Soul echo

Chapter 649 Ji Pavilion, Hero Records

Chapter 649 Qianji Pavilion, Hero Records
"This issue's Hero Records and Magical Weapons Manual, there are basically no changes, but there is an extra magic weapon and a martial arts master!"

Hearing the familiar name, Lilian was slightly taken aback, and looked up at the storyteller sitting on the high platform.

'Magic Soldier'?Isn't this what the middle-aged man she met at Yan's Village said?
Taking a sip of hot tea, Lilian waited for the storyteller to explain.

But the storyteller only mentioned Shenbing and Zhong Ye a little bit, and didn't say more information. If they want to know more, they still need to buy the two booklets and read them.

At this time, Lilian suddenly realized - isn't this just sales?
"Give me a separate copy!"

Lilian stood up and yelled amidst all the complaints who were aroused but didn't want to pay for it.

The extra magical weapon in the book of magical weapons is the blue bird, and the martial arts master in the extra book of heroes is her teacher Zhong Ye.

Lilian is not interested in the blue bird in the book of magical soldiers, but she is a little interested in the description of Zhong Ye in the book of heroes... No, it is more interesting!
Just now when the storyteller mentioned Zhong Ye, Zhong Ye was called "Yan Luo with Jade Face" in the Heroes Record.

She knew what "Yan Luo" was. After all, Zhong Ye was secretly called "Living Yan Luo" by the people of Jingzhou before, but this "jade face" was very interesting!

After paying the money, the two booklets were quickly delivered to Lilian.

Rubbing her hands excitedly, Lilian opened the hero record, and the first line of words that came into her eyes was 'the order of ranking only represents the time of entry'.

Seeing this line of writing, Lilian turned the booklet to the end, and found Zhong Ye's portrait.

Just one portrait took up an entire page. The portrait not only depicted Zhong Ye's appearance, but also Zhong Ye's temperament and demeanor. Even Lilian couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.

[Husband warrior, surnamed Zhong and named Ye, a member of Yingtian Mansion. I don’t know his sect. His martial arts are strong. Now he has reached the realm of martial arts master, and the place where he has achieved the realm of master is Xilu...]

[...Its appearance is beautiful and majestic, so it is called "Jade Face"; in June of the third year of Jianye, Jingzhou killed hundreds of demon monks in Lianshan Temple, and was later ordered by the emperor to wipe out Jingzhou and the demon monks of Lianshan Temple. The evil officials killed more than 130 people including the magistrate, Tongzhi, Tongpan, and city guards of Jingzhou, and then broke into Jingzhou aristocratic families, killing more than [-] people including the heads and sons of many aristocratic families. The person who helped the demon monk of Lianshan Temple with evil, slaughtered more than [-] people, and was nicknamed "Living Yama"! 】


In the middle, it briefly introduces Zhong Ye's deeds in Westland, and at the end, he describes in detail the origin of the title of "Yan Luo with Jade Face".

But Lilian really didn't know that Zhong Ye had done so many things after she left Jingzhou.

Watching the barrage of chattering arguments, Lilian thought for a moment, stood up and shouted: "Xiaoer, pay the bill!"

After paying the bill, Lilian quickly walked towards the yamen with the two booklets in her arms, and found Zhong Ye.

"Teacher, look at this!"

Zhong Ye was discussing matters with an official when Lilian ran over and interrupted their conversation.

"Record of Heroes, Book of Magical Soldiers?" Seeing the names of those two booklets, Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows.

The official also saw the two booklets, and laughed, "My lord, this is the second publication sold by Qianji Pavilion, which tells stories about Jianghu. In addition, Qianji Pavilion also sells "Poetry of March Wen", "Half-Time Classics" and other publications."

In other words, this 'Thousand Machine Pavilion' is a combination of a news agency and a publishing house?

Suddenly, Zhong Ye remembered the nickname he heard the emperor mentioned when he was chatting with the emperor this morning, so he took the two booklets and flipped through them.

Standing by the side, the official stood on tiptoe a little, and saw the description of Zhong Ye in the brochure. Just seeing the series of deeds of Zhong Ye in the west land, he couldn't help but gasp.

"My lord, your assets in Westland have exceeded ten thousand taels of gold?"

The official looked at Zhong Ye with a little strange look in his eyes. With so much money, why did he go back to the East?

