Soul echo

Chapter 642 Fantasy Comes (2)

Chapter 642 Fantasy Arrives ([-])

In the deserted city, darkness and neon are intertwined, and demons walk here.

The roars in Zhong Ye's ears continued one after another, and those demons rushed over like crazy.

But he is like a reef standing in the middle of the tide, allowing the waves to beat him, and he remains motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

No matter where the attack comes from, he can pass the spear over immediately, smashing the attacker's body, and the kinetic energy of the spear weighing a hundred catties is extremely frightening. Unable to break through Zhong Ye's gun circle.

As long as they touch the spear, their bodies will be smashed-without exception.

The body fragments spurted with blood and poured on the other demons, making them even more ferocious and disgusting.

Zhong Ye was naturally also affected, and the blood on his body gradually increased with the killing.

The demon in the distance couldn't rush over, so he used magic to attack, and countless rainbows flew out for a while, but before they could get close to Zhong Ye's body, they were dispersed by the stellar energy.

Gang Qi provided Zhong Ye with an excellent defense, allowing him to fight without armor and move swiftly.

Suddenly, Zhong Ye seemed to have sensed something, stopped standing still, turned the spear, and rushed forward.

The giant king opposite him also felt something, looked up at Zhong Ye, and walked together.

In the crowded city, Qi Jingshu rushed forward, pushed away the crowded crowd, and kept approaching the battlefield where Zhong Ye was.

But there were too many people in front of her, and she couldn't squeeze through at all.

Qi Jingshu turned a deaf ear to the abuse behind her, and looked around eagerly. After seeing the balcony of the house next to her, her eyes lit up.

Someone from behind reached out to grab Qi Jingshu, but unexpectedly she turned and ran away, and ran towards the building next door.

As soon as the man wanted to catch up, he kicked Qi Jingshu against the wall, jumped up with the help of the wall bounce, and lifted his body to the side of the balcony, then hooked his hands to the edge of the balcony, and swung his legs again, swinging himself up.

Qi Jingshu climbed onto the balcony, there was still a distance from that street, but it was enough for her to see the situation there.

She saw that that person was indeed Zhong Ye!


Before the words fell, Qi Jingshu saw the 'hole' suddenly expand, her pupils opened, and she hurriedly shouted: "Be careful!"

——This feeling again!
Zhong Ye's heart skipped a beat, his mind flashed, and his sense of crisis suddenly rose. He didn't look up, but his heart inexplicably reflected the scene ahead.

The long spear that had just been thrown backward suddenly stopped, and the tip of the spear was drawn towards the ground, rubbing against the ground, tearing the road, and then pointing forward.

Zhong Ye took advantage of the situation and took half a step back, showing a posture.

The demon beside him had already rushed over, but he ignored it, and suddenly looked up into the air.

At this moment, a black shadow was sprayed out by the 'hole' and flew towards Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye raised the spear, and the tip of the spear collided with the black shadow's weapon.

But he didn't expect that the black shadow had six arms, and each arm was holding a weapon.

It was only one of the weapons that collided with the spear, and the spears held by the other two hands were already aimed at Zhong Ye.


Zhong Ye suddenly drank violently, his muscles tensed instantly, and the spear shook accordingly.

Although it was made of steel, the barrel of the long spear, which was somewhat tough, bent for a moment, and then recovered immediately.

But just this 'moment' is enough to send the gun head a powerful force.

The six-handed demon felt a shock in his palm, and hurriedly grabbed the weapon, but this also took advantage of Zhong Ye's intention-the shock spread from the handle of the weapon to the six-handed demon's body, directly knocking it away.

The moment Zhong Ye yelled violently, the psionic energy came out through his body, bombarding the bodies of the surrounding demons, knocking them all into the air, and creating an open space.

Zhong Ye didn't pay attention to the other demons, his eyes were fixed on the six-handed demon in front of him.

The demon was three meters tall, with strong muscles, two pairs of fat on his chest, and golden rings on his sensitive parts. He looked like both a woman and a man.

A pair of dragon-claw-like feet clinging to the ground, noticing Zhong Ye's gaze, stretched out his forked tongue and licked the spearhead.

——Big Devil!
The six-handed demon waved his scimitar in his hand, and the demons around Zhong Ye rushed towards him one after another, howling and launching a desperate charge.

And the big demon was also mixed in, letting the demons under him go to consume Zhong Ye's power, and wait for the opportunity to move by himself.

"Hmph! Doesn't this seat exist?"

