Soul echo

Chapter 651

Chapter 651
"Hey, good morning, Master Sun! Have you eaten yet?"

Early in the morning, Shangguanjin saw a yawning middle-aged official in front of him, smiled and walked forward to say hello.

The middle-aged official gave him a sideways look, and then snorted coldly: "Master Shangguan, please don't try to stop me today!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Shangguan Jin nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, the middle-aged official's expression softened at first, but when he thought that Shangguan Jin, who was usually extremely stubborn, agreed to him so easily at this time, there must be a conspiracy in it, his expression immediately became tense again.

Then, he looked at Shangguan Jin's smiling face, no matter how suspicious he looked!

Next to them, officials in official uniform stepped up the long steps in front of Fengtian Hall one after another, and walked into the main hall.

After entering the Forbidden City, except for the royal family and some old and frail officials, the rest of the officials need to walk. Therefore, as long as the officials do not spoil themselves, their physical fitness is not bad, and they will not get angry just by walking up the long ranks. Panting occurs.

Entering the main hall, Shangguan entered the rank of censors, turned his head to look, and saw that 'Master Sun' was standing with his cronies, he couldn't help laughing.

"Are they going to continue the impeachment today?"

Just now the censors saw Shangguan Jin walking in with the middle-aged officials, so they asked in a low voice.

Shangguan Jin slightly nodded, "And it seems that we still want to continue impeaching that martial arts master..."

Thinking of this, the censors exchanged glances and laughed.

They are the censors, and Zhong Ye is the supervisory censor. In terms of status, they are naturally on the side.

Although at the beginning, they also wanted to impeach Zhong Ye, but after seeing that the emperor's actions towards Zhong Ye were completely laissez-faire, they pretended to be stupid and kept silent.

But besides them, there are many officials who will impeach Zhong Ye one after another in court, so they are not short of jokes.

They are censors, all of 'clean' background, power comes directly from the emperor, but other officials are different from them, the power of those people comes from the family behind them.

Most of those people's official positions were obtained through family operations, and after becoming officials, they naturally have to give back to their families.

Zhong Ye's wanton beheading of aristocratic families and officials in Jingzhou undoubtedly revealed the weak illusion of prosperity on the surface of many aristocratic families. If he cannot be defeated, all aristocratic families will suffer.

The aristocratic families who have been at ease for a long time naturally do not want to see that kind of thing happen, so they have used their own power to affect the situation in the court.

Now everyone knows that the impeachment of Zhong Ye in the court is not only a matter within the court, but also a struggle between the emperor and the aristocratic family.

Even the weakest wall-riding faction in the past, at this time, is extremely firm in its neutral position, and will never fall to any side easily.

However, what they did was undoubtedly seeking their own death.

The aristocratic family will ask them for surgery, and the emperor will not spare them lightly. After all, their power is still given by the emperor, but they still sit on the wall and do nothing at this time!

Reasonable people are looking for sides, only fools will continue to sit on the fence.

"The saint is here~!"

Hearing the eunuch's voice that seemed to be pinched, many officials stopped discussing immediately, and the hall instantly became silent.

All the officials lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, waiting for the arrival of the emperor.

Surrounded by several officials, the emperor walked out of the apse, turned to face the many officials, and waved his hand, "Your dear ones, please sit down!"

"Thank you, my emperor, for your kindness..."

The humming sound shook the main beam, and the officials combed their uniforms and sat on the chairs that had been prepared for them.

The emperors of this generation have many wonderful ideas, and they always come up with them one after another.

Many officials were overwhelmed by the disturbance, but they still liked the two points of pushing the court meeting to Chenshi and allowing officials to sit down during the regular court.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair and coughed lightly: "Please play if you have anything to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do."

Hearing this sentence, many old scholars immediately raised their eyebrows. If they didn't know that the emperor was still working hard, but he was a little out of tune, this sentence alone would be enough for them to impeach the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I have something to do with you!" 'Lord Sun' stood up and clapped his hands and shouted.

The emperor glanced at him, shook his head and smiled: "Sun Aiqing, please sit down first, I know what you want to say, but it's early in the morning, the court meeting has just started, so don't be so angry, let others talk first."

