Soul echo

Chapter 654 Moulting

Chapter 654 Moulting

" Jianning?" Lilian asked.

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, "You also know what happened to Jianning, and now I want to ask about your intentions."

Although the screen was full of 'Don't go', Lilian didn't refer to the barrage's opinion, thought about it by herself, and nodded vigorously, "I'm going!"

She was reluctant to leave Zhong Ye's side, but she also knew that the situation on Earth was not optimistic.

After seeing her younger sister was born, Lilian suddenly found that she seemed to be full of love for this world. She didn't want her younger sister to grow up in a dangerous environment, and she didn't want her younger sister to grow up...

Protecting a world is not something that one or two people can do, but Lilian is willing to contribute her own strength to protect the world.

For this reason, she wants to gain more experience and greater growth!
By Zhong Ye's side, under the protection of Zhong Ye's wings, she will never be able to truly grow up. To grow up, leaving Zhong Ye's side is a necessary prerequisite.

She has not become a superhuman in the game, her body is about to return to normal in reality, and she can still exert supernatural power. What if she becomes a superhuman?

Lilian glanced at her character panel. Thanks to the task that Zhong Ye gave her before, she has already saved enough soul debris from level nine to level ten. However, to become a superhuman, she still needs Complete a promotion task.

She once asked Zhong Ye, and Zhong Ye also took advantage of the convenience of the system to become a transcendent. However, he had already become a transcendent before he reached the tenth level. Perhaps it was because of this that he did not receive the promotion task.

The task does not require her to defeat a powerful enemy, but requires her to flexibly use her existing attributes in a battle or contest.

"Teacher, I'm going to Jianning!"

Lilian raised her head and looked at Zhong Ye seriously, "However, before I leave, I want to ask you for advice one last time!"

Hearing Lilian's words, the barrage that had been moaning and sighing suddenly boiled over, and kept yelling "Let's fight".

"Oh?" Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows, then smiled slightly, "Sure, when do you want?"

"I..." The words came to her lips, but Lilian couldn't speak again.

She was stunned for a while, swallowed the words that came to her throat, and said instead: "I'll go and pack my luggage, adjust my condition, and then I'll come to ask you for advice."

After finishing speaking, Lilian turned around and left. Before she stepped out of the room, she remembered something again, turned her head and said seriously: "By the way, teacher, this time I will use all my strength and use everything you taught me .”

Then, she left Zhong Ye's office.

Looking at Lilian's leaving back, Zhong Ye couldn't help laughing.

Zhong Ye has always treated Lilian with the mentality of an old father, and now he seems to find that his daughter has finally grown up, and he feels extremely relieved.

After leaving Zhong Ye's office, Lilian walked in the long corridor of the official mansion, and closed her eyes, not looking at the bullet screens that made her feel nervous and irritated.

——Challenging Zhong Ye, this was something she had never dared to think about before.

Although this time is just a competition, just to verify what I have learned, but it is also a challenge...

Back in her room, Lilian packed her luggage in a short period of time.

She didn't use the custody system, but packed it herself. After packing, Lilian was lost when she looked at the luggage in front of her.

After a moment of silence, she turned off the barrage that kept flashing in front of her eyes, and took out her weapons to tidy up.

Light swords, daggers, ropes, pistols, crossbows, lime powder...

He took out all the weapons from her whole body, put them on the table, and put them back one by one.

Finally, he took a deep breath, picked up the suitcase, turned and left the room.

Lilian's footsteps were fast, and when someone passed by to say hello to her, she just responded hastily and went straight to Zhong Ye's office.

Coming outside the door, Lilian didn't go in, but yelled at Zhong Ye: "Teacher, I'm ready!"

After seeing how powerful Zhong Ye is, it takes a lot of courage to take up the challenge.

Lilian didn't know where she got the courage to choose Zhong Ye and let him be her helper in advancing to a transcendent.

——Before you regret it, hurry up and do the task!