The warlock hanging in the sky let out a cold snort, and with all his hands, the old fire hydrant on the side of the road was cut off, and the water gushed out, even pushing the broken fire hydrant into the air.

At this time, the warlock pressed down his palm again, and a slightly inclined force field instantly formed above the several jets, so the water flow formed a thin line and shot towards the demons.

Even Zhong Ye didn't dare to take this kind of attack, let alone those demons - the water knife swung smoothly across the demon's body, cutting them into two pieces.

The big demon and Zhong Ye both jumped up, and the buzzing water jet cut across the air under their feet in an instant.

If you are hit by a water knife, you will not die, but you will definitely be injured!
The force field condensed above the jet can only last for a moment, and after firing a round of water knives, the force field shattered, but the demons were also wiped out.

After jumping up, Zhong Ye retracted his legs, condensed the air directly on the soles of his feet, and then leaned forward slightly.

With both hands clenched on the spear, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, stirring up his Gang Qi, and charged suddenly.

The air at the tip of the gun swayed into ripples, and after about one-fifth of a second, the ripples generated steam, and wisps of smoke surged along with the ripples, flying past Zhong Ye.

About two-fifths of a second later, the contours of Zhong Ye's body also dragged a few wisps of cloud and mist.

Infinitely many weak compression waves are superimposed layer upon layer in an instant, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye, centered on Zhong Ye, and spreading outward.

——The speed of sound has been broken through!


The exploding air shattered the glass of the buildings on both sides, and even the walls were dented.

The distance of more than ten meters was fleeting, and Zhong Ye seemed to appear in front of the six-handed demon in the blink of an eye.

The six-handed demon had already predicted Zhong Ye's attack and crossed six weapons in front of him, but it never expected that Zhong Ye's attack would be so violent.

In an instant, the weapon held by the six-handed demon broke with a bang, and then, Zhong Ye's spear pierced its torso and passed out from behind it.

After bumping into the six-handed demon, Zhong Ye's forward momentum has not stopped, and he continued to charge forward against the demon.

After running two or three more steps, and crossing tens of meters, Zhong Ye stamped his feet, grasped the barrel of the gun with both hands, turned his body, and the spear bent accordingly.

At this time, his other foot smashed into the ground, strangled his footsteps abruptly, and fixed his body in place.

The remaining kinetic energy surged through the arms and poured into the spear, and the barrel continued to bend.

Affected by inertia, the six-handed demon's body 'slowly' slid towards the gun head.

It had a ferocious face, and stretched out six hands, trying to grab Zhong Ye or the barrel of the gun, but the barrel of the gun was made of steel, its blood flowed on it, and when the palm grabbed it, it naturally slipped.

The arms were not long enough to hold onto Zhong Ye's body, and the barrel of the gun slipped again, making it impossible for the Six-Handed Demon to grab anything.


The six-handed demon was thrown out, and in just a moment, the powerful kinetic energy accelerated its body to the speed of sound, the sound barrier was broken again, and a shock wave erupted.

In the distance, the giant king had already made preparations, and suddenly swung the huge sword wider than the door panel, and the flying monster hit the sword surface with a bang, and all the bones in his body suddenly shattered.

However, the next moment it was kicked out like a baseball.

Seeing this, people in reality waved their arms excitedly and shouted in unison:

"A home run!!!"

Above the sky, the warlock who relied on the void to control the sky had already used the wall of the building next to him to gather into a huge fist.

I saw him swinging out his clenched arm, a huge stone fist was launched, and fell from the sky, colliding head-on with the body of the big demon.

The six-handed demon watched Shiquan face to face, but he couldn't do anything!
It wanted to roar unwillingly, but at this time its speed far exceeded the sound.

Before the throat could tremble, the stone fist collided with the big demon, and then——


The big demon's body was like a bubble, its power was transmitted from the inside to the outside, it exploded with a bang, turned into blood and fragments stuck to the surface of the stone fist, and flowed to the edge under the push of the atmosphere.

A trace of blood flowed to the edge of the stone fist, and was immediately pulled by the strong wind, turning into blood lines and drawing marks on the side of the stone fist.

Immediately afterwards, the stone fist slammed into the ground, smashing into the demon army that had once again formed a large scale.

When the fist touched the ground, after a moment of silence, a shock wave surged from the ground and spread loudly!

In just an instant, the ground of several surrounding streets trembled, and the tall buildings on both sides of the street collapsed immediately!

--boom!boom! !boom! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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