Soul echo

Chapter 638 [Propaganda]

Chapter 638 [Propaganda]
"No...monitoring?" Qi Jingshu murmured in a low voice, repeating that sentence again.

【Yes, we didn't find the surveillance on the street where Zhong Ye had an accident, and that period of time. It seems that the surveillance has been completely erased from this world. Someone must be deliberately concealing something! 】One person in the video conference believed.

Although this cannot actually prove that Zhong Ye is not dead, the situation is definitely not what Mirage Company said at the press conference.

Qi Jingshu didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment—surprised?joy?Still excited?
None of these adjectives can describe her full mood at this time. Now she feels that her mind is in a mess and she can't say a word.

After a moment of silence, Qi Jingshu recovered from the complex emotions of surprise.

"However, you still didn't say why you need me." Qi Jingshu raised her head and looked at the display screen, "If you just want to know about Zhong Ye, you don't need to go through me at all, do you?"

[Because we need to 'rescue' Zhong Ye - if he is not dead yet. 】

At this time, the ghost spoke: [Whether it is based on the information we collected before or the performance of that Zhong Ye in the game, it can be seen that he is a cautious and rational person, and it is impossible for him to believe us just because of a few words. So at this time, you can play a role. 】

[Because of his prudence and reason, he may not believe everything you say. After all, you may be deceived by us, but as long as you can let him escape with us, that's enough! 】

After hearing what the ghost said, Qi Jingshu couldn't help asking: "Why do you need Zhong Ye?"

Although Zhong Ye was formidable, a human being with a mortal body would definitely not be able to defeat guns.

She really didn't understand why these people needed Zhong Ye.

"First of all, Zhong Ye can tell us what happened that day." The young black man drove the wheelchair, came to the dining table, picked up a plate of puffs, and put them into his mouth.

While chewing, he said: "Secondly, we have many plans, and we all need an executor. Unfortunately, those of us are not strong in combat. Even if we can get power armor, it is impossible to execute those 'crazy' ' plan, but if it is Zhong Ye, he can.

"Two years ago, he used his mortal body to defeat the 'world boxing champion' of our confederation with a prosthetic body level of 60.00%. However, this incident was not widely reported, and we are also collecting information about Zhong Ye. It was discovered at that time.

"At the same time, we also found that Zhong Ye's performance in the shooting hall is far beyond ordinary people, and he is not only familiar with firearms, but has also been trained in power armor. As long as he can accumulate enough experience, he can become an individual soldier on Earth. The strongest man, which fits the standard of 'executor' we expect."

The young black handed out the plate to Qi Jingshu, but she shook her head, expressing that she was not in the mood right now.

[You know, even in this era—or because it is because of this era—there are many places that only have local area networks, and even only use paper documents for records. We can’t hack into that kind of place, Therefore, other means are required. 】

After listening to their words, Qi Jingshu remained silent.

Not to mention Zhong Ye, even she was doubting what these people said, because it was so ridiculous!
Even if the logic is self-consistent, who knows how many truths and how many lies they said?

"...I don't trust you guys." Qi Jingshu took a deep breath, "I won't accept your help!"

【casual. 】

The projection of the ghost shrugged, [After all, our country has been trying to drag Huaxia into the water, it is normal for you to be wary of us, you can leave at any time, we will not stop you, but I hope, you don't put Our existence speaks out. 】

[Although we also know that our existence has long been exposed to the eyes of many people, we have always hidden ourselves very well. You are the first outsider to know our true identity. 】

[However, I believe that you will not tell us about our existence. After all, we may rescue Zhong Ye. 】

——Qi Jingshu didn't know how she got out of that building.

Many doubts bothered her and plunged her into deep contradictions.

Ghost is right. Although she doesn't trust them, she will not choose to reveal their existence, because they may 'rescue' Zhong Ye...Qi Jingshu doesn't know whether their actions can be called for 'rescue'.

After walking out of the building, Qi Jingshu suddenly turned her head and looked at the building behind her. She felt a burst of fear, and her back was soaked in cold sweat.

She didn't know what was going on, but she came here by accident, and even accepted the other party's invitation to enter the other party's base camp.

If the other party is really a bad person, wouldn't she have to explain it here?

Pursing her lips tightly and taking a few deep breaths, Qi Jingshu was just about to leave when a message popped up on the information panel of the mask.

——【Using the most advanced technology, a fully real-life "Soul Echo" promotional video→Click to view]

The sender is 'Phantom Company', but how could it be now...


A scream suddenly sounded, and Qi Jingshu turned her head to look in fright.

Then, she saw a deep purple light split in the air, forming a gap suspended above the ground, and a huge demon was coming out of the gap.

The moment she saw the demon, Qi Jingshu was stunned.

It has a pair of slender legs, the feet are sheep's hooves, and has no obvious sexual characteristics. Its skin is purple-pink, and its head is as slender as a bird, but it has no beak, and its mouth is narrow, with a tubular tongue coming from it. Stretch out, swing wantonly in the air.

Three pairs of slender eyes are symmetrically distributed on both sides of the narrow face. There is no hair, but there are braids like nerve bundles hanging behind.

It doesn't have any cloth on its body, nor does it have any cover, so its body is completely exposed to the air.

The demon didn't look very tall, only about two meters, but just standing there brought extreme fear to the people around him.

At this moment, a car sped past on the road, and it could be seen that the driver was already trying to control the speed of the car. The scream Qi Jingshu heard was from him, but unfortunately, the speed of the car was not enough. How much lower.

However, the car went straight through the gap between the demon and it, without any actual collision.

Seeing this scene, Qi Jingshu thought of the message she just received.

So, this is Phantom's propaganda?

——Jingzhou is ahead!

Discovering this, Lilian's spirit was lifted.

The time when she went was different from the time when she came back. Not many players knew her walking route or where her destination was when she went. There was no way to ambush her, but her return route was clear.

Therefore, some players moved their minds.

Before leaving Yan's house, Lilian also tested the power of the gun, and the result was obvious.

This is an extraordinary weapon, worth a fortune!
Players can't do anything to the aborigines at will, but the system does not limit the battle between players.

During the journey back to Jingzhou from Wuling, Lilian encountered five fights, one was a robber she did not meet when she went to Wuling, and the other four were attempts to snatch the gun and the storage bracelet in her hand player.

However, they still underestimated Lilian. As Zhong Ye's direct disciple, although she only learned part of swordsmanship and close combat, Lilian's strength was not to mention fighting against their players who had no strength or skill. Fighting with the aborigines who are close to the extraordinary can also be beaten by a dozen.

Even if those players try to ambush and siege, they are not Lilian's opponents.


When the heel touched the horse's belly, Lilian let out a clear cry and galloped the horse.

Suddenly, a rope protruded from the ground in front of him and stopped the horse's chest.

The horse was restrained and let out a scream, but Lilian made a quick move, and the light sword suddenly came out of its sheath, cutting off the rope.

The two people who were pulling the rope felt that the strength in their hands suddenly disappeared. Before they had time to react, their bodies were pushed to the ground by the force and rolled backwards.

At this time, Lilian took out a thick leather from the bracelet, shook the leather cloth, and covered herself and the horse.

The arrows shot from around pierced the thick skin, but that was all, and failed to penetrate the thick skin at all.

But seeing Lilian rolled it up with one hand, she put away the thick skin and stuffed it back into the bracelet.

She turned around and made a face backwards, then let out a clear laugh, and galloped towards Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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