Zhong Ye raised his head and smiled, "Then let's go!"

Zhong Ye got up, took Lilian out of the Yamen, and responded with a smile to everyone he met along the way.

His attitude surprised people because he seemed to be in a good mood.

There was not enough room for their master and apprentice to perform their duties in the yamen, so Zhong Ye took Lilian to the city guard's mansion, where there was a huge training ground, which was just right for them to fight.

There is no city guard in Jingzhou now, and that city guard has already been slaughtered by Zhong Ye. It can be said that Zhong Ye has to take charge of Jingzhou and concurrently serve as the city guard, so he is very busy and has no way to leave Jingzhou.

However, there are not many people in the city guard's mansion now. Most of the original soldiers were sent home by Zhong Ye, and then recruited some good families, but they failed to return to the original scale.

Seeing Zhong Ye coming, the soldiers saluted him respectfully.

Compared with when they first met Zhong Ye, now they only have respect for Zhong Ye but no fear.

As soon as Zhong Ye took over the Jingzhou Mansion, the first thing he did was to reduce taxes and make up for the military pay.

It's strange to say that even though the tax was reduced, they were still compensated for their military pay. Then, where did the money come from?
——Of course it came from the corruption of the Jingzhou government!

Zhong Ye didn't value material desires. Frightened by his force, the officials below had no choice but to ignore material desires. After all, this master held a Shangfang sword in his hand, and he would cut anyone who didn't like it.

The officials didn't have the guts to speculate on Zhong Ye's mind with their own lives, so the Jingzhou Mansion was temporarily clear.

Zhong Ye also responded one by one, walked into the field, and he asked the soldiers who were training to leave the field temporarily, so as not to hurt them.

Most of the soldiers didn't quite understand what was going on, but they left anyway, leaving the venue to Zhong Ye and Lilian.

Lilian put the suitcase outside the field, moved her body, and walked into the spacious training ground.

At this time, no matter how stupid the soldiers were, they knew what was going to happen next.

"Isn't Missy a disciple of Master Zhong?"

"Miss shouldn't be able to beat Master Zhong, right?"

"It looks like Missy is going to leave?"

Listening to the conversations of those soldiers... Lilian shook her head, shaking all the messy thoughts out of her mind.

Taking three deep breaths, Lilian raised her head, looked at Zhong Ye who was standing in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Teacher, I will do my best in this battle!"

"Just let the horse come over." Zhong Ye replied with a smile, raising the brush in his hand.

Even though it was just an ordinary writing brush, after it was coated with a layer of stellar qi, it would be difficult to break it even if it was a shell.

Lilian took out the light sword silently, and approached Zhong Ye with unhurried steps.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Ye was quite relieved.

'Before you start fighting with the enemy, try to maintain your physical strength, don't panic, and don't worry, because your enemy is often more anxious than you. '

'What if the enemy is not in a hurry? '

'The enemy is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? '

Zhong Ye's teaching seemed to be right next to her ears, Lilian's expression became firm, and she adjusted her breathing along with her steps.

She felt it—breath moving through her body.

I don't know when she started, she didn't need to imitate Zhong Ye, and adjusted her breathing rate, so she could sense the true energy and use it.

Zhong Ye stayed where he was, and Lilian saw the writing brush twirling in his hand.

Instead of rushing, she continued to go at her own pace.

There is no doubt that Zhong Ye is 'provoking' her and making her feel anxious.

'Provoking the enemy is also a part of martial arts. As my student, you should learn how to make your enemy lose their minds. It is much easier to deal with an enemy who loses his mind than an enemy who has reason. '

A few steps closer, Lilian suddenly froze.

Because, through breath sensing, she felt Zhong Ye's body structure - in the past, it would be covered by his stellar energy!
"If this is a real battle, you are already dead." Zhong Ye reminded, "Do you still remember what I taught you?"

"On the battlefield, in battle, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to be in a daze..."

Lilian gritted her teeth, clenched the light sword tightly, and continued to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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