The business of money making money is not only in the East, but also in the West. With so much capital, you can easily make more money.

If you have this money, instead of staying in Westland to enjoy it, go back to Eastland and start from scratch?
Today's Westland and Eastland are not connected at all. The material exchange between the two places depends entirely on the ice sea channel. Start from nothing, from scratch.

Zhong Ye shook his head. The official just breathed a sigh of relief, but he heard him say: "It's not just ten thousand taels. If you add them up, it might be almost fifty thousand?"

Zhong Ye didn't pay attention to the expression of the official next to him who was about to suffocate. After reading the hero book, he turned to the magic weapon book.

[...The existing hand of Shen Yixing of the 'Heavenly Sword'...]

【... Suspected royal treasure house...】

[...The existing hand of Li Donglai, the master of the Cloud-Treading Sect...]

【...The existing Wuling 'Fulongtang' Yan Family...】

The more he looked at it, the deeper Zhong Ye's frown became.

Standing by the side, Lilian blinked her eyes when she saw Zhong Ye's suspicious expression, "Teacher, is there any problem?"

Zhong Ye looked up in surprise, "Didn't you come to me because you knew there was a problem?"

"Ah, this..." Lilian's eyes turned to the side, "I just... want to show you this thing, I haven't seen the magic weapon book..."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye sighed helplessly, patted her little head with the booklet in his hand, then turned to look at the officials next to him, "Let's go, talk while walking."

Only then did the official wake up from the shock, but the way he looked at Zhong Ye became even weirder.

He didn't quite understand Zhong Ye's way of throwing away so many assets and running back to Eastland. If it was him, he would stay in Westland... But if it was him, he wouldn't be able to earn so much assets, right?

After discussing the matter with the officials, Zhong Ye turned around and explained to Lilian: "The record of heroes is okay, it just records some unimportant personal information, but in the record of magic weapons, it records in detail where these magic weapons exist. It is a dangerous thing for those who have magic weapons."


Lilian scratched her hair suspiciously, isn't it like this in novels, movies and TV dramas?

"Even for me, a suitable magic weapon is a great help, let alone other people." Zhong Ye patted the booklet of magic weapon, frowned, "I am facing Can maintain concentration when dealing with these things, what about others? I never judge others by myself, and I don’t believe that other people can be as non-greedy and non-possessive as I am when facing magical weapons.”

Looking at the two booklets in his hand, Zhong Ye pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Lilian.

"Lilian, if you don't have anything to do now, go and help me see if there are other publications from Qianji Pavilion in the major bookstores. If there are, buy a copy of each."

Lilian was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Zhong Ye meant.

"Teacher, you want to investigate Qianji Pavilion?"

Zhong Ye nodded, "It feels a little suspicious."

"Can I ask someone for help?" Lilian asked.

Zhong Ye laughed, "Of course, you can pay the money first, and if it is not enough, you can ask the shopkeeper for credit, and let them come to the Yamen to withdraw it later."

Lilian nodded vigorously, smiled and waved away, "Then teacher, I'll go first!"

After walking out of the yamen, Lilian turned her head to look around and walked towards Juyi Pavilion.

Now the Juyi Pavilion has been moved to the city. The pavilion that was originally built outside the city was set up by Zhong Ye as a restaurant open to the public because of the beautiful scenery around it.

To do this kind of thing, you must ask the players for help!

When Lilian walked to Juyi Pavilion, some players were already waiting there. When Lilian arrived, those players jokingly called "Miss".

Lilian gave them a hard look, then stood with her hips akimbo at the door and shouted: "I need to find some people to help, who will pay for it?"

Upon hearing this, some chivalrous men who had just read the Heroes Record and were thinking of how to curry favor with Zhong Ye and learned one trick and two styles from him immediately got up.

"I me me!"

"Miss chooses me!"

"My old Zhang is serious and willing to work hard, so the eldest lady can choose me!"

"You don't need that much!" Lilian raised her hand to stop them from continuing, and ordered a few people casually, "You, you, and you, you four are enough, come with me!"

The four people who had been called held their heads high and kept up with Lilian's pace. The others looked at each other, sighed and sat back.

——It would be great if they could learn one move and two moves from 'Yam face Yama'!
(End of this chapter)

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