarantee that players will work together to fight against the abyss after they know that the 'abyss really exists'. So until now, most players are still kept in the dark and don't know this. Both the world and the abyss are real things."

After listening, Delilah fell silent again.

After a while, she asked, "Why are you telling me these things?"

"Because your investigation has become more and more extensive recently." Zhong Ye said seriously, "I am here to prevent you from continuing to investigate. If you continue to investigate, it will only let the players realize the truth of the matter, but there is still time It is too early to tell them this shocking fact directly, and it will definitely make them discuss it, and then reveal the truth."

Zhong Ye's method to prevent Dai Lila from continuing to investigate is very simple. Doesn't she want to know the secret between herself and Lilian?Then tell her the secret directly!

"...It's not interesting at all." Delilah sighed, unable to lie down on the table.

Finding out the truth bit by bit from the scattered clues is what gives her the most sense of accomplishment, but Zhong Ye directly deprived her of the fun.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, I'll go first."

Hearing that Zhong Ye was leaving, Dai Lila immediately sat up.

"I would like to ask, if there is a world behind the players, what are their interests?"

This question stopped Zhong Ye from asking.

If you just want to know the nature of the abyss, then it is enough to send some elite personnel over.

Now because of "Echo of Soul", people in almost every corner of the earth know more or less about the existence of the evil god of the abyss.

While knowing their horror, I also know what they can bring to them...

When Dai Lila mentioned this, Zhong Ye realized that he never seemed to think about what kind of interests the earth has in this matter!
(End of this chapter)

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