Soul echo

Chapter 646 Fantasy Descends (End)

Chapter 646 Fantasy Descends (End)

"what happened……"

"Did something go wrong?"

"When something goes wrong at a time like this... Phantom Company doesn't feel good, does it?"

The live broadcast of the promotion was still going on, but after Zhong Ye jumped into the 'hole', the live broadcast from his perspective was disconnected.

People don't know what happened, and they have different opinions based on their own imagination.

Qi Jingshu quietly looked at the darkened live broadcast room, her lips pursed tightly.

That Zhong Ye... is it really 'Zhong Ye'?

I don't know if it was her illusion, but after she yelled that sentence just now, she seemed to see Zhong Ye glance at her.

If that is really Zhong Ye, what is this 'propaganda' all about?

Qi Jingshu closed her eyes, silently recalling Zhong Ye's previous actions and demeanor, and then found that no matter what point of that Zhong Ye was, it was slowly overlapping with the figure in her memory.

After a while, Qi Jingshu confirmed that the Zhong Ye who fought those demons in this city before was 'Zhong Ye'!
This is not the first time she has thought about this kind of question, every time she will ask herself repeatedly, but every time she can get the same answer - that is 'Zhong Ye'!
That was the Zhong Ye whom he knew, who was 'proved dead' at the Illusion Company press conference.

No matter how powerful Mirage's technology is, it is impossible to perfectly imitate a person's small movements. If one wants to achieve this level, it will take several years or even ten years of observation.

However, according to Qi Jingshu's understanding, there is no such person around Zhong Ye, and even his parents don't understand some of his small movements and habits.

Qi Jingshu was very sure that among all the people Zhong Ye knew, only she could recognize Zhong Ye through some small movements and habits.

Therefore, that person must be the Zhong Ye she knew!
But in this way, the problem will come.

——For what purpose did Illusion create the game "Echo of Soul"?At the same time, why did they announce that Zhong Ye was dead?

Also, why would they want to promote it in the surface area of ​​New York?

The earth is so big, and the players of "Echo of Soul" are all over the world. Even going to Africa is better than promoting in the ground city of New York. Why did Mirage choose to be here?
And if it is for publicity, why is there no publicity in the early stage?Whether it's on the official website of "Echo of Soul" or in the game forum, there is no news about it.

——Is it possible that there really is a different world in this world?

Qi Jingshu thought about it carefully, but still felt that this idea was a bit ridiculous.

But besides this explanation, what else is there to explain what is happening before us?

"There is it!"

"Zhong Ye's camera can be seen again!"

Hearing people's calls, Qi Jingshu instantly abandoned her thinking and turned her attention to the live broadcast.

But when she saw the live broadcast, she couldn't help gritting her teeth.

——Zhong Ye was tied with several ropes!

However, then she saw Zhong Ye pulling the rope, pulling the enemy from tens of meters away, killing them one by one, and couldn't help cheering loudly with the others.

Compared with those projections that were 'close at hand' with them, people paid more attention to Zhong Ye's battle.

No matter how magnificent moves the giant king and the warlock showed, none of them was like Zhong Ye, fighting alone against the demon army alone!

"come on! Come on!"

Qi Jingshu waved her arms towards the air in front of her, acting more fanatical than everyone else.

Looking at the picture in the live broadcast, she felt as if she had returned to the past.

Every time Zhong Ye went on stage to compete with others, she always stood in the audience like this, cheering him on.

The people cheered when they saw Zhong Ye piercing through thousands of troops; when they saw him being besieged by three big demons, they empathized with him and were furious; when they saw Zhong Ye using himself as a bait to trap and kill two big demons in succession, they cheered again.

Qi Jingshu didn't cheer with them this time, seeing Zhong Ye's crazy appearance in the live broadcast, she couldn't help but think of the winter a few years ago.

That winter, he walked into Daxing'an Mountains alone, and came out covered in blood. When he walked out of the mountains, the scratch on his waist had festered, and his internal organs could still be seen when he opened the wound.

She didn't know what was wrong with him, but he ran into the deep mountains and old forests to 'exercise martial arts' alone, without taking anything, and even defeated an adult Siberian tiger with his bare hands...