Hearing this, the middle-aged official's lips trembled with anger, but under the gaze of the others, he still had no choice but to suppress his anger and sit back.

"Those who want to impeach Zhong Ye should stop talking about it for now, report other matters first, and then quarrel." The emperor looked at the officials with a smile, "My dear friends, please tell me if you have anything to say."

After hesitating for a moment, an official stood up and said, "I would like to inform your majesty that most of the south has entered the rainy season. According to Qin Tianjian, there may be floods in the south this year. I also ask your majesty to order funds to purchase flood control materials in advance." , and please adults make a plan for the governance of the affected areas after the disaster in advance."

The emperor nodded slightly, then turned to look at the Secretary of the Household Department, "Zeng Aiqing, can the Household Department afford this money?"

The Minister of the Household Department stood up and cupped his hands, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that at the end of last year, the Household Department had already prepared a budget plan, and indeed there was money set aside to prevent and control various disasters."

Although he doesn't know how much his subordinates have been greedy for, but in this tense period, no matter how much they have been greedy, they have to spit out what they eat. They have to give as much as the southern state capitals want, even if You can't be short of weight if you post upside down.

——The struggle in the court became more and more obvious. The emperor definitely wanted to find someone to act as an example, and they couldn't let the emperor catch the horse's feet at this time.

"That's good!" The emperor turned his head again, "Zhang Aiqing——"

Zuodu Yushi listened to the order and got up, "The minister is here!"

"I ordered you to supervise this work, and there must be no mistakes."

Hearing this, Zuodu Censor cupped his hands to hide the smile on the corner of his mouth, "I obey the order!"

When he put his hand down, the smile disappeared, and he returned to his original expressionless face.

"Several lovers, please sit down." Let the officials who had stood up sit down first, and then the emperor looked at the others, "Besides, what else do you need to report?"

Immediately afterwards, another official stood up and reported the matter to the emperor.

The Huang Kingdom is very large, and there are so many big and small things that happen every day, enough for every official to speak once.

At Si time, the emperor raised his wrist and looked at his watch, then looked down at the officials present, "Do you have any other matters, Aiqing? If not...Sun Aiqing, you can continue the impeachment."

Hearing these words, the middle-aged official suddenly became angry and stood up abruptly.

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach Zhong Ye, the censor who is now in charge of Jingzhou!"

It's a pity that I can't do other things, and I don't have melon seeds at hand...

The emperor thought about it regretfully, and said casually: "Tell me the reason."

"As an official of the imperial court, but showing his face in a folk magazine, it is detrimental to the imperial court's face!"

Hearing this sentence, the emperor was stunned.

Then he laughed.

"Sun Aiqing, I remember that some of your teacher's articles have been published in more than one issue of "Half-Time Classics", right?"

The middle-aged official was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted: "The two are different. Most of the "Half-Time Classics" in the articles written by the minister are positive, but after Zhong Ye published the "Heroes", the other The ferocity is fully exposed!

"This person is extremely bloodthirsty, and killed hundreds of people in just a few days. Letting such a person be an official and a supervisory censor is detrimental to the court's face!
"Your Majesty, please investigate clearly, deprive this person of his official position, and put him in prison, as a warning to others!"

Hearing these words, the emperor wanted to laugh out loud, but this is the Fengtian Temple, and now the court meeting is going on, so he can't do that.

"Let's not talk about deprivation of official positions, but if you say you're going to prison...Sun Aiqing, are you going to arrest her?"

The corner of the emperor's mouth curled up, and he said with a relaxed smile: "That's a martial arts master, do you know how much I paid for asking him to help me?"

Although he can say that he didn't pay any price, isn't this a bluff?
"If you really can't see Sun Aiqing, I can delegate the power to you. As long as you can catch Zhong Ye, I will put him in prison!"

After saying that, the emperor slapped the armrest of the dragon chair and suddenly stood up.

Looking down at all the officials in the palace, the corner of the emperor's lips was slightly pursed, and he walked away with a flick of his sleeves.


(End of this chapter)

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