At this moment, people suddenly burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Qi Jingshu looked down and saw the people crowded in the street shouting and jumping, hooking their shoulders and hugging each other.

When she turned her gaze back to the live broadcast room, she was shocked to see cracks spreading out from the screen, spreading all over the live broadcast room.

Afterwards, the live broadcast room fragments gradually fell, neither slow nor fast, and when the last fragment fell, their perspective automatically jumped back to the main live broadcast room.


Everyone was praising Mirage's creativity, but Qi Jingshu was the only one who stood blankly on the balcony, dazed.

Is Zhong Ye really okay?where is he nowHave you returned to the Jingzhou government office safely?

Qi Jingshu opened Lilian's live broadcast room with trembling lips, but Zhong Ye was not found in Lilian's live broadcast camera.

She felt that her mind was in a mess now, and she couldn't organize her thoughts at all.

On the other side, after Zhong Ye shattered the existence foundation of the gate of the abyss, the space where the demon army gathered was also shattered.

No matter it was a demon at the level of a miscellaneous fish, a big demon, or a demon prince, they were all driven back to the abyss, and only Zhong Ye fell into the endless void.

Zhong Ye didn't know where this place was. Now his eyes could only see darkness, his ears could only hear silence, and he could only touch nothingness with his hands.

There's no air here, and no otherworldly factor, but there seems to be something like it.

However, with Zhong Ye's life structure, he couldn't digest those 'things' at all.

Without the air, the stellar energy cannot continue to be generated. At the same time, his soul and will seem to be burned out.

——Legends also have limits!
Zhong Ye was able to pierce through thousands of troops, and was able to fight against several big monsters alone, not entirely because of his high martial arts skills.

Just like he can squeeze the cells to generate 'Qi', squeezing the soul can also strengthen himself.

There is a famous saying in Dan World, "All miracles originate from the soul". As the beginning and origin of extraordinary power, the soul can naturally have other uses.

The legendary "immortality" depends on the soul. As long as the will is firm enough, the soul can be used to fill the vacancy in the body, allowing the body to obtain false life and continue to survive.

However, when the soul is completely burned out, the body is unable to support itself, and all the injuries received before will burst out.

Stronger legends can burn their own souls through firm will, allowing themselves to burst into stronger power in a short period of time.

Since it is 'burning', sooner or later there will be a moment of burning out, and Zhong Ye is now facing such a situation.

Am I... going to die?
Because he couldn't see anything, Zhong Ye simply closed his eyes and sank his thoughts into memory.

At least before he died, he hoped to recall the past and browse his life.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye frowned.

—he heard that 'voice' again!
The gods of the Dan world told him that it was a side effect of divinity, and it would disappear sooner or later, but it has been so long now, why hasn't it disappeared?
Who the hell is calling his name?

[... Zhong Ye! 】

Zhong Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a ray of light appearing in front of him, and many hands stretched out from the 'hole', and opened their palms towards him.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye also gritted his teeth, raised his shattered left hand, and grabbed one of the cloud-like hands. Immediately afterwards, other hands grabbed his arms one after another, pulling him out of this nothingness. out.

As if passing through a layer of water curtain, Zhong Ye returned to the real world in the blink of an eye, and air suddenly poured into his throat.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Zhong Ye couldn't help coughing a few times.

Hearing this familiar voice, Qi Jingshu trembled, twisted her stiff neck, and turned to look behind her.

Even though there are many differences...

Qi Jingshu sniffed, and asked in a trembling voice, "Zhong... Ye?"

Listening to the voice in his mind, and looking at the empty balcony in front of him, Zhong Ye's expression was slightly dull.

'You, are, who' - after losing the live broadcast room, Qi Jingshu couldn't hear Zhong Ye's voice, but looking at his dull gaze and the shape of his mouth, Qi Jingshu could vaguely guess something.

—he knew he was here!

 The title of these chapters "Fantasy Comes to Reality" not only refers to "Fantasy Comes to Reality" for the audience, but also refers to "Fantasy Comes to Reality" for Qi Jingshu

(End of this chapter)

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